Everything posted by Zvoiture
whats wrong with splitfires and slick 50?
Born before 1970=Memory lane Born after 1970=History lesson: Remember when Slick50 was not available on every Kragen or Safeway shelf? It was sold personally by 'authorized representatives'--NOT stores. Like Amway! I'm not sure if it was structured pyramid-like, but I can remember the first few people I knew who sold it were definitely--how do I say this nicely--in the catagory of those who are constantly looking for that THING. That magical thing that will finally put them over the top. They were people we didn't give a large amount of credence to. It was $50 a quart and one quart would "coat the inside of your engine with Teflon". I don't remember there being 1st time treatments or supplements or boosters or fuel treatments or tranny additives. Just Slick50 for $50/quart. One quart would protect your engine for ever and make it last forever. Not exactly marketing for 'job security'! steve
whats wrong with splitfires and slick 50?
Ditto. Multi-tip plugs DO NOT create a twin or quad spark. There is still only one arc. It will travel in the direction of the least resistance--to one of the electrodes. Those ads with the furious multiple sparks are a joke. Kinda like the pest-control guy's truck with the black widow spider on the side with the red hourglass ON IT'S BACK! Repeat after me: NGK BPR6 NGK BR6 NGK BPR6ES NGK BPR7 Maybe BPR8, but I doubt it Possibly BPR5, but I doubt it. Got to your local Car Quest or NAPA autoparts store and ask to see the NGK book nonmenclature. It is on the first page of the catalogue. It explains all the codes. If you have a seriously shaved head and/or domed pistons, you might want a 3/8 projection. Or go to sparkplugs.com. To quote one of my favorite people on here, "Bosch plugs belong in German cars. Autolites belong in Fords. Champions belong in lawn mowers." steve
Northern Cali meet: yes another one!!
Dude! Point Reyes is awsome! What a cool cruise. Drakes Beach is great. Fresh oysters hot off the hot 55 gallon drum/BBQ right on the beach. $1 each. your choice garlic butter of marinara. Wish I could come. One of my favorite places in the world. Stop in Inverness, get a bottle o' wine and cruise out to Drakes. North and South beaches on Point Reyes are great too, but completely different. The Natural history museum is wonderful, sepecially if you bring the kiddies. steve
No Ohlone Fremont event this year???
You have a couple things confused. The Ohlone College event that occurred in 2002 and 2003 was Z's By The Bay one year and Z-Fest the other. It was put on by Ted Stokes at CLUBZ and Yuichi and Kyle at STRICTLYZ. It was not a ZONC event. The first year attendance was great for a first event and everyone had high hopes for it continuing. The second year was not as well-attended as was hoped. Who knows about a third.... I would not consider ZONC a good source of information concerning this event. ZONC has a long track record of not supporting or even advertising outside events. That is reason #'s 2 and 3. Here is reason #1: Blackhawk is a ZONC event. I saw a flyer recently advertising another z-meet at Blackhawk for 2004. I think it is usually in June or maybe May also. For information on whether ZBTB will happen this year, I would check CLUBZ's or STRICTLYZ's websites. MSA, Rio Vista, ZBTB and Blackhawk, all within 3 months. Then nothing until MSA the next year. Someone needs to put a show on in September or October or something. steve
Where are the MSA pix?????
I can't believe you were there, Tom! You should have e-mailed me and let me know you were coming. Your car is unbelievable and would have fit well with the group I was parked with. No one from CCZCC attended (so I thought), so I parked with the WCZRacer group. I was parked next to CHINO's car. Directly across from the bandstand, next to the PierreZ group. I walked to the end several times, but SO MANY CARS!!!!! steve
This is my buddy Ron Carter (RC240). Won Best Work In Progress. This will be a near-perfect #46 BRE replica--but with some modern safety functional items because it will be actively raced. I was 2 cars to the right--on the other side of Craigs (CHINO 240z) beautiful yellow race car. steve
Anyone got my roof?
