Everything posted by Zvoiture
What kind of hat do you like?
I guess I'm a girl. I just stopped wearing hats and have moved to visors. They are so much cooler--and cooler. If you wear them just right you can get your blonde hair to poof out of the front of them and droop over the front. WAY too stylish! Light gets dirty and dark gets salt stains. But...having to choose, I prefer light. steve
What is the second oil sender on F54 block
I'm sorry...got to thinking about it and I was wrong. The thermistor is in the HEAD just above and to the left of the oil filter. The other port in the BLOCK just above and to the left of the oil filter (drilled and tapped on some f54's blank on others) is for the knock sensor on turbo motors. There is nothing inside. It is not a water jacket nor an oil galley. Quite useless, I suppose... steve
What is the second oil sender on F54 block
Yes, it is an engine temperature sender that talks to the FI computer. The F54's have them, but the N42's don't. steve
What kind of hat do you like?
Visors. Hats are bad for your hair, man!
Monterey Historics --- Aug 13 - Aug 15
masterash bar
Don't worry about it Kats....I'm just playing with you. You should hear my French.....C'est bizarre! steve
Factory headlamp covers 240 wanted
Factory headlamp covers 240 wanted
Here is a picture of the MSA covers--installed without the rubber gasket supplied--and painted, so you can REALLY see the profile better than clear and how much smaller it is than the opening. These things are absolute junk. This is a shattered (yes they do that if you look at them wrong), salvaged set that I caulked in and painted for cheap race car use. Perfect use! steve
MSA 2004
This car was a total trip. All decked out very utilitarian-like with all kinds of crap. Very strange mods. The 'cage' was made of aluminum rigging and the joints were clamped. Did anyone else catch the ignition? It is a L28e and it had some sort of 'spark accumulator' or 'coil energizer' or something. Interesting car.
MSA 2004
Does anyone know, this film crew pictured--the one going around with Greg Smith--was this the crew doing the MSA DVD or was it the OTHER crew (with the boom cart and the tall guy with the mic)? Just curious because they interviewed different cars. Anyone?
Team Midol
New motor
Pretty mild...ported e-88 with stage III, stiff springs, oversize SS valves, .40 over new flattops, balanced F54/L28, 10.25:1, rebuilt Mik 44 on long Cannon, Unilite, big pan...
- My jungle gym
*NEW MSA's new air dam... type 3... take a peek
Poor John...if only he knew his dedication to MSA was causing such a stir.... steve
Social Poll...
>>>Moved at three, and stuck!<<< Hmmmmm..... that sounds to me like the 'less than 10 miles' catagory! steve
MSA show pix...
I won 'Worst PAint Job' and 'Best Dash'. steve
MSA show pix...
See? I really WAS there. And smiling! And there's Ron C. looking in my trunk. He's going, "Who the eff did this welding?!?!?!" steve
Social Poll...
Don't over-think it. It could be where you graduated from High School. It could be where your parents still live. It could be where you spent your early teen-age years. Or your whole childhood. Yes, and I purposely left out 'I haven't grown up yet'. steve
Women at the WC Nationals
Women at the WC Nationals
The Z Car's Nemesis?
God, I can't believe it took, like, 10 posts for someone to mention the GTV. It kinda looks like we have three different conversations going here... the 'nemesis' in the street, on the track, and in your yard.... I'm not going to sound like much of a homer here, folks, but I refuse to be myopic. In the street? Well, first of all street racing is dangerous and illegal and I don't do it. With that said, the answer--for 99.5% of all Z's on this forum--would be JUST ABOUT ANYTHING from F-bodies and Pony cars up throught the Corvettes, Porsches and exotics and down through new, high-tech cars with similar or better P/W ratios like Eclipse, Acura, Neon, yes and even well-prepared 'rice'. Sorry for that, myopians. The Z is a dinosaur with 130 horse and 2400+ lbs and a peg-leg. It's a SPORTS CAR, not a green-light wowwer. In your yard...well, I'm not going to touch this one. I don't play with rusty cars and you shouldn't either. On the track? Now here is where the playing field gets a bit more level, believe it or not. Classifications are important, yes, and so is the driver. I would say those two each make up a third of a winning formula. The remaining third is the fact that the Z is a really good road racing car. Even mildly prepared, the suspension geometry is nearly perfect and even a stock powertrain BEGS and PLEADS with you to run the wizz out of it. You can be much less concerned about proper classing on smaller tracks. On larger tracks, there is no way it can keep up with cars with higher end. Give it the tight, torquey stuff and away you go! Yes, at the expense of puffing a few heads up, you can beat 911's. But that's a horrible blanket statement. Racing is for fun. No one is going to hire you to drive for the Jaguar Factory Team. You go out and pass the field--of 911's and 993's and 914's and Boxters and Corvettes and Eclipses and Neons and whatever else is not being driven to the FUN level your car is and you find someone to race with. It might be a 911. It might be a 944 (they match up very nicely), it might be an E-36 or a Boxter. Last weekend I passed 911's all day long and had my arse handed me by an EVO. This kind of talk only leads to one thing: Sore elbows. steve
masterash bar
The difference is in the syllable stress. MUS-tache and mou-STACHE You must shave off your MUStache. That gentleman has a very distinguished mouSTACHE. When you are in the Care-a-be-an, you have a MUStache. When you visit the Ca-rib-ean, you sport your mouSTACHE. Poor Kats. steve