Everything posted by Zvoiture
THREE DAYS LEFT till the Show!!
Rear-oriented rear sway bar
Mike, not seeing any rears at Saner. steve
Cars for sale
One of the two major Z shops in the area going through a 'relocation' and needs to get rid of a few cars. '72 Nice shape, missing a tranny (stick), several interior pieces missing or badly worn. 3 slotted mags and one steel wheel. EZ rust. Good 2400--not a horrendous amount of miles, excellent potential for rebuilder or race car. $2500 OBO '76 Fresh head rebuild and going-over. Customer never paid for work. Some rust. Good driver. 4-speed. $1000 OBO '80 Driver. Coupe. Burgundy. Decent shape. 5-speed $1850 OBO '74 260. The next big collectors item! Recently smog-exempt in CA! Some rust. Hit in drivers door and partially repaired. Excellent interior. Flattops. $1350 OBO All cars can be viewed at the Chevron station on Donovan Road/101 in Santa Maria. Contact David Thompson for more info at 805-925-9632 (wk) or 805-680-2074 (cel).
Z Convention Track Day info
Ok everyone with just one week to go I have gotten the last relevant details and this will be a long but informative note. We are getting many interested people but not the overwhelming response I thought we may get but maybe some of these final details willl sway people to sign up. We have confirmed that John Morton and Bob Bondurant and Steve Millen will be there for sure and there is a Possibility that Pete Brock may also make it if he returns from LeMans in time. Of course Mr.K will be there as well and I have decided that our track day will become a tribute to the man that got Datsun into racing outside of Japan so he is also the Father of Datsun racing and we hope we can put on a good show for him. Have had questions all over the board so I will try to answer them all with the following The gates open at 7:30 AM. We will commence a drivers meeting that everyone must attend or you cannot drive(No Exceptions) If we have to have another meeting in case you get lost or there is traffic issues then we will consider doing that as well. Drivers Meeting 8 AM- 8:30 AM Tech inspection of Group one cars 7:30-8:30(tech explained below) First group out by 9 AM First group consists of people with little or no experience on a track or want to have a passenger or an instructor or want to follow an experienced driver around the track. No Passing and there will be a pace car for the whole session. This group will also have any convertables that do not have legal competition rollbars While group one is out for 20-30 minute session group 2 cars will be getting teched. and gridded Group 2 Will be People with very little or some minimal track experience or perhaps autoX experience. Group 2 will go a little faster than group 1 cars also passengers will be allowed and again No Passing will be permited and the pace car will be your lead for this group. If requested there will be more lead follow for this group. Driver instruction would be encouraged in this group if you feel the need. Convertables will be allowed in this group but their speed will have to be kept down due to track rules. Dress code for above 2 groups is that shorts are OK and there are NO Shorts at all in the rest of the groups Group 3(My Nightmare group) This will consist of people who think they can drive well enough and have some other track day experiences maybe some driving schools and AutoX experience. This group will have a kind of catch all feel as there will be driver training availible and passing will be allowed only on the straight aways and you will be monitered very carefully and if you do stupid stuff you will be brought in and talked to if you presist in doing stupid stuff you will be asked to leave. We are not interested in you showing us all your driving abilities it is meant to be fun. No showing off will be tolerated at all. Group 4( The absolute tribute to Mr K.) Ayone who shows up with a full race Datsun/Nissan will be allowed in this group and sure should be fun to watch. Do not try to talk your way into this group with your AutoX car because if it does not have a fuel cell and fire system etc you will not be allowed to race. This group will be able to have a real race. There will be a very diverse group of cars on the track and proper race ettiquette will be followed with emphasis on safety and fun. We want Mr K to see what he started and that keeps us all broke. A fantastic AutoX is being planned by Dennis and Peggy Hale who will also do some specialized Driver training over on the Street of Willow Race track. These 2 very experienced Datsun Racers from Northern Cal put on a bunch of drivers school and track events including the Big Mt Shasta annual event. If you are serious about your AutoX they will have a No-nonsense event. If there is enough interest in Driver training then we will plan accordingly as of now it seems everyone not only knows how to drive but wants to be an instructor. Nismo will be hosting a drifting event on the streets of willow at some time during the day and from what I have heard this is something to see and much more difficult than you may think. Now for some final things The track normally charges anyone coming through the gate $10 we got them to lower that amount to $5 dollars so be aware that even though you paid for the event this is a track charge and helps the track to keep their services running. Dress code If you are AutoX or in the first 2 groups you can we shorts if you are in groups 3 you will