Everything posted by Zvoiture
What do you think?
One example: The 'Technical Articles' forum. I know what this forum is INTENDED for...for the longwinded and incredibly educational instructional notes of John Coffey, Wayne Burnstein, etc. etc..but in reality, it is a discussion forum of items that clearly should be bantered about on 'Systems' or Susp or whatever. I surf through everything here twice daily and am STILL finding nooks and crannies of info. Here's a question: There appears to be two different areas for 'Rides' or Member Gallery. It appears (at least to me) that if you click on the link under the rotating picture at the top of the home page, it takes you to a different place than the 'Members Gallery' topic under the 'Photos' forum. The home page is the best! I love all that info on one page. steve77
Mass air for 280Z
Is this over in the 'systems' forum too? There are several methods--I have not tried any of them. One of them is to convert a Turbo AFM to N/A by changing some of the adjustments inside. Rob Sime is the guy to talk to...he used to have all this up on the web and lost his space...If you're really serious, e-mail me and i will put you in touch with him. He will also DO it for you for about $250 +core. steve77
What do you think?
Everything looks great. Really like the 'high-brow' and 'above-the-belt' dialogue. I have been a regular at "Brand X" for over a year but kinda got fed up with the 'punk factor'. KNOWADDAMEAN? This place is great. BUT....................IF I had to change one thing......Fewer forum topics, or perhaps fewer forums would be the right way to say it. It takes too long to surf everything. I would much rather scroll down through a longer and more diverse selection of threads in one forum--selecting what I want to read--than travel back and forth hitting a bunch of different forums. steve77
Local 'Photo Ads' has a 1985 300ZXB6 Turbo. t-top, AT, pw, pb...etc.etc.etc. What is this? I have never heard of it. Something special? steve77
Clamp @ Exhaust Y-tube....
I recently put in MSA 3-2 header (with a Y-tube obviously) and had the rest of the exhaust professionally done all the way back--everything welded EXCEPT the two header pipes into the Y-tube. I intended to clamp this joint. It is a swaged fitting that fits really snug and probably seats at nearly 2 inches deep. It is now a few weeks later, and I am getting around to installing a clamp on this joint. I notice from the paint scraped off the joint that this joint is moving at least 1/2 inch. I am assuming this is during normal heating-cooling expansion-contraction. Should I clamp? If I do, where is this movement going to go? Will clamping this joint cause undue stress on the header/head connection? steve77
where is the fill for the rear diff? (73 240z)
Or just fill it through the vent--but measure the oil. steve77
I have 225/50/15's on zero offset 15X7 wheels on a 280 that is lowered 1.5". I have almost the same amount of space between the tire and fender as I have between the strut retainer and bump stop! About 2". The tires DO NOT sit clearly INSIDE the fenders. They woudl probably rub if I had enoght travel. steve77
Going to the Zcar Nationals - May 4,5,6
ESA is NOT the Hilton, but I have stayed in several and they have all been new and very clean and practically identical....Friday night at 4:30 huh? I thought Sat. Traffic will not be fun. Forget the I-5 part, just stay on 55 north to Katella or Collins. But if you are getting a ride, you won't have to worry about it. steve77
Going to the Zcar Nationals - May 4,5,6
Yeah, I figured you would be coming into Orange County Airport...that's where Southwest goes and usually has better rates.....The hotel should be prety easy to find from there...probably just get on 55 north and hit I-5 North to Katella DR....Speaking of the hotel...MSA informed me today the Ramada IS NOT FULL...got bunk info somewhere...Oh, well, I am staying put at ESA. 4:30 or 8:30? Tough call, traffic should not be to bad either way. Less at 8:30 for sure. I have an free ticket for the banquet if you are interested in a free dinner. Or oyou can have dinner with us...MAp it out on Yahoo maps...Keep in touch. steve77
P90 head
I'm not local, but I have a friend with several p90's and a's. Lemme know if you don't find anything local... steve77
240z, 260z or 280z?
