Everything posted by Mckrack
Sad to see all these beautiful Z's rustin away
I have heard of a fellow who has a rusted out piece of junk. But he is restoring it and I am sure it will great when he is done with it. $70,000.00 later. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
That's true you know. Steve shouldn't judge he should just particpate.
NOS Z car ski rack on Ebay
Many people drive their Z cars to Ski Resorts to go sking. Haven't you seen them. They are all over the place. Mostly on the side of the road skidded in toa snow bank.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
Well! You don't have to get huffy about it Stevey.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
I can tell ya that Mike had a good idea. If the topic went off the subject as the Admin he has the right to add his own topic there Steve don't ya think if you give it some time to think about. And a damn good thread he started. Join in the fun there Steve the water isn't that cold. Don't make it that way.
Rare Nismo Tach?
Hey Darn glad to see ya. Tell us what it might be.
Rare Nismo Tach?
There's a guy in Florida that knows more about 240z cars then any one I think in the Country. I think some of you including 26 learned much of what they know from him. His name is Bob Fredericks and I think he is somewhere near Orlando or points north. If you can get a hold of him he will probably know. I have been told he has the finest collection of Z cars in the world and he is considered the preeminent expert on Z Cars in the United States. Suppose to be a great guy.
Is someone manufacturing new 240Z radio face plates?
I emailed the guy and he doesn't have any.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
Don't like any of them. The Datsun 240z came with a factory mirror that suits the design of the car. Why change them? Just don't get it.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
Yes I do like the car Bad Dog. I just think the mirrors don't go with the car but then if you asked me about the wheels I would say the same thing. To each his own. If it was my car and of course it isn't I would turn the tires around so the lettering is on the inside and put the original hubcaps back on. Now I know this isn't the point of your thread that is the wheels but I am a purist at heart. The original mirros are a pain in the neck I must admit and they are hard to use but they look right in my judgement. Now the stripe I like and years ago many 240zs had stripes on them. Black and white do kudos for your choice there my man, makes the car look great.
Sal No Longer with MSA
I knew about this for over a month. I don't think there will be any loss at all with him gone. Quite frankly when I had issues with product that they got wrong and I needed to speak with him about it I rarely ever got a call back and couldn't get him on the phone. His position there was as a manager type and I believe they will do better with out him. Yeah he was at the shows but basically just to sell things. I didn't see all that much support. Actually I think they have a problem with the National show since they have their own. No big loss and you know everyone is replaceable. I don't know about Abraham I kinda think Aaron should have taken over.
To buy a Scarab or not to buy a Scarab?
I have read the other points of view and I must say that you may have changed my mind a bit. I see that you mentioned Motion Cars and my friend owns an original Chevy Motion car maybe one of 5 left and it is worth well over 1/2 million dollars. I will do my due dilligence about original Scarabs.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't there aversion of those mirrors on the original Fairlady up on the fenders. Oh and BTW it was 1971, try to find anyone back then that didn't at least smoke a reefer or two.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
I must say I like the mirrors up on the fenders but I would never put them there on my car. I love my car. When I look at it it reminds me of days gone by. Memories flood back in. Where I was what I was doing who I was with, how much pot I was smoking. Great era, great time. Billet Mirrors would ruin the whole thing for me.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
I was taught an early age that honesty is the best policy. I was also taught that you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. Buy you did ask " wudya think " So I must tell you. I like your car and i don't like the mirror at all. I think you should remove it. Hope I didn't ruin it for you. Just my opinion.
Sad to see all these beautiful Z's rustin away
There's nothing to be sad about. You buy a car you cut the rust out and then you have a rust free car. In the process you have saved another Z car from the grips of the junk yard. It's a machine and like machines as opposed to us they can go on forever if you replace and you take care. With the human being no matter what you do eventually the grim reeper comes knocking at the door. That's why they make floor pans and fenders and quarters and dog legs and rocker panels and why there are internet auction sites. You can pretty much take any rusted out Z car and transform it back pretty close. I would be more concerned about people who rust away and we can't do a damn thing about it.
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
I like it. It sets the engine compartment a part.
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
Now that's a picture Arne. Thank you.
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
Very Interesting, your comments. Now I would hope that any early car over the years would have had tune ups. If they were done years ago at an authorized Datsun Dealer and the replacement cap was used then it might be as valuable as the cap that came on the car from the factory. You said the early cars had black caps and the later ones dull green. I consider that however some what ambiguous for you then go on to say the replacement cap was dull green. What actually are you saying. The way I read your response is that the early cars had black then the newer maybe 70s and 71s had green but then if you parted the original cap out no matter when you got green. Could you be more specific. You see if my uncle wore a dress he might be my aunt. PHEW
question about Z-car purchase
It depends on who you are asking and what the purpose of the restoration is. It is not my intention to " rain on your parade " however I vote a resounding and passionate NO!. Do not purchase this car. I wouldn't take it if it was free. You may be in for a real long nightmare. It seems to me that because the car is $300.00 that it's a good buy. But if you restore it properly then it will cost you upwards of $50,000.00. Even though some of the folks here would disagree. To restore one of these cars properly it can even cost up to 75 grand. Then when you get in to it if the car doesn't have any rust whatsoever I would be shocked. Are you prepared to lets say spend have that much to restore the car. I don't know your finances and it would presumptuos and rude to ask but may I presume you might not want to spend 25 grand long term. My suggestion: Try to find a reasonably early 240z. However my suggestion I suppose is coming from someone who cherishes that model over the 260s and 280s. Good luck in your quest.
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
Unfortunately the Thumbnail picture is not clear. some how there must be a more definitive answer. Vin or dates of manufacture. As for the thumbnail picture from the brochure I suppose that this was a car they forgot to put the air filter housing stickers on or am I seeing something you arent. If in fact that is the 1970 brochure does it not seem strange that those stickers are missing. Could that have been an oversight by Nissan when the vehicle was professionally photographed. Or just not the 70 brochure you reference. Or some other mishap. I have queried this issue with others off the board and some have told me that the cap was actually the color of the block. That is the earliest cars in the series one line. However I thought that some one here would know more then the guys I initially asked. Maybe Mr. Beck knows more about this or even a fellow that I have heard of by the name of Bob Fredericks in Jacksonville Florida. Guys if you see this chime in if you would.
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
Actually is it possible that gray/green color faded over time. I was under the impression it was close to the color of the engine block. But I wanted to confirm it with you guys.
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
Thanks Fellas
Question Regarding Distributor Cap
Simply put, does any one know the original and correct color of the distributor cap in a series one Datsun 240z out of the factory. Thanks
"Rear Bumper End Filler"?
Came stock on the Fairladys only.