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Everything posted by Zvoiture

  1. Zvoiture replied to Mike's post in a topic in Polls
    First of all, this is Green/White???? Are you sure? For me it is very solidly white and blue--several shades of blue. Don't change it back unless you get more than 3/1 votes against. You have to assume change will be trepidious to some. Alan, Alan, Alan...You're brutal. Spot-on, but brutal. I think a bit less modification might be more appropriate too. The 3 posts per page needs to go! I can't keep up! When I clicked on this thread, there were 3 pages; as I read page 2, page 4 showed up in the bottom and as I read page 3, it appeared that there were now 5 pages! Slow down, people! For the voyeur in all of us, the 'Who's Online' tab is pretty neat! Shows you what everybody is doing and refreshes often! Almost scary. How long before "SPUDZ's wife made him take out the trash. Be Right Back." Spooky. Looks great Mike. Dang, do you have a life? steve
  2. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in United States
    For those planning on attending the vintage race at Buttonwillow this weekend to see Mark Belrose's 240 kick some Porsche butt, things have changed a bit. He is racing Saturday, not Sunday. Hope everyone can still make it. Here is his schedule: Saturday, September 28, 2002: 8 am - rookie practice session 11:30 - rookie race 3:00 - group 4 qualifying Hope to see some of you there. Any other Datsuns in the reach of this e-mail racing there, then? Steve McConnell Central Coast Z Car Club
  3. Zvoiture replied to 26ounce's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Where did you get a Patrol in the US? steve77
  4. Zvoiture replied to 2ManyZs's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    And if anybody doesn't want to muss with EBAY, I have a set for a cool $1000. "Daddy? Where's my venturi at?" steve77
  5. Sorry, not I--although it would be cool...I'm happy with my AOL. WEll, not actually 'happy', but staying put. AOL is a horrible, disgusting, decrepid, worthless, sanitized, expensive piece of crap isp BUT as bad as AOL is, it is just slightly better than everything else out there. steve77
  6. There was a post in here titled Who wants to go Racing? regarding a Z outing to CA speedway. I have a couple people here in So Cal interested, but now it seems the post is gone. Stephen, are you out there? Need an e-mail address or something! steve77
  7. So far there are four Z's in the 1st Annual Cops & Cool Cars Show in Santa Barbara. The show is Saturday, September 21, and TOMORROW, the 14th, is the last day to register for $25. After that it goes to $35. If you want to attend, you can still do it for $25 by faxing in the registration form on the 14th. Tomorrow. Saturday. Come on.... What are you waiting for? DO IT!!! What? Your Z is not 'pristine'? Who cares?!? Alot of the cars are not 'pristine'! What? Santa Barbara is too far to drive?!? Santa Barbara is less than 2 hours for 75% of the people getting this invite! What? You're too lazy to go?!? Well, then you have a problem! It's really quite easy: 1. Download the attached Registration Form. 2. Open the file and print it out (Black and White) 3. Borrow a pencil from your kid and scratch your name on it. 4. Drive to the 7-11 and pay Achmed a buck to fax it for you. 5. Grab a sixer while you're there. 6. Go home and think all week about what you need to do to your Z to be ready. 7. Find a cool person to shotgun with you to the show. OR: for MEGA points: a. Tell your wife of a shopping day in Santa Barbara. b. Make a reservation at a great place in SB for Friday. c. Make a reservation for an great dinner (William on Victoria?) 8. Friday night, the 20th, after dinner, go to the garage and do a couple of the things you planned all week to do. 9. Friday night 11:59 PM: Stand back and say, "DAMN! My Z looks pretty good!" 10. Finish the last of that twelver and go to bed. SET THE ALARM! 11. Wake up an hour before the alarm and can't lay in bed anymore! Grab your shoes and tiptoe to the garage. 12. Fire that puppy up! As she is warming up, reflect on the last time you were invited to a neighborhood BBQ. 13. Stash a crescent wrench, a heavy blade screwdriver, a mostly used roll of duct tape and a quart of oil under the spare tire. Don't forget lawn chairs! 14. Drive to Santa Barbara, check into the show, and join your Z buddies for breakfast! DO IT! Registration form attached... Steve McConnell Central Coast Z Car Club 805-441-6856
