Everything posted by geosecor
will 1973 dual carb setup work on 280z?
I saw them in person on a new arrival to my local junkyard (1973 240z) and thought it would be easier than the computer-run injection crap I have deal with every car I have had (1975-1978) but I think I may hold out for a better setup, i had heard in 1973 they did more smog friendly changes to carb but didnt know they were so much of a headache..I will check to see if they are flattops or roundtops, but will probably steer clear. thanks for input!
will 1973 dual carb setup work on 280z?
Is $90.00 a good price for a complete dual carb & intake setup (conditon unknown) off a 1973 240z and would it work on one of my 280Z years 1976 & 1978 if I did away with injection system.
I put a 1977 motor in a 1978 280z
yikes!!!! Just figured out car I got donor motor from has 91K miles, gotta assume that is 192K miles, guess it is time for a rings-job- good thing I got a running donor for less than $200.00!!!! got a nice 5 speed and good clutch out of it anyway. oh well- also found a bad air temp sensor which is making AFM sluggish to react to throttle response. thanks
I put a 1977 motor in a 1978 280z
Well, regardless of tuneups and ring jobs, I'd still like to know the exact differences between a '77 & '78 under the hood other than the fuel relay being moved in the 1978 model.
No High Beams
my car did the reverse, high beams worked but no low beams....replacing the switch made it all btter, Ebay saved the day again.....geo
I put a 1977 motor in a 1978 280z
I dont think there is oil fouling going on here, just too much fuel or not enuf air I'd say. Will change out the thermotine sw. and water temp switch tomorrow, over 100K miles on replacement motor for sure, but alot of life left I believe. geosecor
My datsun dosent like me
there is a fuel pump relay under driver dash, someone probably wired your pump hot to ignition. That is a common fix for these cars. If your plugs are fouling w/ carbon, look into AFM, it maybe choking car of air, making mixturetoo strong. Remove hose btween AFM and throttle valve, the car willstill run but it will sound lke a vacuum leak, if it runs better, buy yourself a new AFM, I am on #3 of these already. geo
I put a 1977 motor in a 1978 280z
I recently dropped a good running 1977 280z motor and trans. package into my 1978 280z and now have all 6 sparkplugs carbon fouling as soon as motor warms up. I have noticed the AFM has 2 less wires in connector on my '78. My '78 does not have the 2 green wires that go to fuel pump relay. I wired my fuel pump to igniton, so it is hot when key is on. What other differences are there between the '77 and '78 models fuel injection wise that would make the '77 motor run like crap, I have tried swapping computers, AFM's, throttle switches, and distributors to no avail.....also unplugged thermotine sw. air regulator, and water temp sw. and still have a ton of carbon coming out exhaust... geosecor