Everything posted by Zvoiture
1981 280 ZX Free for the taking
Hmmmm... 5 speed.....good chance a F54/P79.....quite possibly a 390 R180..... Dimers always grab up the suspension.... possibly a decent 3-core....ecellent wiper motor..... EI..... Hmmmmm steve77
Blasting media question?
Yes, I too feel the blasted media is horribly biased towards the left. steve77
Keith's back yard...
Did you see the two others in the background? Someone in NJ has a treasure trove of parts. Someone should find this guy. He has TWO MANY Z'S!!!! I'm a bit far away........ steve77
Keith's back yard...
http://cgi.aol.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6187&item=2442040134 steve77
Triple Weber DCOE 40 + free manifold
Yes, Eric, the part you are missing is: I'm an idjiot! I actually read it several times looking for the answer. steve77
Triple Weber DCOE 40 + free manifold
Eric, is the "set" doubles or triples? steve77
- ZX's are a bit heavy...
Relationary Status...
>>>>Oooo another girl!<<<<
Relationary Status...
I haven't listened to Tom Lykis for a LONG time. I don't think any stations where I live now have him (We lost both Rome and Imus,but Roe jsut got picked back up....). So I don't really gt the joke. Tom advocates later marrying??? steve77
Relationary Status...
Lord: "Under 24 But not single" If you are not single, I assume you are married. I believe you would choose the'married' option. Gav: "under 24 seeing someone." You are 'Single under 24'. You are either Single or Married. Period. If you are dating someone, you are still single. There are no age limits to any other sector. The only reason I inserted the 24 age definition of single because this is close to a national average for marrying age for men. If you are single and under 24 statistically you have about a 95% chance of marrying. After 24 it becomes a 'lifestyle choice' and the odds of you marrying at some point in your life start dropping precipitiously as your age increases. You guys are overthinking it! steve77
- Relationary Status...
My personal favorite is decel oversteer (and Z's do it SOOOO well). Read about it in 'Secrets of Solo Driving' and kinda scoffed. then the last time I was up at Marina, I got kinda brave on a straight and dropped it into third. Came up fast on the corner and poked it back into 2nd and tapped the brakes. Looked out the window JUST IN TIME to see my taillights go by... steve77
Starting your car
1. Make sure roll-up garage door is closed. 2. Open driver's door 3. Reach in and wiggle shifter 4. Turn key to ON and listen for pump (still leaning in) 5. Turn key to IGN and car starts instantly and sits at 1200 6. Let run until needle rises slightly from COLD 7. Somewhere along in here, open garage door so I don't die (my garage points at my neighbor's house, and I like him and he pretends to like me) What's this 'pumping gas' thing? Don't you do that at the station? steve(EFI)77
How about this car??
>>>>photo's of common rust areas <<<< What do you mean!?!?! The seller very clearly stated, "...rust free car." So there you have it. There couldn't POSSIBLY be ANY rust on this car. Everyone knows cars kept in SF do not rust! steve(too far away to go look at it)77
Wanted!! R180 3.9 Diff.
Sorry, just sold my last one. Check with GaryKaz at ZANDZXPARTS.com steve77
Lotsa misc. parts for sale!
