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Everything posted by Mckrack

  1. Mckrack replied to red_dog007's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That's a very interesting idea and I have done that with a vehicle I had a few years ago. It came out great. It was done professionally and it was like rock when done. The only thing I am still concerned about is the following. Unless the car is leaking water in to the interior it doesn't protect the floor pans from the undercarriage. Now were you considering using this material on the undercarrige? Is the bottom of the car undercoated. You are talking about the spray on product correct or brush on material? I don't see the undercarriage protected with this product if you only use it in the interior obviously. What I did was to sand the interior floor pans. Metal Ready them, apply paint to match of course the exterior color of the car. Then I applied sticky back sound deadener and then painted over that material with the same color. It looks great and it almost mimics a little the factory look. Where the deadener was painted over. McKrack
  2. I have decided to paint the grill and rear taillight panels the color of the grill and trim on the 2006 Landrover Sport. Why you ask because I can. No seriously I think it's the exact match between the series 3 Z Hubcaps and the Series one and two D Hubcaps and has the same texture. Now I just hope I don't lose the pegs of the rivets when I tap them through from the top of the panels. They may fall in to oblivion. McKrack
  3. I think I have the answer to my question thanks guys. If Mr. Wenzell is judging my car I will paint the rear three piece panel and grill with Les Cannadys paint right out of the can. If Mr. Frederick is judging my car I will paint the parts with a slightly lighter color. If Arne or Will are judging my car I will get out Les's paint again. If noone judges the car then I will close my eyes and point. In the end I suppose there's nothing much else to do to after restoration so what the heck I might as welll keep my self busy. Thanks for the discussions that's what I came to this site for.
  4. My response to 26th would be simply WHAT? Can you repeat that again. lol
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1970-Datsun-240Z-Series-1_W0QQitemZ150082025114QQihZ005QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Hi Guys, Here's a link for a 38,000 mile series one 240z Car on Ebay. It was brought to my attention that maybe one of the reasons the right side of the rear panel is lighter on this car just as it it is I think on Anes car or someone else who posted a response on the paint colors is maybe because the exhaust fumes overtime on the drivers side of the car darkened up the panel. The car is nice I think if you like Automatics. Afew things that need to be attended to. 50 cent size chip on door that would be real hard to fix without refinishing the door and then you would have to get some acrylic enamel paint unless someone can do the job and get it to match with a base coat clear coat which is almost impossible. But all in all probably worth the money. McKrack
  6. No problem it's better if we just enjoy our hobby Stepehen that's what it's about anyway. I'll get it as close as I can. With all the time and effort and money I have spent I just don't want it to be too off.
  7. I'm not changing the color just trying to get it right. So why not ask here? Isn't this the place to ask questions like this. What a bout Mr. Frederick do you think he knows. Do you know that guy.
  8. Thanks Will. Going to the carpet store tomorrow. Anybody need some I will take a pic and post it and you guys can tell me if it's correct.
  9. Thanks Blox, Just got off the trelphone with a friend of mine who is in the Crapet and Home Flood Restoration Business. Those are the people who come to your home when you have a either a flood or a blow back or some other disaster to completely clean the carpets ETC. He knows the product and may have some. He also told me that you can still get it at some carpet stores. It's called Jute Horsehair. Its a combination of cellulose and some other natural fibers and the reason most carpet places don't use it anymore is becaise of the mildew. So I think I am on the right track but thanks. The material I see in your picture is the newer stuff they use. McKrack
  10. Does anybody happen to know the correct name for the original underpadding in the series 1,2 and 3 Z cars. Maybe the stuff was used even after the series 3. That's the brown underpadding that can be seen under the seats and under the carpeting. I thought it was called Jute so I googled it to see if I can find a vendor that would sell a roll of it but the stuff I came up with doesn't look like the stuff that crumbled in my hands when I tore out the interior of my car. This stuff was so old it just disintegrated. If anyone knows the name of the stuff that would be great. I thought maybe hemp but when I googled that I got pot, weed, reefer, blunts, and some other stuff on some sites. As far as I know that would be a very expensive underpadding to use in a Z car. Thanks McKrack
  11. Hey Steve, Please read my last post. I am not going to prove anything to someone who I think is some sort of stalker. As for Carl Beck I have used his web site for valuable information. I have heard he's knowledgable. I don't know him, have never met him and I have no idea what he has to do with this. You know if you folks want me to move on and not use this site then just ask. If not I would appreciate you asking this lubatic 26 why he continues to stalk me. This is the last time I can remark on this. I would prefer to use the site to help with topics of inyterest. If the moderator wants to chime in I would appreciate it. I am not the problem here and I don't know why I am being picked on.
  12. Mckrack replied to gbabcock's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    This is a problem that I am going to have when the car is done being restored and I am dreading it as well. I purchased a cover from Big Country or Sky Country covers. It's the best one supposedly they make. It's alost completely waterproof comes in multiple colors, fits tight on the car, will not scratch. I also will be purchasinfd some of the things that collects moisture and keeps the car dry in the iside so I will be using it in the emgine compartment and interior when the car isn't being driven. Other then that I hope that works. But I am concerned. The suggestions fom the other guys are well worth your while if you have the room and it's zoned for those structures.
