Everything posted by DatsunZGuy
Santa Barbara Vacation - What to do and see suggestions solicited.
As xxjoeyxxeb mentioned, Santa Inez has the Chumash Casino. Even if you don’t gamble, and you like seafood, the buffet every Wednesday is a good deal. It’s the only place I know of in the area where you can feed yourself until you burst eating lobster tails! The trick is to get there about 30 minutes before the buffet opens or hit it around 4:30 PM after the first wave of people get their fill, and before the after work crowd hits. Oh yeah, the casino is just a few minutes from Solvang too. http://www.chumashcasino.com/dining/buffet/seafoodbuffet.cfm Speaking of food, Chef Karim’s Moroccan Restaurant, Downtown, is an awesome dining experience! http://chefkarim.com/ Another nearby attraction of sorts is Vandenberg Air Force Base. I work there during the week, and I believe they still have public tours of the base and museum on a couple of Wednesdays a month. http://www.vandenberg.af.mil/ If you want to venture further north, there is always http://www.hearstcastle.com/ and catching the San Luis Obispo Farmers’ Market on Thursday nights http://www.downtownslo.com/farmers.html
- My vanity plate
Interest in Master Vac Decal Reproduction?
Count me in for a couple :cheeky:
sandblasting concerns??
Intense sandblasting with the wrong media can result in excessive friction/heat, which will warp metal if you are not careful. I can see where too much may effect the metal's properties.
- Old Photo - Green '73
Old Photo - My 240z and Dad's BMW 3.0 CS
original oil pan color
42,000 original miles, mfg 12/71.
Z car on history int today
On Saturday, April 15th, I get to watch Dream Car Garage on SpeedTV at 6:30 AM, and then change the channel and watch the Z car special on the History Channel at 7:00 AM. I'll be in my PJ's eating a big bowl of Count Chocula with a smile on my face
No More Audi for you........
give me a couple of tubes of JB Weld and I’ll have that Audi back on the road in no time. Seriously…I can only assume by the looks of things the operator of this car is now driving on that big Nurinburgring in the sky.
'72 240Z Door Jamb Hole
Anybody know a good plater?
http://www.restoration-specialties.net/Plating.htm "We can restore all your hardware. Nuts, bolts, brackets, spacers, everything. If you want the original finish for your project, we can help. No order is too small. Remember, return shipping is on us. Ask about special pricing for www.zcar.com,www.classiczcars.com,www.67-72chevytrucks.com, and www.myoldtruck.com members. We will also extend pricing to any forum member of any internet resource."
Nice 240Z in VA
Has anyone inspected this car up close and can attest to its condition? http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/6/3/82878963.htm In a sea of red, orange and silvers cars with black interiors, this blue/blue example looks like a gem The Panasport wheels and passenger mirror are nice subtle touches to an otherwise stock looking car. I hope someone will chime in and say the car isn’t worth it, so I can quit dreaming and get to the job at hand: restoring the orange ’72 I already own. I need another car like a hole in my head. :stupid:
More important than my Z's
I am so sorry to hear about Sam. Having lost my Bulldog, Tibbs, and wife’s Pomeranian, Chelsea, within the span of six months was really tough to take. Since my wife and I decided not to have any children, our pets have assumed that role in our household. Best wish to you and Sam as go through this difficult period.
Anybody here on the Central CA Coast?
If so, that would be Steve's (a.k.a. Zvoiture) car.
MSA show 2006
Hi Raz1 - Here you go... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=152002&postcount=14
Wife assist
MSA show 2006
But I'll just drive down and spend the day.
Interesting 240Z Listing on Ebay
for the Best Pose with a Z Car Contest! http://www.classiczcars.com/modules.php?name=News&file=showarticle&threadid=20466
my other toys: why i'm not making much progress on my Z
Although not as $$$ as your toys, I too have a couple of other vehicles that take up my time. That said, I did put the battery back in my Z and let it run for 30 minutes today.
Painting Springs-Quick question
I have used this stuff for years to cover tool handles and restore spark plug jackets. It comes in an aerosol spray in a variety of colors. http://www.plastidip.com/
240z sells for $29,000
If so, thank goodness it has changed hands.:tapemouth
Inspection Lid bumpers & rubbers ???
90% of the paint on my car is original. I did discover some overspray on the rubber under the drivers door handle, which makes be believe the door was touched up. Overall the paint is in great shape due to the low mileage and always being garaged. However, there a lot of dings on the body from being abused by other cars and being bumped into while it sat in the garage:cry:
Inspection Lid bumpers & rubbers ???
I think I'm old enough, but don't ever recall ever watching that cartoon. I moved to Lompoc via Colorado back in '93 (Air Force), so I'm not a native of the 'poc. I actually grew up in Hawaii.:classic:
Inspection Lid bumpers & rubbers ???
There's a guy in my area that has a mobile auto detailing business. I saw him one day at a local parking lot detailing some cars and took down his phone number. I called him a few months later and scheduled a home visit. I put my Z on jackstands, removed the wheels and he spent the better part of an hour and a half steam pressure washing my engine bay, wheel wells and undercarriage. I recall paying him about $70.00 for this labor. He was using something like this: Nice toy to have for all kinds of cleaning jobs
Inspection Lid bumpers & rubbers ???
I tooks this shot before I had the engine steam cleaned. I circled my inspection bumper locations in yellow. I believe the placement is correct...given the car hasn't been repainted (yet).