Everything posted by Zvoiture
New Graphics on my Z
Tom, you're not going to believe this, but my new race car is disturbingly like your #2 scheme. Here is a really bad photo and you will probably need a Yahoo ID to view... http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/groups/g_11752116/__hr_IMGP1619.jpg?bcdfUgABC5HUyMPQ steve
Owning a Z makes me...
>>>2. Buy "Fairlady 240zxtsr" badging <<< Yo, they gotta be JDM Fairlady 240zxtsr badges, man! stve
Anyone have an orange 280?
>>>>I found orange paint on my 240<<<< That's it. Bye. steve
Has this site gone South?
Now I'm embarrassed I started all this. Jesus, people! I actually just tried to delete it, thinking as the first poster I could eliminate the whole thread. I thought for sure I did it once before. But alas, it won't let me. Somehow, a post I had hoped would develop some meaningful theories (Yes, even though it sounded kinda bitchy) for the whole group has turned into a rather narrow personal vent. Mike, I've got it! We need a 'Rage' section--with appropriate warnings for enterers. Mad at someone? Post it there. Hate your life? Tell everyone about it there. Wanna talk religion and politics? There's the place. Feel the need to flame the wizz out of someone? Drag-em in there and let go! Think Mike is a frickin' jerk? Let fly, baby! Can't stand people who type like warty bliggins? Take it to the Rage Board. Moderator feels a thread is getting out of line? Dump it in there. Quite a few sites do this already (datalounge, for instance). I really do appreciate all the good times this board has provided. Mike has gone way above and beyond the call of duty. Keith, Bambi, ALL the moderators. You are doing an excellent job. the board really doesn't need fixed. A few people just need to learn manners. Myself included. I've discovered a section of Datsun ownership who do not have these problems. They view general Z forums as an unnecessary evil. I'm beginning to see why. Racers rule! steve
Anyone have an orange 280?
WOW! You posted that TWO DAYS AGO??? That's what I get for beng scarce around here the past month or so. Unbelievable. So there was one on e-bay claiming originality. And we are still waiting for someone else to know of an orange 280. Thanks for finding that, pimp-dude--errrrrrrr--Michael. Hello? Anyone? Hello? Beuller? .... Bueller? .... Bueller? steve
Anyone have an orange 280?
My 77 is orange underneath the metallic green. I have never in my life seen an orange 280. Door sills, behind panels--all the places of an original colour. Anyone else? Could the orange be a second coat? steve
Has this site gone South?
We need a point system like the DMV. Or, actually, the opposite of DMV. Unlimited access is 100 points. Each post is a point. If you do not own a Z or are under 18, you start at 0 and are only allowed 1 point per day. If you own a Z you are allowed 2 points per day. Each Z you own equals 50 points. ANY moderator alertion or activity during this period--EVEN IF THE MODERATOR DECIDES NOT TO DELETE POSTS--equals return to 0. Hey, it's only 100 days! The point of this is to 'impress' upon newbs the 'flow and gist' of this site. They need to understand we are a fambly. steve
Has this site gone South?
>>>START YOUR OWN SITE <<< I did! But I still like this one! This place is the best. Group hug, everyone.... steve
Has this site gone South?
Geez, it's starting to sound like ZCAR around here. Did they start screening membership or something? Do we need to start? Are we too big? We've got a kid with a Honda trying to sell us photoshopped Eclipses and someone else posting polls based on what he read in the classifieds this morning. Meanwhile, I have a good friend, intelligent, dedicated Z owner and VP of one of the biggest Z clubs in the US sitting at home, not able to post while his memberhship is approved. I WANT MY 240z.org BACK!!!!! sorry... steve
Me thinks you need to ask your folks before using the computer. steve
50mm triple Mikuni Carbs & intake
I've been asking Todd every few weeks for you too! If you arleady are, I'll quit. He sure did a beautiful job on my 44's. steve
UPS brings me new rubber.
I smell a rat. I don't think that earring is standard issue. steve
Photochoping contest....
Good one, Mike! steve
I-5 MSA caravan
Northern California Zers The MSA event is two weeks away !!! I have a tentative trip schedule for the ZONC caravan to the MSA event. Currently it's loose (except for the start time) as far as exact meeting places, but here goes. Friday, April 23rd: 7:30 AM Leave Flag City at the I-5 highway 12 junction (South of Sacramento) Good place for breakfast if you arrive early 8:30 AM Westly rest stop to pick up Bay Area and Tracy/Modesto Contingent 10:00AM Santa Nella for South bay contingent and those from Merced, Turlock area (at the Ramada Inn parking area, Highway 33 at I-5) We will be in the area of Harris Ranch Restaurant about noon and we can stop for lunch, walk, etc 2:00PM Grapevine (just south of the I-5 /99 junction) for south San Joaquin Valley people. If traffic is light at that time of day should pull into Orange at 4:00 - 4:30. If anyone plans on joining up with us, contact: Ron Fuller cvzonc@hotmail.com so we know what to expect. Should be a fun trip!!
