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Everything posted by Mckrack

  1. I bought one from http://www.zbarn.com/ it's the original with the outer caps. I think he has more. Maybe you should try emailing them. It works well.
  2. Mckrack replied to Diseazd's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You may want to contact Carl Beck for some help on that as well. Try Beck@ Becksystems.com He might have more info then Wenzell. I think the pics that Chris posted may be from his website. Good Luck you do great work.
  3. Wow that is absolutely awesome. At first prior to reading the beginning of the thread I though Wenzell took those pictures because I know some people that tell me he is a terrific photograper. Those pictures are incredible and they prove one thing other then your talent and that is the beauty of the 240z. I wish you could take some shots of my car. You should think of producing a calendar and selling it. I would certainly buy one or 10. Great job.
  4. Mckrack replied to Spridal's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Nice car
  5. Wenzell, Oh you didn't take it but you modified it. Great job it's beautiful.
  6. Wenzell, I am an honest fellow and I will tell you that is a beautiful picture. You said you took it correct? That is a professional shot. Maybe you can take some pictures of my car at Daytona if you are coming. I would be willing to pay you for your services. I think you may have missed your calling.
  7. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It is better to admit a mistake then to keep insisting you are right. However I could have sworn I saw those gauges on that commercial. I'm wondering if that car comes with a 3 gauge option.
  8. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    No need to get so huffy Alan T. All I asked was for a little History about the French and since you live in Europe you could help us all out. As for recommending banning me forever that's not really a very nice thing to do is it Alan? What's got in to you my friend? I knew sometime during this thread someone was going to dispell my 3 gauge comment I commend you whole heartedly for correcting me. However even though there are no gauges that dash looks a whole lot like the 350z dash I had. The humps on top of the vents. Why would they be there. So they took the dash and took out the guages and put in vents. Very ingenious. One thing though if someone can tell me why three vents. Is there a bench seat in the car so that the driver and the two other passengers can control their own vents. This is a classic way of cheaping out while still using the same parts. I bet though that most folks that buy or lease the car won't know because they don't know the 350Z. Since now I am in fear that Alan from England wants to ban me I better shut up. I'm sorry if I offended you Alan I will try not to do it again because I value your knowledge and expertise and I wouldn't want to wizz in your wall.
  9. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yes I must correct myself. It was WW1 not 11 that was the Big One. I was actually thinking I was wrong when I was writing it but what the hell sue me. Now Will, I wasn't told that about the 240z and 350z I had a 350z and it actually reminded me just a little of my 240z a real little. The three gauges the stark interior. Someone said something about the altima and air vents. I saw an add on TV and they sure looked like gauges to me. Regarding the French and there has to be an influence their becuse of the CEO and Renault, I ask again has any one here ever been there. I have and they aint to nice to Americans. I don't know what the reference about the shark means. Maybe we need Mr. Becks opinion on all of this or maybe the Englishman Alan. I am sure they must have some opinions about all of this. Maybe Alan can give a more detailed History on the French. lololol I am so sorry I offended anyone from France since Eva Longoria and Tony Parker just got married. You know them the priviliged ones. But they don't own Datsun 240, 260,280 and 300 Z cars. So you know what we are a club and we have it over anyone that doesn't own these cars. Were the chosen few that have taste. Real honest to goodness taste in cars. The Z car the most beautiful sports car ever built and Nissan doesn't even know or care. AMEN
  10. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You make some good points Jon but you know the Celica didn't change the History of a company and it surely was not nearly as influential in Automotive History then our cars. As for Geezers post that's very funny. I almost fell of the back of my chair.
  11. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    What can I tell you fellas I have my opinions asyou do yours. Don't drink the bleach though you can end your life doing that. I will not and I have never been politically correct and I won't start now. That's what makes horse racing. BTW have any of you good folks ever been to France. I was there last summer for the first time and I must tell you they are not so nice to us over there. I am sure you must have heard that before. But getting back to the Z car Stephen I agree and they should change their attitude towhat got them there.
