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Everything posted by Zvoiture

  1. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    Well, from my experience the past couple of evenings...the torch ans stiff putty knife works pretty good on undercoating. Some places it is almost 1/2" thick!!! Unbelievable. Maybe my car can lose a few pounds just in undercoating!?! Oh, and disconnect your smoke alarms first..... steve77
  2. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, I meant simply 'odd-number-of-MM-sized'.... As in: Tranny crossmember bolts: 17mm steve77
  3. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    OK, let's find out who the real sickos are..... Where are the naturally occuring odd-sized bolts or nuts on a Z? (that's 7-9-11-13-15mm and so on...) steve77
  4. Zvoiture replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Sir Mix-A-lot here...but I don't like big butts!!! steve77
  5. Zvoiture replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Gawd, Kid, that is like a collection of shrunken-head dolls. I suppose SOMEONE has to deal in the macabre! Actually, Fred S.'s car...er....truck is very well prepared and an absolute showstopper. His is the burgundy one with the molded bumpers (first of the MSA pix). It is on a BroncoII frame. The engine compartment and interior are just impeccable. He has won many awards for the car. The front clip is on hydraulics and there are all kinds of goodies EVERYWHERE that scream "Attention to detail"!!! I think--but could be confused--it has won best modified 280 at the MSA show. steve77
  6. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Since everyone HERE has perfect taste in automobile design, I am curious what 1st gen Z owners think of the BMW M-Coupe? I think it is a gorgeous car, but most of my non-Z friends consider it an atrocious design. My wife calls it a 'pregnant guppy'. Am I alone? steve77
  7. Zvoiture replied to HS30-H's post in a topic in Interior
    >>>>The early...bars and the Works-modified versions.... mounted at the location shown above, and also had two 'drop' bars ...- making them in essence a 'four-point' cage. These located into special brackets that were bolted into captives that had to be brazed into the floor. <<<< So... the car had to be modified to install the bar. It was not a straight bolt-in. The assumption is the dogleg hoop mounting nuts are on every car only because it would be dificult to 'nut' the bolts later? steve
  8. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    I'm kinda with mack... when I have several hours to work on it, I put on a massive coat of stripper, let it do it's work and then roll it out into the driveway and hose it off. But, during the week, when I may only have an hour or so in the evening, I break out the torch and hit a few spots. My wallpaper scraper works really great too. What an awesome tool! Doesn't scrape the galvanising off either. I hope everyone is being honest... I hope people who have never stripped a car are not just clicking "beadblast" because it looks easy. SURE, we would all love to pay someone else to take the thing and strip it, but logistics, timing and budget get in the way! steve77
  9. But..!
  10. Zvoiture commented on sparkynacho's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  11. CAUTION: There is no Z content in this public service anouncement: Somebody just alerted me to a 'gallery comment' post which surmises a photo of a fine piece of rump was deleted from this site BY ME for lack of 'Z content'. Nothing could be further from the truth! I remember this photo (quite a while ago) and I remember it being removed, and I remember commenting after somebody asked why it had been removed, "Lack of Z content". It was merely a sarcastic guess! I can't remove anything! The only reason it says 'Moderator' after my name is because the club I am director of has a forum on this site. I don't have authority to touch ANYTHING else! I tried to remove some old classifieds of mine and couldn't do it! Just hadta set that straight! steve77
  12. What I don't understand is why toe-in numbers were noted. Is 0 not desireable? That would be easy to fix--even with a "lowered car with a damaged crossmember". Is 1/8 the usual setting? Actually, since this is a car I am building for autocross (and I can't afford camber plates yet) meebee I could damage the right side of the X-member a little so I could get -1 on both sides???? Gotta find a curb to drive over..... steve77
  13. Come ON! Answer the question!!!! DO I have to put #83 back on there to get a serious answer? geeeeeeeez...Pay attention!
