Everything posted by Zvoiture
The view from my front door...
Berry Fuddy.
Again, topic looked lonely.
I got addicted to Black Magic Professional Protectant quite a few years ago. It is nasty stuff, but synthetics love it. The best part is it is oil based, so it lasts through rain pretty good (on my OTHER cars! The Z is allergic to water). It will practically restore old oxidized vinyl and rubber. Really thirsty old stuff wil suck up several coats and look great. I rub it in really well--I'm not really into the wet-sticky look! And it comes off on your fenders if you don't. And your pants...and anything else that touches it. I wear surgical gloves when using it. It is horrible stuff. steve77
Wheel and Tire size
John, it sounds like you realize the myriad of variables involved in this simple question. The absolute best thing you can do is go to a Z show and look and talk. You will see under the fender, sticking out of the fender and everything in between. Find something you like and take notes. If that's not possible, lower your car first, then measure and determine the over-all tire diameter you desire. For instance, if you decide you can fit 25" of tire in there, it is really easy to do the calculations for 15's, 16's or 17's and what size tire would give you your overall 25". playing with offests and tire widths depends on brake mods, fender mods, spring stiffness, etc. etc. etc.... Find a good tire and wheel shop that is willing to take a few things on and off for you. Believe me, they will do it. All jesting aside, the 'Ricer' thing has been the best thing that ever happened to wheel and tire shopping. Good luck steve77
The view from my front door...
6 into 2 header then 1?
"Any other downfalls with doing this? " Yeah, like Grantman, I can think of a big one: Ground Clearance. There was a V-8 Z at the Blackhawk show with exhaust terminations at the positions you indicated. It was a pretty rough black primered one with 'Scarab' emblems. Didn't crawl around to see how they did it. I also have a Popular Mechanics article with pix from mid-70's that details a V-8 conversion in a 240 and the owner had run 'side pipes'. Ala Corvette. Remember those? They did not have protective shrouds and the owner noted that exiting the vehicle in shorts was a cautious endeavor. Ya think? steve77
V8 Sounding Z
Same here, I have a Header, 2 1/4, 'test pipe', and 2 1/4 straight-thru Bosal and I get the "wow, do you have a V-8 in that thing" all the time. It has a really great low rumble. To me it doesn't sound anything like a cammed V-8, but it does roll a bit. Now at 4000 there is absolutely no mistaking: IT IS NOT A V-8!!!! To me, the whine of a straight-6 at high r's is the sweetest sound in autodom. God, what music! Just my preference. BTW, the straight-6 doesn't have to be a Datsun, either. steve77
1st 350Z in Texas!
"The similar looking Skyline was found to be more ricee than I thought." While I am not in love with the R35, the previous interpretations of Skyline have left little to want in terms of clean, simple, mean sports sedan. But I have to take exception to that statement. To me, saying the Skyline looks 'ricey' is kinda like saying a '69 Barracuda looks 'hot-roddy' or a Bentley looks 'capitalist'. IT'S SUPPOSED TO! The Skyline is the car they are all trying to emulate! And it certainly doesn't have to be Japanese to be riced. Anything new will be riced--including the 350. Focus, Saturn, BMW...anything. I just don't think it's fair to characterize the 350 as ricey. It's from the originators of rice and hey, it's what people want now! Remember, they have to sell them! In the late 60's, people wanted a personal GT car. Nissan made one. It was "low and swoopy". It's just our concept of 'low and swoopy' has changed a bit with styles and technology. steve77
Blackhawk pix
"I thought it was going to be all fully resortered original cars there and no hybrid Z." Interesting you would note that...I expected the same--at least in the 'special areas'. Let me explain that. There were basically four levels of 'show' going on. INSIDE THE MUSEUM: 3 cars...Mr. K's yellow 74 2+2, the 350 and an orange 240--perfect, original stock--or was it white? DIRECTLY OUSIDE THE MUSEUM IN THE COURTYARD: Basically one of everything: New Max; Alt; elec. vehicle; Quest; The baby blue roadster; A slammed, rollcaged, nicely prepped mustard 510; Another bone-stock orange 240; The flared red 240 (second post, 5th pic) WITH A CHEVY V-8 IN IT; And a blue 4G (was at MSA too--has every tube and wire and hose in the engine bay covered with blue flex and mirrors glued to the tops of relay boxes). I'm sorry, but it looks really cheesy; Representing ZX was a brown/gold AE, leather, t-top, low miles; This is the area I was really surprised to find the seriously modded/hybrid vehicles. The advertisements had said the promoters were looking for a few pristine examples of each model year to place on display. I had driven 4 hours and slept in a strange bed and as I climbed the stairs at this fabulous museum past the fountains and lush landscape towards this exclusive display area, I just KNEW I was going to see some unbelievable examples of Nissan Automobiles. I was aghast. If I want to see miles of coloured hose-flex, I will go to the local Rice-o-Rama; If I want to see really fast 510, I will go to an Auto-X; And if I want to see V-8's, I will buy a Suburban. MAIN PARKING LOT RESERVED FOR REGISTERED SHOW ENTRANTS/CLUB MEMBERS: I would guess about 100 vehicles. About five rows of 20 or so. Roughly: 15 Roadsters, 10 dimes, 5 ZX's, 2 280's, 2 Z31's, 30 4G's and the rest 240's--Oh, and one boat! A bunch of very nice cars. Great show. Great size. Small enough to 'absorb' it all. THE GENERAL PARKING LOT: Who knows, probably AT LEAST another 100 Z's. Overall a very nice show--but with some surprising offerings... steve77
Flywheel bolts...