  12. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Let me clear up some misconceptions if I may. First off the Battle of Yorktown pales in comparison to the Big War where the French did nothing to save themselves from the dreaded Third Reich and Adolph Hitler. Secondly I don't know what " consider the source " means but I have a fair idea that I may have been disrespected . Thirdly if yiu haven't figured out that most of the stuff I wrote on this thread is tongue and cheek and kidding then you need to read it again. Now I am serious about Nissan's attempt to disrespect us by not making OEM parts readily available to us. This is the same Company that admitted throughout the years that it was our cars that made the Company what it is today. This is the same Company that hasn't supported us. When the 350z was being designed they asked for opinions and then set out to chop up a Q45 Coupe. This is the same Company that is presided over by a Frenchman who has Nissan decompensating once again. His time has come and gone and I think that he should just run Renealt or however you spell it and get in some new blood there. Maybe some one from Porsche. I understand that we are a small segment of the Classic Car Market or so it may seem to them but someone has to know how many of our cars are still on the road or in the garage. Ithought I saw a figure of 18,000 cars somewhere. I also know the American Classic Car Market is huge and if you can't get the parts for those cars from the manufacturere there are a ton of vendors that have them or reproduce them. Unless yiu live in Japan it's very didfficult to get the rarer parts for our cars. When are we going to admit that this Company does not support us at the level we deserve.
  13. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yes and the Nissan Quest is the same car as the Mercury whatever the hell they called it. So yes I am right all along. Conspiracy. They are evil and they must fail and fail they will. When that's accomplished then we will have the only cars that company manufactured that are worth anything. The rest garbage. They know it too, it was a calculated destruction of a car company done by the French. The same people that wouldn't help us in Iraq and the same people that couldn't even defend themselves in the Big War so we had to save their pansy asses. See how it all comes together. You think I am joking well I'm not and if you don't get it then you will be the ones to suffer at the hands of these people. The first thin they did was to prevent us from getting parts because they decided not export them in to the U.S. but if you live in Japan you can still get many of them. They wanted to limit our access to the essentials to keep our cars on the roads of America. So what do we do we have web sites talking about how and where we can find OEM parts. This is all a plot to market their new crap. Supply and demand. That's it. The more we talk about it and the more we talk about them the more they think they can pawn off their clones to us. I will not be tricked and I suggest you should not be tricked too. This is serious business. Laugh abaout it all you want but when was the last time you tried to get a rare part fpr your car and you cpouldn't get it here but in Japan it's readily available.Think about it.
  14. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You know you may be on to something here. I have heard that the Aliens use a sort of grayish textured paint for the outside of their ships. I just haven't figured out how they get the things in an OSHA approved paint box. I bet they have one of Alan's pre 69 240z cars in the collection and used the rear panel on that car to match the color of the outside of the space ships. Or maybe the French guy found one sitting in the warehouse in Tennessee and sent it to them as a sample. Probably that since we can't get $^!# from Nissan for our cars and have to go to all kinds of other vendors to find parts. As I said they can go to hell. If it wasn't for the 240z and others there wouldn't be a Nissan today.
  15. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
  16. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yes and yes. They wouldn't even be around if it weren't for us saving their asses in WW11. Now that Frenchman can take his ball and go home. Yes for sure I have always considered my Z a work of art and one of the design rationals for that decision is the 3 gauge design and now it's in the Altima. I feel like puking. Dirty bastards.
  17. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The thing that bugs me the most is the theft of the three gauge design. They didn't even have the ability to design the dash differently. The car is a piece of $^!#. Yes they have neglected the car that got them there and that is our cars. I will even put the 350z in that same class. Now the Company will fall and fall hard. I for one don't give a crap if they go out of business. All their cars now are clones of themselves. Plus the French guy has to go and he can thake Reneault or how ever you spell the damn anti American French don't want to help our Country in the Middle East ***** car with him.
  18. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Trust me when I tell you there is more to this then meets the eye. Maybe a communist plot with Fidel Castro and Chavez. The three gauge design stolen from our cars may be lenses that are watching us. Maybe maybe not but we have to be careful. What about thet other thing they sell with the guy from the Soap Operas advertising it like a drug from a Pharmaceutical Company. Don't be fooled friends there are messages being sent that you don't even know exist until it's too later and you are being sucked in to their game. Be careful the next car you buy from them may be watching your every move and reporting back to their mother ship. BTW has any body figured out the correct color of the rear finishing panel?