  14. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    '72 with new rebuilt 240 motor with cam (lopes a bit). Round-tops. 4-speed. Quite a few body issues...owner has been restoring the car, but has to sell it now. Daily driver. Several primer colours...Not much rust. Slotted mags. $900 or best offer. Call John 805-474-5630 Sorry, I have no pix. I am posting this for John. I have seen the car and I know it runs well daily, but can not vouch for much else. It is pretty rough.
  15. Can some one tell me the relevance of this?.......... Enclosed in this '73 I am building was this huge stack of registration papers and service receipts. It was serviced by one of our local Z shops. Receipt dated 12/23/94 (in addition to brakes, t/c rod bushings, tires, etc.): "Front Wheel Alignment: $50. NOTE: Crossmember is damaged, and car has been lowered. Alignment is not within spec. Customer refused work at this time. Toe-in 1/8 Camber left -1 right -1/4 Caster 3 1/4" Can someone translate this into driveablility for me? Is this serious? I have the engine out and really can't see any major deformations of the Xmember. It has a couple dents like someone ran into a ditch (with a big rock!). What I want to know is: how will this effect how the car handles? Crossmembers are easy enough to replace.... steve77
  16. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    My three-year-old comes down today and says, "I like the silver Z." Got me to thinking.....Why not just clear-coat it? hehe steve77
  17. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    There was (from the top down): Burgundy grey primer Burgundy (Yes, it had been painted the same colour twice) grey primer factory orange factory primer Oh, and did I mention practically the entire car was skimmed in Bondo? Some of it OVER the other paint jobs. Learned a couple things about these cars: I alway thought there was only one leaded joint in the car. Didn't know the lower windshield area was leaded too. Always wondered why the cowl rusted. Seemed like a weird place--out in the middle of nowhere--to rust. IT'S THOSE TWO PIECES OF FOAM GLUED TO THE UNDERSIDE!!! What a stupid idea! Is that for soundproofing? Total rust trap. steve77
  18. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    Not an entirely unselfish poll...look what I have been playing with in my garage this week..... NO! That is NOT a silver Z! steve77
  19. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Polls
    What's your favorite way to strip a Z? steve77
  20. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    There are some similarities to the Opel GT's...but the Z has some similarities to the Opel Gt and the Toyota 2000 has some similarities to the Opel Gt....quite a few personal GT cars from the era have some similarities with the Opel Gt....or is it the other way around? I wouldn't want one for the simple fact they have VW motors and transaxles in them. But I found the design interesting. steve77
  21. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Another link with some great looking cars...Malzoni's and Pumas and the Ompala...Where do I find a 4.1 straight 6??? http://paulspumapage.s5.com/custom2.html steve77
  22. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Someone just shared the existence of the Brasilian PUMA automobile with me. Had never heard of it... Interesting. some of these pix look dangerously like...well.... Can you spell Z roadster? Hoping someone else knows something about these cars. My main question is: Who designed them? Was there a famous or reputable designer who concepted them? I have read through a few of the 'history' pages and can't find any deep design roots other than who started building them and when. Here's a link with a bunch of other great links at the end: http://wj2d.100megsdns.com/home.html Anyone? steve77
  23. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yeah, it's really harsh. Messes with paint pretty seriously. Doesn't take it off, but dulls the finish and puts on white spots. But for general salvage work? GEEEEZZZ. Turned a 5-speed SILVER in one light application. A diffy took two. Sprayed a front crossmember/rack once, hosed it off and the next morning it was RUSTY. That's how little grease was on it! I'm in love with this stuff! steve77
  24. Zvoiture replied to malder's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I never weighed it to begin with, but my 77 280 currently weighs 2450. I estimate I have shed 400 lbs. steve
  25. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    God this stuff works great!!! WAYYYY better than Foaming Engine Brite or whatever. Just the aeresol cans of oven cleaner. Found it at a local grocery discounter for .99 cents a can. Spray it on, it foams up, let is sit and hose off. Greasy grime just falls off! steve77

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