Some triple Weber pics
It was custom made. the intake is a 4" very tight K&N cone
Some triple Weber pics
Vin tag question
the dash vin tag on my 74 is black. Was this the original color or was it mill vinish aluminum? thanks
Anyone try Fuzions?
ok Guys what do you think
Rust driverside floor pan hatch and rail above tail lights is gone both finders beyond repair door botoms but could be repaired everything else is just ok
ok Guys what do you think
Well its a 4/72 that was parked in 1980. One owner 80,000 miles with papers is it to far gone? is it worth restoring? how much is it worth?
240Z to be on Car Crazy TV
I dont see this listed on my speed channel? Is it still on for tonight?
Only 12 hours left Any Z guys following this count down http://www.gtrnissan.com/?Site=nissanusa&Area=GT-R_Home
Where to start
If its a race car why not just wrap it http://www.competitiongraphics.com/race.wraps.html
Heater control panel
I need to to replace the control graphic on my 260 heater control panel I printed the image on sticky vinyl and then put it on a peice of plexiglass. It worked well. here is the graphic if anyone else would like to use it.
Finally Running! Break in time.
I am going to use this addative for at least the first 3000 miles http://www.compcams.com/information/whatsnew/NewsDetails.asp?ListHistoryID=833414428
Finally Running! Break in time.
you might want to read this http://www.tampabaybritishcarclub.com/Tech_Tips/tech_tips.html
Let's see some wheels!
- Knobs
C/S Repaired, Parking Lights work, don't when Headlights On!
I had a similar problem. I had changed the bulbs and thought i had used 1157 but it was 1156? did you change the bulbs?