Everything posted by Zvoiture
Friend's new car...
Totally built 383...
Purists please delete this now...... Friend of mine has a Shshshshsh-evy 383 he wants to get rid of...Totally completely BUILT to the max. Won't even start to list all the guts here...gear drive and everything is bored and forged and polished and blueprinted and honed and hardened and balanced and O-ringed and on and on and on....Includes flywheel (balanced with engine) and 850 Demon. Has about 6 hours on it. Runs and sounds unbelievable...8.5 (was built with the intention of a supercharger). Wants about 50% of investment. If you ever wanted a smallblock Chevy for your Z....here it is: at a great discount. 500 horse??? Has hardly been out of the garage--he just got 'bored' with it....big block going in. $5000 OBO. Supercharger available for $1500. In San Luis Obispo, CA. Serious only please.... ZVOITURE@aol.com steve77
Question about Datsun 280zx
I'm sorry, but you are going to find a gigantic LACK of information on extreme tuning for Z's from 1975 - 1990. At least the '75 - '83's share alot of info and specs and parts with the 240. The poor Z31 guys don't share with anyone and speed parts are pretty limited. Good luck! steve77
Question about Datsun 280zx
Hmmmm..That's a toughy...never heard of S130.com! And most Z sites just lumps them in with the First gen's (except this one)... steve77
Anyone want to talk about football?
Yeah, this place is REALLY international...you might be beter off talking about FUTE-BOL... steve77
- Corkscrew 510's
Own an piece of history!
http://www.greatoldcars.com/cgi-bin/view_ads.cgi?ad=10038&ad_template=ad_format.html&template=view_ads_brief.html steve77
Anti Swaybar
If these are rear bars for 240, you have a pretty good deal and a customer here possibly--especially if they come with bracket hardware and end links. Are they leading or trailing? steve77
76 280z
No problem. That's what we're here for...just bring the car to my place and I will finish it for you. Or drop the kids off so you can concentrate on the car. Your choice. steve77
just curious..
Yes, inner boot is a good one! Theya rea always all cracked and ripped. My PO had drilled holes in the tunnel behind the radio for mounting or something???? He has also removed the rubber boots from the passenger firewall for wires to pass through...I put a new boot on the throttle too. It had disentigrated. steve77
Embarrassed at the traffic light HELP
Anyone catch the streetracing thing on MTV? Been showing it quite a bit lately. Pretty interesting. All about ricers, though. there is a Z in it, though steve77
How much did you spend for your Z?
Just the 'sale' price. No taxes, registration, smog fees, improvements or anything. Just the original car. If you don't own a Z, vote for your budget. steve77
just curious..
Not I. Windows up and floor vents open is the only way to be fume free. And I have done practically everything listed above and some more and "...whittling away at it..." is a good summation. MAke sure there are sealed liners inside hatch and door panels. That one made a big difference. don't forget the Antenae drain hole....Lic. plate light shield...install the latch INSIDE a plastic bag...Make sure you have no exhaust leaks ahead of the tail...Go over the spare tire area and surrounding again...plug everything...Those two big holes at the bottom of the hatch.............................................. I no longer reek of exhaust upon arrival! I also have an open joint at the header/Y-pipe swage. It moves so much I have never had the heart to weld or clamp it. Not sure how much it causes--pretty tight fitting--and no restrictions past it. steve77
Header Question, please advise
Ditto...just go look at your head. You could have practically any head made for the L-series engine. Swaps are pretty common. Look right above the front spark plug. Although it's not IDEAL, reound port headers will work on swuare port heads and I have heard vica-versa will work too... E88, E31, N42 = square port N47, P79= round port I think P90 is square too, but kinda foggy on that one.... Good luck! steve77
Embarrassed at the traffic light HELP
Splitfires???? man, I gotta get on you again! Your Z wants NGK's really bad. Go ahead, ask it. I can hear it answering all the way from here. Listen carefully. "BPR6ES. BPR6ES. BPR6ES." steve77
Side view mirrors
Avoid at all costs the MSA mirrors. While ordering, I spoke with my rep on the phone and questioned him specifically: "Are these crappy mirrors? Will they vibrate around? Will they get loose? Are the mounts BS?" He assured me they were of quality mettle. REALITY: these are equal to IF NOT CHAPER THAN the $h1t you can buy at Kragen or whatever... Miserable, useless, junk mirrors. steve77
Embarrassed at the traffic light HELP
Ok, ditto and.... Number 1: Your car is WAAAAAY too mature to be dragging a stupid punk in a Prelude. Learn discretion, man. Number 2: Here's your real problem: "as i hit 2nd at 3500 rpms. " What's this 3500 crap????? Your Z wants to hit 2nd at about 5200! You should be doing 40 when you hit 2nd! steve77
Skyline rearend?