  8. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in United States
    In order of importance: >>>>Who has my Jim Cook Racing and Paeco cattledogs? I MISS THEM! ...and I have forgotten who I loaned them to...(have forgot....I forget...I forgot....whatever...) >>>>September Meet: Sunday Sept. 15th Custom House Grill on the new promenade in Avila Beach. 11:00 or so...lunch at noon. 10 or so attending so far...PLEASE let me know if you are planning on showing up. >>>>Santa Barbara Auto Show...Sponsored by local and state law enforcement. (Hopefully there won't be any vehicle inspections!) Saturday, Sept. 21 at the Santa Barbara Showgrounds. Several Z's planning on entering so far including a few of our LA brethren. I have uploaded the flyer and registration form on the Central Coast Z Car Club website. The entrance form is in the 'photos' section for printing out and sending in. "Bargain" deadline is 9/14. This is not a 'Concours' event...it's just for fun. Lord knows MY car is not show quality! (If you prefer not to get the form off the site, I can send them to you JPEG, fax or mail...ZVOITURE@aol.com) Steve McConnell
  9. Zvoiture replied to Mike's post in a topic in Polls
    there are a few FWD cars which I would be quite happy to drive>>>>> My list of FWD's I am not embarrassed to admit I enjoyed driving: Diamante (are they still made in Australia?) CRX Acura RL steve77
  10. Zvoiture replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    >>>>>Zvoiture is good for the money ...>>>>> Is that a compliment? >>>>>a fine advertisement tool for the site, A nice rear window decal promoting the >>>>> Hell, if you all bought me a car, I would paint it CLASSIC Z CLUB or 240Z.ORG in purple and pink and take it to every car show and z show here. (Where I live that's about two a week!) steve77
  11. Zvoiture replied to Ed's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I used to run 10-40 in the winter and 20-50 in the summer in Sacramento, but now that I live on the coast, I just run 20-50 all the time. Castrol. But seriouly comtemplating the synth thing... steve77
  12. Zvoiture posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    While we're mincing up this lubrication topic into teensy pieces.... "RESTORE LOST COMPRESSION!".... "TEFLON COAT THE INSIDE OF YOUR ENGINE!".... "WE DRAINED THE OIL FROM THIS ENGINE AND IT RAN FOR 100,000 MILES!" Anybody add any miracles to their oil? I'll go first. Hi, my name is Steve and I have tried oil additives. It started out real small at first, just a little Marvel Mystery Oil, but then it turned into a $1000/day heroin habit. Just kidding. I have never tried any of the big snake oils (Slick-50 and that other one...????). I remember when Slick-50 first came out and it was this pyramid scheme and cost $50/qt! I have tried a few of the other, cheaper, non-guaranteed-for-life ones. Do they make a difference? Who knows. I have always looked at it from a simpleton's standpoint: 1. A product that "adds (or coats) some magic ingredient to your engine will either: A. Work really well; or B. Gunge thigs up horribly. 50/50 win/lose. 2. A straight concentrated lubricating additive will either: A. Work really well; or B. Not improve anything. 50/50 win/tie. I might feel differently if I had a brand new engine. I don't use additives in either of my 'new' cars. My Z has a bejillion unknown miles on it, so the additives get the benefit of the doubt. I have been using a quart bottle of this gorgeous honey-like stuff Hy-Per Lube with each oil change. At our local Z shop, Z's Unlimited, Steve Landoni swears by this product (the name is totally escaping me right now....MD-4 or something?????? They have a promotional trailer that goes around to the shops that has an engine with a slip-wheel on it...??) It comes in a little blue can with a pull-tab and is dealer-direct. He buys it by the case and swears by it. A can goes into every car that comes in. Seems like it was $5 or $7/can too. Ouch! steve77
  13. There you go...another lovely CA 280 for under $500. It is just SICK! It should be against the law to sell these cars for so little. %&$%#& smog! steve77