REALLY stupid question: How do you keep the engine from turning to get the flywheel bolts out? Also the Pulley bolt. Block is out. steve77
Where to get BRE shirts/emblems
Today at the Blackhawk show I saw a BRE t-shirt. Just a plain white shirt with just the simple red BRE with a blue rectangle around it. Anybody know where to get these? steve77
- Blackhawk pix
Blackhawk pix
More Blackhawk pix...The following are: Poorly lit Ugly gaudy powered by a super-charged V-twin (ala HD) Quite beautiful Crowded Finickey European-made car Not the auto from Texas--this one's a stick Body is made entirely of wood REALLY NICE Very nice--even in blue (but why blue???) Why can't we see that copper thing? Another V-twin But definitely not in that order!
Blackhawk pix
- Blackhawk pix
- Blackhawk pix
- Handling physics: 240 style
What's PCA? I'm used to hearing about POA around here... steve77- that torsen thing...
How does the Torsen unit compare to the diffy that came in the SS? steve77- Why Zed?
Hmmmm...I'm trying to come up with a really crazy paint motif for my new project...this gives me some ideas...I like the idea of the front fenders being flat black--easy touch-up. Where would the rest of the colours be.....? steve77- Solved?
If in doubt, solder. steve77- slogan
My Z can beat up your car.- Why Zed?
...dubla-vee, icks, egrec, zed. steve77- Headlights on ebay
Hey, guys. Stop messing around with these jokers. Want the straight stuff? Talk to John Harris at H4lights.com. He is vice president of GroupZ and sells this stuff basically for kicks just for Z people. He has everything you need including relays and whatnot for the power issues that come with e-code and like headlights (e-bay guy didn't mention any of that, did he?). H(arris)4lights or e-mail H4lights@yahoo.com steve77 (no affiliation)- Licence plates and California
I have never been stopped in my Z. Not only does it have not front plate, it has no bumpers. I am pretty sure all you get is a fix-it in CA. What else can they do? I was stopped last year in my truck on American River Drive (yes, Owen, THAT American River Drive) for not having a front plate. I don't think I even had to get a re-inspection like you have to with lights and such. I am pretty sure I just had to pay a $65 fine by mail. Sack o' Tomatoes is really cracking down on front plates though. They are installing cameras EVERYWHERE. Love the one at Alhambra and J and the mother of all is at Howe and Fair Oaks. A friend of mine in Visalia has this hologram-like-thing on his front plate. It is clear plastic, but at a certain angle and with bright light (flash) it goes blank. It looks interesting, but I would think if you got pulled over for ANYTHING and a CHP saw it, it would wizz him off and you would be done for. steve77 (recently moved from 2600 California Ave. Carmichael)- slogan
"It's a Z thing...you wouldn't understand." is the coolest thing I have ever read concerning a car. I was so blown away the first time I came to this site and read it. Pure genius. It's also pretty hard to top: Driven. & Enjoy the ride. steve77 It's not a car, it's an attitude.- to turbo or not getting confused
The fewer moving parts, the better. steve77 - Blackhawk pix
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