car keeps running, stupid electrical problem
It sounds like you have jumped one section of your ignition switch. You still use to ignition to start the car because that part of the switch is working fine. Try starting the car with the headlights on, do they go out like they should? I'm willing to bet they dont. You have to have the cutoff switch off to shut off the car because it is the only switch in the main line now. I'd say go back and recheck your wiring. I wish I could help you more, but I dont have a schematic in front of me right now.
fuel gauge
I had the tank out of the car for other reasons. I believe its possible to get at it while its in the car - you might have to just lower it a little bit. This is just a guess because I did have the tank out.
fuel gauge
The fuel sending unit works like a variable resistor. It changes the resistance on the ground side of the guage circuit. The black wire is a ground, and the other one comes from the guage. You can test the operation of the unit by measuring resistance across the two posts. Mine was not working, I took it out and cleaned it with contact cleaner - it works great now. I hope that helps a little bit. Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, the black wire went on the bottom post - but i dont know if it really matters.
turn signal dont work
Fairlday, I had that same problem not too long ago. Simply cleaning my connections and switch fixed it right up. If the connections are poor, there may be enough power to actuate the flasher when you headlights are off, but when they are on, your headlights might draw just enought to push it under the limit so they wont work. Now after saying that - it could also be that your relay is on its way out. I'd say to clean your connections and switch first, and if that fails to spend a couple bucks on a new relay.
240z rear end clunk - differential?
Just for some clarification, how much play is normal in the diff. With my rear wheels on the ground, how far should I be able to turn to the drive shaft? or should I be able to?
turn signal dont work
As far as 'not working'. Do the lights not come on at all, or do they come on and not flash. If they dont come on at all, you have a bad connection somewhere. If they just dont flash, you need a new relay. They cost like $5 at Canadian Tire, and are pretty easy to come by.
Tranny Noise
Ok, Its been a while but I have a quick update to the situation. The noise only occurs in 1st and 2nd. I drained the oil and there were a bunch of filing (i wasnt too worried about that) and a piece of metal (alluminum I think) about a centimeter long. So im guessing I have a bearing gone. I guess I'll find out for sure once I pull it out and take a look at the internals.
E31 head question
Are there oil passages in the cam? If so then it has probably been set up to be internally oiled. Someone else could probably give you more information on that. I still run the oil bar
280z mods vs 350z stock
I think he is looking for, same driver lapping in both cars. Say like if you gave the cars to The Stig from Top Gear. Which one would get around the track the quickest. I am also interested in this.
Fuel Sending Unit Picture... Please?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could post me a picture of the proper connector for the fuel sending unit. The previous owner had some thing hacked together that failed pretty quickly. I was looking at CT today and couldnt see anything that seemed to fit it right. Thanks Adam
Tranny Noise
Would this cause the sound only on deceleration? It seems to me like that sound would always be present (when the clutch is engaged) Thanks, for the ideas, and keep them coming please. I might get a chance to change the oil tomorrow, I'll post how it works out.
Tranny Noise
Nice, that gives me a little optimisim for when I get that done early this week. Hopefully its not bearings, but that wouldnt be too big of a deal to do.
Tranny Noise
So I had my 71 240 out for a little drive today. I have an early 5 speed. It makes an awful grinding sound while decelerating unless I disengage the clutch. I check the oil, and it was a little low, but not terrible. I'm planing on changing it out for some synthetic. Any thoughts as to what could be causing this sound. Thanks,
Jb Weld!!!
A bit off topic, but has everyone owend a buick?
What would you take...
jackwarnock, I know exactly what your saying. My good friend drives his '69 VW halfway across canada a couple times each year, and usually only carries simple tools and a spare tire. I guess when dont drive these cars regularly for long distances, you get a bit paranoid when you finally do. I guess though, they wont be the ones stuck on the side of the road praying that they can get their car going again....