  19. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It's the beginning of the end. Hide your cars and don't look them in their eyes. If they ask you if you have a Z car tell them no. If they ask to see your Z car tell them you don't have one. Keep your cars away from them and don't whatever you do answer the phone if they call or answer the door if they ring the bell. If you go to Daytona stay away from them and if they ask you to take a look at their new cars just tell them you have a prior engagement and get the hell out of there before they get their clutches on you. If that happens you are doomed. They are talking about us behind our backs and they are plotting to use our cars to design their next atrocity. Be careful they are right around the corner and they are disguised as some that you might know here. I am not kidding. You may think I am but trust me when I tell you that they are hell bent on disrupting and destroying our enjoyment for their jollies. Be careful they are out to destroy you. It's a Nissan plot and I don't want to have to tell you I told you so.
  20. Mckrack replied to Mckrack's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If you look at the interior of the car you will find the same 3 gauge dashboard pod that memorialized our cars. This is not right. Something is going on at Nissan and I want to get to the bottom of this. How could they take those gauges put them on the dashboard of a car that does not have the Z name attached to it. They have summarily stolen from the Z car name what has defined our cars for a generation or more. Now they have an Altima disguised as a 350z. What's next. Will they change the name to the Altima Z or the Z Altima. Don't you people understand they are slowly liquidating our cars to the proverbial garbage dump of History by using a design that has been in our cars since at least 1969. First they decided to take the Q45 Coupe and chop it up and call it a 350z. Now they have taken the Altima and morphed it in to a 350z. What's next will they be using the dash board of the 350z and use in the Sentra or what ever else the hell they make and can't sell. Keep your 240z, 260z, 280z 280ZX and 300zx's and hide them from Nissan they don't deserve to use our cars another moment to sell their crap. Like they did with the Vintage Program to sell the 350z. Nissan is Evil and they are coming to get us they are coming to destroy our hobby and us. McKrack
  21. Mckrack posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I Have Just Seen A Commercial For The All New Nissan Altima Coupe. What The Hell Is That May I Ask? It Looks Like A 350z And The Interior Is Much Like The 350z And The Dash Board Has The Three Round Gauges Like Our Cars And The 350z. Is Nissan Ending The Short Lived 350z Or Bringing To Market The Upgraded More Powerful 350z That Looks Like The All New Nissan Altima Coupe Or Are They Finally Listening To Us And Getting Rid Of The 350z And Developing An All New 240z They Way TheY Should Have In The First Place. Although I Owned A 350z And I Like It A Lot I Would Have Preferred The Original Design. I Think They Are Rapidly Decompensating.
  22. I prefer none.
  23. Mckrack replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey Will, You have a very good memory. Yes there were new floor pans installed but not Charlie's or OEM. Yes and there was some flex in the drivers side that was fixed by the shop by the process someone recommended here . No more flex. So what I meant was if I was interested in a 69 car and it needed pans then invariably it would have needed other sheet metal and I wasn't interested in doing that kind of resto project.
  24. Mckrack replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Oh yes and one other thing. After all the time and all the effort and all the reading and all the talking to people about 240z cars I still painted the timing chain cover the color of the block and not the correct color and I realized this after the engine compartment was completely refinished and the engine and tranny and everything else was reinstalled and back in the car. lolol So as hard as I worked on the car with the help of a lot of people to get to as close to the original condition I could, I still screwed up and now if I want to paint the cover I have additional work to do that I think quite frankly I am not going to do and I am going to " call it a day ". Unless some one wants to do it for me . I'm tired!
  25. Mckrack replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Geezer, Thanks for the advice I appreciate it but at this time I am not on a 69 car hunt. About 3 months ago I completed a year long restoration of my 71 series one car and it's complete. I found everything I needed for the car and I mean everything. It took a lot of days and nights searching all over the Country and Japan for parts. I didn't need any sheet metal so I guess I was lucky but that is some of the easirer stuff to get. It's the little things: Original carpets and underpadding. Perfect and original radio Original and correct choke knob with screw Every emblem inside and out. And the list goes on and on and the three items above are a very small sampling of all the items I needed and I am sure every one here what I am talking about. Now that it's done it is just gorgeous and I am very proud of all the effort I put in to the car. One of the reasons I didn't purchase or try to find a 69 car is that I knew that invariably it would need floor pans etc and I just didn't want to go there. A series one car is everything I ever wanted in a Z car. You see I never felt the need to be in the " Low VIN Club" LOLOLOL But I don't diss any one that is. Thanks again I appreciate your advice.

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