Finery and weight. Ignoring the drivetrains (260 has smog controls...280 is FI and came with a 5-sp.......), the further you get from the original 240's the heavier the car gets and the more "luxury" you find inside. Most of the books refer to it more or less as such: "...while the 240 was a true 'sports car', Nissan designed the 260 and 280 more along the lines of a 'GT' car..." A big factor was maintaining the car's appeal to the American customer. Carpet, controls, insulation....... Another big factor was safety. The later 240's had thicker sheetmetal and the 260's and 280's thicker still (no pun intended). The 240 started out in the 2200 lb range and by '78 (the last year of the 280) they were up into the 28-2900 range. There are lots of subtle differences. Even if you are VERY familiar with your own model, it is always eye-opening to go to a show and start poking around in other models. It is amazing to see the little differences. steve77
Trouble wit' zed
Yeah, I thought vapour lock too...somebody's starving... steve77
Going to the Zcar Nationals - May 4,5,6
Extended Stay America There's the link to the search page. It has a map too. Or you can call: Expended Stay America 1635 W. Katella Ave. Orange, CA 92867 Telephone: (714) 639-8608 Fax: (714) 639-8472 SoCalZ and SteveZcar are soloing it down Saturday. What time is your flight getting in? They will be on tonight at some point. steve77
Going to the Zcar Nationals - May 4,5,6
We can make you an Honorary member of CCZCC, that way you can have a nametag laminated and people will think you know something. And also, you can hang with the 6 of us who are registered together inside the show--including at least three from here. Check out the Extended Stay America in Orange. We are all driving down Saturday evening and staying there. The 'reccomended' hotel was full and ESA is only about a mile from the show. It was considerably cheaper too. I'd pick you up at the airport, but my wife is coming(I suppose I am supposed to put a smiley here) and we just have not sprung for that lovely 2+2 yet! I think for Saturday, the place to hang iwll be the autoX. It is sold out for driving but you know there wil be a TON of people there. Wish I could come down early. I think also there is a get-together at another shop near MSA. Check HYBRIDZ forums. Hey...You could rent a Hyandai or focus or something and convince MSA to let you X it. Then we could all get to drive it! Serious about the honorary member thing. Let me know. ZVOITURE@AOL.COM steve77
We need some custom picts!
The silver one is REALLY good... steve77
Exhaust fumes in the car.. Yaaaaaark....
What is a 'tag light'? steve77
Auto X pixs...
I had to open pix to non-members... It works now. steve77
What does a Holden sound like? Helpo out your poor Yankee buddies. I just did a MSA header, 2 1/4 all the way back, with a 'test pipe' for the cat and a 2 1/4 staright-thru Bosal SS with twin 3" tips. It is quite loud, but has a great note. People say it sounds very much like a V-8. It definitely has a very nice rumble. I think it sounds like a beautifully running straight-6!...and I think a straight 6--whoever makes it, is the best sounding engine in the world...Quite a bit of resonance down in the 2-3 range, which I am told can be significantly reduced by installing a 'bullet' style muffler ahead of the main muffler. Up around 4 and beyond, it has this lovely staccatto whine. Doesn't sound like a squid at all. steve77
- The beginning...11/01
Couldn't resist this one...
Saw this in town today....At least we now have a good use for those non-slip flower things that go on the bottom of the tub... It doesn't show up perfect, but that thing is LAVENDER!!!! steve77
Auto X pixs...
Here's a bunch of Datsun pix I took at NASA-X at Marina on Sunday the 21st. Mostly 510 and Z... CCZCC autox4.21 steve77
sloppy shifter
Yes, NO BENDING! The three nylon bushings will change the way you think about life! The difference is incredible! $17 at your local 'ship for the three. HAreder to get the old ones off than the new ones on. Just 'snap' them on and enjoy knowing what gear you are in. steve77
Exhaust fumes in the car.. Yaaaaaark....
That was supposed to be: Antennea drain hole right next to the MUFFLER. steve77
Exhaust fumes in the car.. Yaaaaaark....
A few places that solved 75% of my fumes. Make sure the plastic 'vapour barriers' are intact underneath the interior door panels. There should be a thin plastic installed with caulk at all edges insid ehte door panels. MORE IMPORTANTLY (this one alone was 50%) Same as above but inside the deck lid inner panel. You know, that vinyl panel about 9" X 36" under the window with a bunch of screws? Take it off and see if there is plastic installed AND COMPLETELY SEALED inside. Two large (1 1/4") holes in lower edge of deck lid. Exhaust comes straight up inside the taillight panel and into these holes. Antennae drain hole right next to the bumper. The hole is about 1". It is supposed to have a rubber boot with a drain tube tight in it, but usually at least the tube is gone and often the boot too. Buy a new inner shift boot. How new is your exhaust? You make it sound like this is a new problem and also reference 'poisonous fumes'. Is the coating on the header/pipe/muffler still burning off? Mine smelled 'poisonous' (quite different from normal exhaust) for many heat-ups. My new SS Bosal smelled like burning machine oil forever. Did you clamp the Y-tube/down tube/collector from the header? It should not be welded, but needs a good SS band clamp. C clamps are poor at best. steve
So...Who is going to the MSA show?
I'm there on Sunday. There are five of us from Central Coast Z Car Club that are registered and will be parking together. Who else from here? Sound off. steve77