  13. Thanks for the picture. I have seen that brochure on Ebay a few times in the last 6 months I think. Unfortunately it doesn't help the cause very much because of the angle and the clarity. As for the other comments you made for the sake of this forum I am no longer going to respond to this stuff you are saying because I have no idea what in the world you are talking about and s far as I'm concerned I didn't find this we site to have to prove myself to you. I'm sorry to everyone else for my comments but I think enough is enough with whoever this guy is making them and this is becoming less and less enjoyable.
  14. Somebody has been driving that car there's mud on the lower quarter panels. Maybe he got stuck in the mud.
  15. Mckrack replied to DougN's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks Doug for the thread. Nice car but the reason I am thanking you has to do with the green Z in the backround. I don't want to invade this thread with the thread I posted regarding the colors of the hubcaps VS the rear three piece panel and grill but coincidentally the Green Z in the backround of the Black Pearl listing depicts the panel in the correct color So this has been a big help to me. Except for the fact that I am going to have to figure out how to blow the picture up and give it to the guy who is matching the paint . Anyway thanks again McKrack
  16. Mckrack replied to ZeeOne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Gee I din't know they did that in California. That's a ripoff. I'll tell you if you already ahve a 260 and you have the room I would then consider it. I guess it depends if it's cheaper in the long run to buy thre car for parts then to order as needed and of course the car may have some things you can't get. Good Idea I wish I had the room to do that. You know what you don't need you could always sell in parts and make up for the $500.00 or less you may spend on the car. Good luck McKrack
  17. Mckrack replied to ZeeOne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm not clear on the registration issues. Why would you need to pay any back registration if the car has been off the road, the insurance cancelled and the car has a bill of sale with it? I know in some states titles are not given after a car is over 30 years old. In other states like California if the title is provided with the car and then registered by you they may or may not provide a new title. As for the car itself I suppose you may want to consider that old addage " you get what you pay for." Unless the seller just wants to get rid of it and has no use for it a $500.00 car is usually just that a $500.00 car and all the possible trouble that goes along with it. If you want a project car and you like 260s and you don't care what condition it's in then it may be a good bet. If you want to just drive the car and not do too much with it then it's also a good bet. But if you plan on restoring the car or refreshing the car and you have some level of that in mind then if it was me I would attempt to try to find a 240z in that simlar shape and price range, but that's just me. Good luck with the decision. McKrack
  18. Thanks for the help and the clarification. My car is a 1971 240z manufactured 7/70 so it's an early series one car. My hubcaps are the D Hubcaps and I was convinced that the caps and the gril and panel were a different color. Now the hard part getting the rear panel and grill paint formula or a good picture so I can get it right. Thanks for everyones help I appreciate it. Chime in if there continues to be other opinions please. McKrack
  19. I am a student of the 240z car and have been saving money for quite a long time now and speaking with and reading all there is to know about this kind of car. First off I take it as a personal afront that you mention something about me being kosher in a derogatory way. I didn't know they had people like you on this site. As for me being argumentative I believe that you have it the other way around. I am trying to get the correct opinions from some people who know more about this car then me. Now if you want to pass me off as someone else that's fine but I have no I dea what you are talking about. However if I was this Bert guy I wouldn't blame him for being banned because if you want to keep misrepresenting me and what I have posted then I think maybe you shouldn't respond to my questions huh? So moving on I still believe that the colors are different. The closest thing I can come up with is maybe the response about the substrate of the meatl or the difference in texture. But wouldn't the program cars be accurate since they were inspected by Nissan before delievery to the specific dealers? McKrack P.S. If the guy 26 or something wants to chide me and insinuate that I am an idiot then do you think that maybe he should be reported to the webmaster for this. You know this isn't too fair and I would appreciate it if who ever knows this guy to tell him to stop.
  20. Hey Guys appreciate the discussion. When I spoke with Les he told me the opposite. That's sort of weird. Can't tell you where I learned it because I forgot who told me. If you look at the Program cars you will see a difference. Now Les told me he did one program car but Pierre and the other guy did the rest and I noticed that on many of those cars the grill and rear panel were lighter. I want to get it as perfect as I can. I already have to do those parts over again because I made them too light. If you wnat to get to the bottom of it I think there are a couple of guys in the Tampa or Clearwater area of FLA that might know. McKrack
  21. Thanks everybody for your help I really appreciate it. I am not an expert and I don't think I will ever get to the 300 point gold medallion however the closest color to correct is Arne's panel. Especially the right side of it. I don't agree with Wick Humbles opinion on the paint. As for Les I did buy some cans from him but he told me difinitvely that it was only for the Hubcaps for which I have one restored set and one brand new set and the paint on both is dead nuts perfect and identical believe it or not. So Les makes good paint or wherever he gets it. I am absolutely positive that the rear panel and grill are the same color a medium to lighter gray in a fuzzy texture. It's interesting the grill on my Land Rover Sport is almost the exact color of what it's suppose to be so I think I'm gonna go with that minus all the mettalic. Thanks again. McKrack
  22. I wish I could tell you it's an assumption but it's not. The rear finishing panel better know as the tail light exterior panel and grill are not the same color and did not come out of the factory the same color. The panel and grill were sort of a medium fuzzy textured gray. This a known misconception that they are the same color. McKrack
  24. There is a set right now on Ebay up for auction. McKrack
  25. I thought this site was a free and open exchange of opinions. Just because I don't like a specific vehicle doesn't mean I can't opinionate on it, does it? If that were the case then none of us here would be able to say anything unless we all agreed, right? McKrack

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