Isn't the diffy you are looking for the R190? Wouldn't any R190 be a fairly easy swap into a Z--at least not any harder than converting from 180 to 200? steve77
Only 240's ?????????????
I would own a dozen 280's if it were not for the smog thing! I would not even consider buying a 240 except that I CAN NOT do what I want to the motor and register it unless I buy something built before '74. So I am going to have to buy a rinky-dink little tinny 240 in order to build my hot-rod fuel injected 280 motor. I just like the way a 280 feels, and I think frame stress from hard driving is a non-issue with them. steve77
K&N Air filter systems
Wait a minute! A few posts ago someone mentioned 'foam filters' and K&N in the same sentence and insinuated they wouldn't recommend K&N because of the problems with foam filters. Are K&N filters foam on carb setups? My K&N is a big paper cone (FI). I have seen cones covered with foam but I assumed they were 'Brand X'! MAybe K&N makes more than one kind? All I know is I have a K&N and it's paper/wire mesh. steve77
Only 240's ?????????????
Rare in Au maybe...not rare here. They are everywhere for really cheap. You can't GIVE 280's away in California. Nobody wants them. Several reasons: Theya re NOT smog exempt (280's are 75-78 and exemption stops at 73), nobody likes messing with the FI as it is expensive to work on and has a reputation of not being able to 'mod' it for performance...then there's that weight thing... There are a half dozen 280's under $500 within 20 miles of my house that I know of. There's a fairly complete one down the street for $100 (auto). BTW, if you want to see a 280 without bumpers...see my car in gallery... steve77
So how much have you guys invested in your Zeds?
"I'll gladly accept any sponsorship " McConnell Construction is good for at least couple feet of rollbar pad.... steve(McConnell)77
Only 240's ?????????????
Weight! Wait! Wate!....I am in favour of the stiffer body of the 280's and what if you have a 280 that only weighs about as much as a 240 with a really fat driver? Some of our 280's have been on serious diets! steve(2500lbs)77
Only 240's ?????????????
"240z 0-100 = 7.8sec 260z 0-100 = 10.0sec 280z 0-100 = 9.4sec (6.8 turbo)" Funny, I don't remember the 280z coming with a turbo, but you Kiwi's would know all about 280z's! steve77
So how much have you guys invested in your Zeds?
My car is a weekend budget-mobile. It is very obvious when it is parked at a show that it does not have the big dollars or thousands of hours of meticulious work behind it. When I bought my car, I made a list of goals. I wanted a cheap, head-turning, reasonably fast, aggressive looking and sounding plaything. But those were secondary. Primary were: 1. The car must run PERFECTLY, every time, no fuss, no fiddling, no stress. 2. The car must stop perfectly. 3. The suspension must be taught and squeak/creak free. 4. The interior must be perfect. For #1, every hose, tube, pipe and wire was replaced. Every plug, filter, fluid, clamp replaced. ZX oil pump, sending unit, K&N, electric fan, header, now exhaust..... and on and on and on. Every possible thing I could bolt on and replace to make the motor happy. For #2, Every brake component was replaced. Everything. EVERYTHING. At the same time, I did the clutch master and slave. For #3, Lowered/ stiffer springs, Tokico's, 225/50/15's on decent wheels, and the complete urethane bushing master kit. For #4, All the interior panels were refinished, full dash cap, interior shell stipped and soundproofed and I had an upholstery shop do a complete custom carpet (charcoal) and seat (light grey) job. All new fasteners. Car purchased 10/2001...........$850 Car was 'finished' 4/2002........$6000 not including labor. I am very happy with the results. steve77