be required to have at least long pants or a race suit and if you are in group 4 you will have correct race gear as you would to race anywhere. Flags and flagging We will use a minimum of flags so as not to confuse drivers and they will be discussed in the MANDATORY drivers meeting. Tech inspection of cars We hope you will all bring safe non-leaking cars that you have taken some time to be sure of your own safety. We would expect similar things that you may see at an autoX tech. Safe correct tires for the group you choose to run Batterys correctly held down Throttle return springs in correct position and redudant so that we have no stuck throttles. Recommend you have a fresh bleed of your brake and clutch system. and please carry extra water since it will be warm out there in the high desert. Your seat belts should not be frayed or worn and should be current if a Race car. The height of the brake pedal may be checked to see if you have brakes. Please check your cooling system as we do not want to have a bunch of overheating cars and as I said carry extra water. If you show up with a marginal car and hope we are all carrying parts to fix yours it ain't gonna happen. Please remove most of you non essential stuff and leave it at the hotel or realize that there is no security team running around the pits watching your stuff. Helmets You should really have your own if possible and we are trying to find some extras we can allow motorcycle helmets for the first 2 groups onlyl and prefer Snell 95 at least and newer snell 2000 if you are in the race group. if you have a helmet it will be checked during tech. Lunch This track has a very good snack bar that serves very good lunch at very good prices so that is up to each person to take your lunch when ready. We will have plenty of drinking water for everyone and other normal track services will be availible but on a limited basis. If you want to have in car cameras than we would prefer you have a proper camera mount if you are in the first 2 groups your passenger may be your camera man. I had asked that questions be directed to me and I think I got 2-3 at most and everyone still sent request for info to the club so I say again if you have questions that I did not address please ask me. I have gotten only questions asking if I can have everyone be an instructor and no we have more than enough so some need to sign up to be drivers and have some fun. I have most likely forgotten something so I won't say this will be the last message but it should be one of the last posts on the subject of the track day. Les Les Cannaday Classic Datsun Motorsports 345 Olive Ave Vista, CA 92083 (760) 940-6365 (208) 988-5507(fax) http://www.classicdatsun.com
CONVENTION JUNE 14 to 19 2004
(From GROUPZ) Here it is folks...the latest and greatest. No PayPal payments will be accepted after Sunday, June 13, 2004. The ZCCA judged side of the car show is completely sold out. There is still room on the Peoples Choice side. Also there are still open slots for the Stillen Tour, the Santa Monica Mountain Drive, Track Day at Willow Springs and Catalina Island, (both days). The Hilton Hotel has stated that they will continue to honor the convention room rate until they are sold out of rooms. Please remember to give them the convention discount code for this rate. Are you going to the banquet on Saturday night? The main course will be steak and chicken, (and of course salad and sides). If you are a vegan please let the convention folks know ASAP so that a vegetarian meal can be ordered! Willow Springs: You must be at the Track by 7:30 AM! Drivers meeting will start promptly at 8:00 AM. There is a $5 insurance fee, per person, collected by the track at time of entrance. (This is for anyone attending the event, not just the drivers) Car Show: If you are being judged by ZCCA, your car must be in place and ready at the show by 8:00 AM. That's it for now. Maybe More later... Z 'YA
The boulevard in Nice, hectic!
There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who take responsibility for their failure to follow the law and those who cry, "It wasn't my fault!!!" Oh, and I totally agree with you. You DEFINITELY weren't following too close. Stupid cops. steve
no place for a Z
last call for joy riders
Just curious...Did everyone speak english? steve
The boulevard in Nice, hectic!
I guess I sound a little harsh. Sorry. It's just the principle behind the original advertising. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE CARS LIKE THIS. They definitely have their purpose and I have owned several. There is nothing wrong with that car or any car with a few 'issues'. They are often wonderful little gems or great parts cars. But you can't go before the Z-Nazis and say something like "ABSOLUTELY AMAZING EVERYTHING TOTALLY RESTORED IMMACULATE UNBELIEVABLE SPOTLESS BEAUTY FOR SALE--oh and by the way, since it is so wonderful, I will only entertain serious offers and photos are optional since I'm not even going to belittle myself to state a price, I'm just going to sit back and let the bidding war begin." Now if someone comes on and says, "Z for sale. Restored 14 years ago. Mostly garaged parking, but driven hard and neglected a bit since. 100,000 miles on rebuild. Roundtops. Considerable wear to interior. Paint in poor condition. some surface rust and I imagine some goes deeper. Original hubcaps. $1500 OBO in N.Virg. Call Cary at 555-1212. Here's a couple pix" ....Then everything would be different.
