Everything posted by Zvoiture
Finally going back together!
>>>>Share some of your wine with her<<<< MY wine is more likely to induce rigor mortis....but that would work too...hehe steve77
Finally going back together!
Couldn't work on the car at ALL last night! Someone was saying "she hadn't seen me in a couple days...." Hell, I saw her at breakfast...what's the problem? steve77
Anything but the girl...
Victor, I appreciate your support. Look for a full review of new actions on the other post. This was a stealth post for 2many that I intended to delete to show him that Z31 fronts are 240 diameter and approx. 1.5 inches shorter than stock. This was not part of the ongoing Tokico fiasco. steve77
Finally going back together!
Two corners done! steve77
- Income poll...
Finally going back together!
One corner done. I wish I had about 8 straight hours to work on this thing! This is the fun part! steve77
Anything but the girl...
Anything but the girl...
Income poll...
Don't forget that. Don't EVER forget that. It is imperative to instill this idea in the young. You are going to go to college and learn about 'social programs' and 'equality' and then you are going to get a job and start making some money and get comfortable and when you go to the polling booth, you will think, "Well, that's not a bad idea, and hmmm..that's a pretty good idea, and... let's see... yeah, that's also a pretty good cause." And everytime you punch that 'yes' chad money is coming OUT of your Z budget. The worst part is, a very small percentage actually makes it to the intended fund. Administration often runs better than 60%. Do you have any idea how many government salaries it takes to spend one solitary dollar on a social program? Don't EVER for get that. Ever. (Oh yeah, I mentioned that.) steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
Hmmmmm tempting. I've been trying to think of something I need from you to wash that window regulator shipping debt. steve77
Finally going back together!
>>>>What dampers / shock absorbers did this BRE setup originally use then<<< Hmmm good question. I will try and find out. So you all are saying ideally the springs should be used with a very short cartridge. Since the tubes are stock length, that would mean a very short cartridge with an extension. Or do some of the more $$$ struts have adjustable extension stop? steve77
Finally going back together!
I think I am going to be OK. I actually think I will end up with more travel than the green 280. It has about 1.5 inches of travel in the front but never bottoms out--that I can tell. On this new car, I have new strut assemblies that match the springs. They are BRE. the tubes are stock length, bit the perches are higher. Also the springs are 200 and 225. I haven't had this thing down with an engin in, of course, but with halved bump stops and a 2100 lb car, I think I will be ok. I have everything sitting here for a disk conversion (except the brackets) but I have this pile of solid discs and aluminum drums and I just want to burn them up. See, I am a crappy racer, I don't use the brakes enough. But I'm learning. steve77(and soon 73)
Weird set of Tokico's...
...and here's the REAL itch in my panties... There is no way I am putting these two struts on the same end of a car. If they were hydraulic, it might be different, but Tokico non's are pressurized, of course. Both these struts are labeled HZ3016 steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
Weird set of Tokico's...
For those with absolutely nothing better to do but follow my little soap opera and are thinking, "WTF is he rambling on about, demented old fool." Here are a couple of pictures of what I received in the mail from a company I have purchased many Tokico cartridges from with excellent results. I think the problem is Tokico. By the way, these were ordered as a pair of 240 rears. steve77
Finally going back together!
Oh... and check out my new studs. Yes, they are 1/2" (X 20 X 3")! Please don't tell Alan. He'll write me out of his will for sure...Shoot, they were 1/1,000,000th the price of Comp 60mm ones. Heck, 2many, they came from some neckcar place in Virginny (stockcarproducts.com They were wonderful). steve77
Finally going back together!
Finally going back together!
WOO HOO. As of this evening I actually bolted something ON the car, instead of taking things off as the past couple months have gone.... I got my fronts back from the shop and bolted one on. Gonna go fast now! steve77
The rich are getting richer.....
A few thoughts from reading above.... 47% isn't too far off from fairly successful self-employment here in the People's Republic of California. I have heard numbers as high as 54%, but I think I pay slightly below 50%. Really sucks. Property values are up all over. Median (that's MEDIAN not AVERAGE) home price in my county is $360,000, which is quite low compared to some areas. The 'help' generally has to live elsewhere. I have many friends and neighbors who own their homes and can not afford to move. They purchased their home for, say, $250,000 and now anything comparable costs $800,000. They have a TON of equity, but the property tax increase would smother them. Only one of the many apartments I have previewed in Nice had a dishwasher. Electric wife? ummm........... steve77
Weird set of Tokico's...