F54 turbo BLOCK for Sale
75,000 miles? With hone marks? Interesting. Because a hundred other people will click on this in the future to see how to price their parts, here's some value points: $150: An F54 NON-TURBO lower end with 75,000 original miles out of a running car that has NOT BEEN TAKEN APART. $100: An F54 TURBO lower end with 75,000 original miles out of a running car that has NOT BEEN TAKEN APART. $0-$50: An F54 TURBO or N/A with 75,000 or a jillion miles on it that HAS been taken apart. Ya gotta put new bearings in it; ya gotta turn the crank; ya gotta re-ring and therefore hone and it will be out slightly so ya gotta bore a bit and buy new flattops and............................ steve
Full set of door glass...
I need to get rid of this stuff from my race car project. Both door glass panels, all the regulators, guides, brackets and misc. BS that comes out of doors. DNI the latch or levers, top hoops or chrome door topper moulding. Basically free. Will not be fun to ship. Probably cost $50 to ship. now that i think about it, I think I have a set of top hoops from another project, so they go too. If nobody takes them, I am planning on loading my truck bed up with all this stuff and a bunch of other stock items that have come off and taking it to the MSA show. It will be free there too. Fuel pumps, glass, alternators, springs, sway bars, radiators, shrouds, water pumps, disty's, pistons, valve covers, timing gears, chains, coils, guages, dash frame, Z31 guages, And on and on. Please don't PM me! I don't come here often enough anymore and I find PM's annoying. ZVOITURE@aol.com ZVOITURE@aol.com steve
70 240Z Race car VIN#809
Gee, Keith....That's an interesting cage. I seem to recall someone not too long ago making a comment in regards to a certain GT2 tub I bought...something to the effect of, "...that cage would take a lot of work to make legal...." Funny what happens when a hunny pops up....... Let us know if it actually is a race car with a log book or if it is just HLS30-000809 being turned into a race car. steve
MSA Z car Nationals Convention : Anyone selling anything?
There is always LOTs of for sale signs at MSA. Kindoa a 'everyting has its price' type of mentality. There are a few people are honestly trying to sell, but It hink most of it is fishing. Typically you can spot the 'feelers' because their prices are double to triple what the car is worth. Last year a good friend of mine drove his 240 down at the last minute for the specific reason of selling it. Admission to the show is cheaper than a newspsper ad! And he sold it. There are always a few people with stuff to sell. I don't think MSA smiles on it, and there were rumours last year of them cracking down on it. Still there are always a few junk parts in people's trunks! Very little good stuff, although last year there was this guy with a backpack full of re-man clocks. And EricP had some good stuff and sold most of it. Also someone else was walking around with a triple set-up for practically nothing. He didn't carry it around for very long. steve
Time for a new meaningless poll...
Give yourself any extra 100 points if you have 220.....(In AMERICA!!!) steve
Time for a new meaningless poll...
Do not count garage door opener outlets on the ceiling!!! I don't care how much crap you have plugged into them! If I ever build my own house, there will be one every foot..... steve
disappointing dyno result
Is this an L28? steve
MSA show Caravan
MSA has promised a more streamlined entry/sorting process. That will be nice. Probably don't have to be there as early this year... Craig, get in touch with Ted or someone over at CLUBZ or check HYBRIDZ. They each will have caravans coming down from the Bay Area. steve
Mikuni Triples Fuel pressure??????
Mikuni's like 3 lbs. But you gotta keep them fed. This is the cheapest pump I have found for them http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=CRT%2DP4594 . And that is with a clean (preferably 1/4) system as Alan suggests. Other than that, find yourself a Red or Blue. steve
Saw a beautiful '73 today...
And the guy wants to sell it. Got his e-mail address and told him to post it here, but who knows.... Anyways, if someone is looking for a pretty clean, fairly original Z, this is a good one. I went over it pretty well for about a half hour, and it is one of the better examples I have seen for sale in some time. Orange and has been re-painted, but match very very close. A few chips and dings here and there. Found several split-pea-sized rust bubbles in the passenger dogleg about 1 1/2 inch behind the seam, otherwise could not find anything. The other three corners of the rocker seem fine. Rear hatch inner deck perfect. Nothing in front fenders. Pulled the (new) carpet kit and found nothing glaring through the sound-proofing. Frame rails look good. 183,000 miles and well preserved. Original hubcaps (in good condition) and newish Dunlops in the correct size. Overrider on rear, but not on front. Front bumper has the two holes in the front and a couple dings, but the chrome is bright all around. No rust in the chrome. Seats have been recovered in black leather but it looks like original. Don't remember any cracks in the dash, but didn't look at it too hard. Original engine (didn't check numbers) and round tops. AUTOMATIC (oops, meant to put that at the beginning!) Supposedly runs and drives great. I found almost NO disappointments looking at this car. I would proudly enter it AS-IS in any Z car show I have been to, and at several I have been to, wouldn't be surprised if it took OEM class. He wasn't sure how much to sell it for and was "researching". It is at least a $5000 car. It is in Pismo Beach, CA. No, I don't have any pictures. All I have is an e-mail address: THEREDMAN10@aol.com steve