>>>need pics of frame rails- hatch sill- under battery- door bottoms-rockers- dog legs- floor pans- etc etc.<<<< No you don't. Trust me!!!! It is very easy to predict what they look like based on the other pix. steve
bondo cracks
Why does Bondo craze? steve
That's a $400 car in CA. $200 if reg is expired. steve
Seat belt anchor bolt size
WOW! They fit PERFECT. Amazing. Would this have something to do with DOT belts being installed maybe at port or something? But I can't imagine the nuts being 'retained' in the frame at the factory for this size???? I wonder what size they are on UK-delivered cars and such.... If this is TRULY 7/16-20 and not actually a metric bolt that 7/16-20 fit perfectly, then it is truly odd. steve
Seat belt anchor bolt size
Anyone know the thread/pitch of the two big anchor bolts for the seat belt in 1gen? I have a 5-gallon bucket of bolts and have tried every one and there is one that is 'close' but feels loose and the next one up won't thread int he hole. Is this an odd one? steve
Ten best sports cars of the 70's
...so an average of 6th place. Not bad for something costing less than half or 1/4 of (ALMOST) everything else on the list (damn that 7). And something viewed as an 'economy' car built by those Japanese. Now, even though SPI is an American publication (right here in CA), they try very hard to maintain an 'international perspective'. It reads like a European publication. So I would not expect them to have 'American values' towards Japanese sports cars. Can you imagine a 'truly' american rag putting the 240Z in the top ten? steve
why nobody likes sunroofs?
'cause they're REDNECK PIMP. steve
240Z in Sunset Orange (350Z Colour)
It is 'Lemans Sunset', and is it VGE30? steve
Mikuni tuning manual?
I've never heard of the votlmeter thing, but I guess it stands to reason. You can check your fuel level with a voltmeter, why not your mixture?!?!? Jon, Greg and I have the same gauge installed, the Summit $30 LED one. They have changed it a bit, Greg's is (lean) red red yellow yellow green green (rich) and mine is (lean) red red red red green green green green (rich) Anyone want to comment on EGT in here? I would love to hear the comparisons to A/F readings. steve
Mikuni tuning manual?
Does such a thing exist? I have the PHH Service Manual (like, 20 pages) and it has some basic info and blow-ups, but is there somewhere a really good tuning and adjustment and explaination document? I have been forced to educate myself because the incompetency of others is greater than the depth of my pocket-book. steve
Shipping car to Europe
I apologize, as I know this has been discussed before...but a search turns up every classified with the word 'shipping' in it!!! I need to ship a car to Croatia. Krakevic uses calship when I send cars to Norway, but they will not ship to Eastern Europe. Anyone have any suggestions? steve
Looking for a Datsun race car!!
I located the guy with the another one I almost bought last winter. It was about $4000 at the time. hi Steve, I had your mail forwarded to me. I still have the car, but due to some odd circumstances I haven't driven it lately. It is in willows near Thunderhill right now. The last time I drove it it lost spark- I suspect the MSD box is a goner. I have mixed feeling about selling it but now I have a full time job and haven't had time to fool with it lately. It performed flawlessly at the track the last time I had it out- I even painted it so it is all one color now (smurf blue, unfortunately ) The wipers don't work, but I have an extra wiper motor for it. Awesome fun car at the track. I have all the spares that came with it, couple of bumpers, good radiator, 12 wheels, set of new street tires, some decent RA-1's. I also have a 1973 parts car with a good VIN. It is a 1973, straight, has all glass intact, good compression, runs, new tires, motor is stock and unmolested. I bought a set of good 1970 roundtop carbs with intake for it too. except for a patch of rust near the front hood support, i don't think there is any structural rust. i bought it as a parts car, but it was in such good shape I was planning to revive and drive it. It had been prepped for painting and then wasn't painted so it looks like hell. Again, getting a job has put the skids on that project. If someone is seriously interested let me know! Thanks, James (Ed.: James can be reached at jcreasyATperforce.com) steve
How loud are twice pipes?
Couplea things.... It really depends on your compression. Street cars with twice pipes are loud. Anything over 11:1 with twice pipes is nearly unbearable. You can not stand behind the car without ear injury. I have considered using one of the 2-in-2-out mufflers with twice pipes. A lot of extra work considering the gas tank position and whatnot. Not sure what the outcome would be. steve
Best sounding 240/280 exhaust
Thanks for the very informative page, although I think you misunderstood me--I did not state clearly enough. I meant I will probably remove all the plates and the endplate and everything and just run it open like my other car. You're right, just 'removing all the disks' (leaving the endplate) would no doubt create a bit too much backpressure. I'm dynoing Tuesday and might play around with the backpressure a bit. One of the main reasons I went 2.25 is so I could run it wide open. I think 2.25 is perfect for N/A Z motors (yes, save all your flames--I've read it all). I am guessing 18 plates would be very near wide-open in terms of amount of backpressure produced. steve