Alex, are you coming down to Laguna for vintage racing Saturday? steve77
polyurethane rear control arm bushings
First of all: Every single bushing in my 77 is PU. AND: The 73 I am building is getting every single bushing replaced with PU. Just telling you this up front so you know what side of the fence I am on. However, in defense of DET:>>>>concerning the ride and handling, it is true. the handling is much more positive and the ride is improved a thousand percent. one thing that has also improved substantially is the "clunking" from the rear end. i also installed the tension arm kit from motorsport as well and the alignment and positive feel in the steering wheel is very noticable as well. the car has an 'updated' feel to the ride and handling and is very solid<<<< A. When you replace 30YO rubber bushings with ANYTHING, it will be positive, and the ride improved. B. The PU bushings did not stop the 'clunking'. A new rubber bushing would have worked equally as well. C. You replaced the front bushing on the T/C arm with a chunk of delrin mated to a chunk of AL (yes I have one too!!!). Perhaps this was just a side note, as including it in a discussion of Rubber Vs. PU and stating "improved feel" is a bit unfair. Sorry to rave on about this, but it is somewhat of a pet peeve, and I have ranted about it before. Go to a Z show. Get on your knees and look under these beautiful cars. You won't believe how many you find with cracked, chunked, disentegrating 25-YO stock bushing on them. steve77
Ski Racks For Sale
Ski racks for a Z! --sniff-- Now there's a bit of tender nonstalgia....God, I miss Tahoe!.... steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
>>>>Hopefully you don't work on the car after drinking the margaritas<<<< I'm buried in grapes right now. I have not time to work on my car. AND THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO!!!! AND ALL THE PARTS ARE JUST SITTING THERE!!! Another 1/2 ton tomorrow. Oh well, wine will settle down next week. Until then, this stupid NON-ROLLING car just sits there RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE WAY. I'm pumping around it and over it and........... steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
Not that it matters, the old strut has a rod extension of 39% of body length. The new one is 43%. Or: the old strut has a body/rod extension ration of 2.6/1 The new one is 2.3/1 Those spacers are on TIGHT. They are pressed over the thickened little 'foot' on the bottom. They are galvanized steel pipe with a wall thinkness of maybe 3/16. I have actually read of steel spacers being cut and installed in the bottom of strut tubes. This seems at least as good, because instead of just basically a block sitting under the cartridge, you actually have a male/female union. Thanks, guys for the little adrenaline shot. I'm going back to my margaritas. steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
OK, on the surface that seems like a logical concern, but think about it. Both rods are basically the same length, only the cartridge body is longer. The longer cartridge isn't going to have MORE TRAVEL then the shorter cartridge. It's not like it can go 'inside' itself for 'negative' travel. I don't know what you call the 'stop' on the rod INSIDE the cartridge that prevents the rod from coming out, but lets call it the 'choke'. On the old 3016--with the longer cartridge, one of two things are happening. Either the choke is set HIGHER on a longer rod, or the last 2 inches are not even used at the bottom inside the cartridge. I just bottomed out both cartridges. Both go all the way to the machining. If anything, the new 3016 is more efficient, but that last 2 inches could be a holding area for more fluid, which could keep everything cooler, but not really once everything heats up. So actually it is like this: * | | - | | | * 0 0 0 Old strut * | | - | | * 0 0 0 [] Spacer on new strut. Count the spaces. I think they are fine. steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
To reiterate something...The 'pegleg' is actually the 240Z FRONT they have been selling for years. Z's have a pretty good F/R, so I am not too worried about them being the wrong rate. So here's an idea: Section the tube ABOVE the perch and use 240 fronts all around. But back to Carl's concern. Hmmm. So are we assuming the stock strut doesn't 'use' the last 2"? Keith, The longer rod length is a null point because the ride height is not going to be affected. Hmmmm. I really hadn't thought about it this way. I have to draw this out on paper...... * top of rod | | Distance A - top of cartridge | | | Distance B * bottom of rod 0 0 Distance C 0 Bottom of cartridge * | | Unchanged ride height - | | | Unchanged length of rod * 0 0 Free distance 2" LESS I gotta go dowm in the garage and look at these thingys. Carl, I hate you. steve77
Technically it is 4 X 114.3mm, otherwise known as 4 X 4 1/2". And NO, you can't file out Mustang wheels (4 X 4 1/4") or Honda/Miata/Old BMW/old Volvo?) and everything else wheels (4 X 100mm) to fit. steve77
Tranny X-member different...
Every Z I have ever torn apart had a tranny X member that looked like this--even the 240's, but I have never been under anything older than 72. It has bushings and when you order the 280 bushing master kit from Suspenion Technics, it comes with these bushings. I was going through my 240 master kit and it has no bushings. My mechanic showed me what a 240 Xmember is supposed to look like and it was completely different--and required no bushings. When did it change? Sorry I don't have a photo of the 'supposed' 240 one, but it is completely different. steve77
Opinions on racing stripes?
Except i promised my wife I won't paint it the red and blue. She HATES 510's and thinks it would look like a dimer....So these are the colors I am using. The top part is silver. The whole car will be silver. steve77