240Z or 280z. and for folks who have owned both 240s and 280s, which has been your favorite and why? I've only had 280z-s. But am really intrigued by the raw 240z nature and it's loyal following. Soon I will have another Z, haven't made up my mind on whether to go with the 280 I know or tread the 240 waters. Please help me make up my mind. Thanks Joe
Thanks for the welcome guys. The internet really makes it easy to find a Z these days. And yes, Texas has plenty of these hiding around. I know where one is right now, it's just a shell, been sitting in the same spot for 2 years. Maybe I'll check it out tomorrow. I'm torn between finding a clean 280z ~77-78 or find a clean but project type 240. You guys are right. Patience is key. Joe
I bought my first Z in high school (1989) for $1500. 78 model, 5 speed. It was awesome!!! I wrecked it in my neighborhood going 30mph. I leaned over to get something from the passenger floorboard and drifted into a telephone pole.
I bought my second Z while stationed at Lowry AFB in Denver. It was a 77 model with a 5 speed. It got totaled when I was going through an intersection. Couple of high school kids joyriding in mom and dads SUV ran a red light.
Fast foward 16 years and I'm married with 4 kids. 3 boys and a girl. I'm getting the bug again to buy another Z and love on it. I have always been partial to the 77-78 models but am very intrigued by the early carbuerated 240's. I am building a new barn so once thats complete I'll have room to work on my future Z.
Anyway, my name is Joe Arnett(ArnieTX) and I just found this great site. I'm going to lurk for a while until I figure out what Z I'm going to go with. I am really enjoying this forum.