Some reading for those bored.....it just keeps going and going and ..... (starts at bottom...) Subj: Re: Different length Tokico's... Date: 9/23/2003 6:31:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Zvoiture To: info@autocarparts.com Hmmmmm.... Maybe the best way to get this resolved is to send you some pix. I don't think the one strut was "used", it is just pretty banged up and the packaging worn. I will gladly use it, as I am sure it is in perfect mechanical condition inside. I just need two struts the same length. That's it. I need two of the 'old' style (full length HZ3016 cartridge) or two of the 'adapted' style (shorter HZ3038 cartridge with an extension spacer installed). Tomorrow I will bring the digicam home and send you some pictures. I need to return one for a replacement or both or something! Until tomorrow.... steve In a message dated 9/23/2003 9:34:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, info@autocarparts.com writes: I'm sorry for the delayed reply. We found your order# which is ACP22946. As for the different lengths, our supplier has not heard of such issues from Tokico, could you provide the forum link to such posts? As for the box, we do not ship out used goods as the box's condition would be caught. Did you note that with the UPS driver at the time of delivery? If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. Regards, Cuong -----Original Message----- From: Zvoiture@aol.com [mailto:Zvoiture@aol.com] Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 6:59 PM To: info@autocarparts.com Subject: Re: Different length Tokico's... I do not have it. It aged off my list yesterday. I get 200-300 e-mails a day and storage is at a premium. I also do not find any sort of invoice or credit card receipt in or on the box. So the ACP# is all there is at this point. I can give you any info you could use for tracking this down. Hope this helps: Steve McConnell 746 Via Bandolero Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-1924 805-441-6856 Based on my relating this situation to several worldwide Z forums, I have received a plausible explaination: Tokico is phasing out several models of cartriges in favor of just attaching the different length spacers to shorter ones. Sounds reasonable. I just happened to get one old and one new. What do you think? As an aside--I wasn't going to mention it, but since this situation has arose--the 'old' (full length) cartridge was clearly a 'return'. It was in an oily, beat-up, taped-up box. The hardware bag was open. The stickers on the cartridge are scuffed and the lower seat has all the paint off and the metal distorted. It is not damaged, but I think it just slipped back into you inventory and I got it! I have a completely re-built vintage BRE suspension sitting here ready to go on my race car!!!! I need to resolve this, even if it means just sending something back. I definitely want to stick with the Tokico non's because I like them so much on my other Z. Please advise. steve In a message dated 9/15/2003 11:38:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, info@autocarparts.com writes: Please reply to your original order confirmation so we can initiate a call tag on this item. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. Regards, Cuong -----Original Message----- From: Zvoiture@aol.com [mailto:Zvoiture@aol.com] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:03 PM To: info@autocarparts.com Subject: Re: Different length Tokico's... Here you go: Order: ACP22946 Steve - Please reply to your original order# (starts w/ACP) and paste this message with it so we may look up the order and contact the manufacturer. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. Regards, Cuong -----Original Message----- From: Zvoiture@aol.com [mailto:Zvoiture@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 9:21 PM To: info@autocarparts.com Subject: Two different Tokico's... Just got my cartriges today. Both boxes say '3016' on them. But one is a 3016 and one is a different strut that has been modified to adapt to a 3016 'size'. The cartridge body is about 2" shorter and it has a piece of pipe pressed onto the lower seat to make up the difference. There has been a new sticker that says "3016" applied over another model number on the cartridge. So with the 2" extension in place, the cartridge body is now the right length for the strut tube. But the free length of the rod is about 1 inch longer than the true 3016. Now, even though struts technically have no 'spring rate', I can't help but think this would affect things. It takes 50 or 75 lbs of my force to push the odd cartridge rod down to the same level as the normal one. This HAS to translate into a suspension. And what about valving? What weight car is this short strut from? Is the 3016 discontinued or something? Why would Tokico modify a cartridge with an extension and package it as a replacement? Is this the way all 3016's are going to be from now on? This really has me befuddled and I don't think I should use these two different strut cardridges on the same car rear end. Please advise. Steve McConnell Arroyo Grande, CA 805-441-6856
Income poll...
As part of my continuing fascination with WHO owns Z cars and WHAT they do with them....... I am guessing this thing comes out basically a cross-section of society. It might even be weighted a tiny bit to the lower end. How many other collector groups of vintage automobiles can say that? This should be secure...I can't imagine Admin having anyway of tracing a poll vote. steve77
The rich are getting richer.....
Come on Chris...Tell us what you REALLY think! Oh, and datusnZguy...I can't afford SB either.... steve77
The rich are getting richer.....
I know us 'trickle-downers' get a certain amount of unjustified scorn in the post-Reaganomics era, but if you have some time for some serious reading that will either make you look at things differently of embolden what you already believe, pick up some Frederic Bestait. Try Economic Harmonies or Econimic Sophisms . No worries Craig...I know the acheivment of goals can seem daunting and horribly uphill in this society of have's and not's. I just get this horrible twitch every time I hear a young person say something almost straight out of Das Kapital . steve77
- Vented bonnet...
The rich are getting richer.....
>>>Seriously though, at what point is someone earning too much money? Once they've passed 500K a year are they really doing anything useful with their money???? <<< Hmmmm. I've heard this before. I heard someone once say, "CEO's make too much money! There should be a limit to how much a person can make!" Does a more ignorant concept exist? Tell me Craig, what socialist institution--errrrrrrrrr--college are you graduating from, so I can add it to the list of those who do not promote capitalism. I want to make sure my children never attend there. By and large--ok except for a few Hilton sisters and Kennedy's and the like--people who are wealthy are so because they have WORKED THEIR BUTTS OFF. They have taken chances in free enterprise others overlooked. They have said, "This will work. I'm gonna do it." They deserve it. Class distinction (as it supposedly 'doesn't exist' in America) is visible because if the differences in individual character. It is why there will always be employees and employers. Somebody has to do it. Well, somebody has to lead too, and his time is worth every cent he is compensated for it. When you drive through those houses up on the hill and you think, "I'm never gonna have this." And are tempted to think, "These people don't deserve this." Remember we live in America. Anything is possible. Get out there and DO IT! You can! Anyone can! A college education is a huge head start! If you head down the 'deserve' path, you are dangerously treading on economic principles which have been proven to NOT WORK by numerous societies. steve77