Where are the MSA pix?????
Well, I guess it is my fault I didn't meet more 240.orgers--or even see ones who knew my car. I BROUGHT A BRAND NEW CAR!!!! One that I haven't posted too many pictures of anywhere (top secret) and MSA was its official unveiling! (yes, that silver/turquoise/blue hulk in my garage--remember 'New Graphics for my Z' thread?--but, thanks to not sleeping for nearly a week, it looked much different at the show) And I was not parked with big Steve and the rest of the Central Valley/Central Coast guys, I was with the West Coast Z Racers. So I guess everybody just walked on by..... That's what I get for not bringing my 'trademark' car. It was very sad for not going, by the way. Still hasn't spoke to me. steve
Where are the MSA pix?????
I keep coming here to re-visit the show and there is nearly nothing!!! In past years there have been pages within HOURS. A whole day later and we have a half-dozen of Vic's pix. Where--by the way--I learned Whitaker was there and never came and siad hi. Maybe he didn't recognize my new car! I almost won Worst Paint Job. Next year I am wearing a bikini. Speaking of MIA, where was EricB and Jerry (gozracergo)???? Frank13 tracked me down somehow... Did anyone here glean some treasures from my trailer of EVERYTHING FREE?!?! If you did, thanks a million! Should have brought three times that much! Oh, and Vic, I am saving all my aluminum for you. Grist for the mill, you know. I had no idea you were into such things. I've got valve covers, pump block-offs, chain housings, injected intakes, you name it. All yours. steve
My (Victor's) Z at MSA
Bad day at the races
I'm just curious...having never had an on-(or off!)track experience like this YET...What does a person say after they do something like this? What does he say to you? Sorry? steve
Vic and Vix
Best attachment for a grinder?
JCWhitney sells an attachment for a 4 1/2" grinder that takes your car down to a media blaster and then returns it home to you a few days later. Works great. Look in their catalogue. steve
camber plates?
Pegasus, Erik Messley, or Ground Control. steve
New Graphics on my Z
New Graphics on my Z
Here's a couple of better shots. Not trying to hijack your thread, Tom, but it is a lot like your 2nd choice....
Painless Wiring Universal Kit?
I think the original word was 'functionality'. If the car is to be driven on the street, then you obviously need to add circuits for a few things other than brake lights. Also, although it looks simple, keep in mind everything there (not including battery, starter, alternator, brake lights, fan or fuel pump) is not cheap. Everything pictured will run you somewhere in the neighborhood of $700. steve
New Graphics on my Z
Yes, it looked quite a bit different on a M-series sedan. Transposing it to the curvy car made it take on a different effect. I'll see if I can dig up the magazine. The problem with the yahoo links is it is a members-only Z site. Yahoo USED to let the public read messages and view photos--but nothing else--and now it seems they ahve put their stranglehold on that too. Oh, well...it's free! steve
Painless Wiring Universal Kit?
There's at least one mistake. Can you find it? Wire sizes: Battery (trunk) +: 2/0 Battery (both) -: 4 Main + to breaker board: 8 Breaker board to switch panel: 10 All other wires: 12 I also put my AMB transponder on one of the spares through a 2A breaker. steve
Painless Wiring Universal Kit?
New Graphics on my Z
Ummmm...I guess I'm going to take that as a compliment? Those are junk rollers, man! Paint wheels. I got wheels. Trust me. I got wheels! steve
New Graphics on my Z
Sure is fun playing around with diferent hosts...NOT! Too funny. What the hell...here you go... The other side is just the opposite. The front fender is all blue and it all fades to zero about mid-door. In the rear, the blue dies down through the valence just right of center. I got the idea from a BMW in a magazine I have--but it was red/white/blue. steve
New Graphics on my Z
Here, hold my beer. Try this: http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/857a5f11/bc/6ccb/__sr_/c9d1.jpg?phK.ZgABDsTdP31B steve