  14. Zvoiture replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    Ok, Sorry...I was wrong. 2many DESERVES the fund. I really appreciate the effort all of you are contributing to 'the cause'. In an outpouring of gratitude, I am sending a check for $500 to the 2manyZs GT2 Race Car Purchase Fund LLP. It really is a good cause and all proceeds are tax deductable. 2many, everyone says I love you. Here's to you. A REAL American hero. What a great country. steve77
  15. Zvoiture replied to Mike's post in a topic in Polls
    I just moved into an area I have noticed is 'Saturn-blessed'. They are fricking everywhere. It isn't too long before you start noticing similarities in driving style/attitude. Man! I hate Saturn drivers. What a bunch of self-important double-zero's. Did you read that recent publishing of 'Highest Automotive Customer Satifaction'? Uh huh. You guessed it. To quote one of my favorite bands: Pick-axe. Pick-axe. Pick-axe. Pick-axe. steve77
  16. Zvoiture replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    That 81 ain't no classic yet brother>>>>> I crushed a '79 last month and have no problem crushing another. BUT not until I lift that drivetrain. (did I mention 5-sp/3.90?) steve77
  17. Bob Sharp louvers? Wow! That is so cool, man! Sorry, couldn't resist...lots of great stuff there, wish I was closer. steve77
  18. Zvoiture replied to Ed's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    The synthetic argument is pretty compelling. But there is an 'old wives tale' about not switching in an (older) car that has been 'raised' on petrol-based. Any truth in that? I also met someone the other day who "changes his synthetic every 3000." This is the first time I have heard that. Any benefit? Everyone else I have met uses the 3-5000/filter, 10-20,000 oil method. Comments? steve77
  19. Zvoiture replied to spudz's post in a topic in RACING
    Hey, what's this? 2many already HAS too many Z's! Nissan calls him for parts, right? Why doesn't he start morphing all those rusting corpses in the back yard into a nice alternative to the mail truck? Don't feel sorry for him! It's a trap! Don't send him any money...SEND ME THE MONEY! I need it worse. I need 1500 to buy 4 z's. Yep, count'em: FOUR. An complete 81na 5-sp(3.90) with 15" mags, a complete 77, a complete stock 72 and a 73 with custom suspension and engine (f54 280) and wheels but with repaired front damage. What a time to be broke!!! Forget 2many...think of ME! steve77
  20. Zvoiture replied to Mike's post in a topic in Polls
    I followed a Suzuki Grand Viagra XL-7 today for about 5 miles down a VERY STRAIGHT section of Hwy 1 at a crisp 32 MPH. The license plate frame said, "Get in, Sit down, Shut up & Hold on!" Man, that drives me crazy. steve77
  21. I interviewed for a management position in LA for Marco Fireplaces ('zero-clearance' sheetmetal firplace inserts you see in all new construction--at least here in CA) and the owner took me to this horrid part of LA to tour the assembly plant. We walked along this elevated platform and looked down on HUNDREDS of mexicans working to stamp out the multitude of sheet-metal pieces that go into one of these things. All of them wore heavy cuffs around their wrists attached by long straps to the wall behind them. They were set to exactly the right length so their hands would not reach the jaws of the machine. Way off topic, I know, but the image was kinda burned into my eyes... Sorry about that!.....Back to racing! steve77
  22. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Ed! Start a new thread. A discussion that good will just get totally lost here... steve77
  23. 1/8 mile (not 1/4) DIRT TRACK >>>> Yeah, there is one of these tracks a few miles down the road! I have never been, but I met a gut the other day who own/drives one of these sprint cars--they look ike flattened stock cars with really bad body work. I can't imagine what it would be like...the track is SOOOO small. It's like a football field! These guys are pretty serious, though. The car he has is BUILT. As I recall, it is a Mopar built out to about 500 inches with mechanical FI--no battery, electronics, starter--nothing. steve77
  24. Zvoiture replied to Mike's post in a topic in Polls
    Yeah, that's fun to do in the LS! (and easy)...meebee we could start a club: ZandLSowners.com! So far there's two members...any more? steve77
  25. Zvoiture replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Yes, I did the pump myself....Talk about easy. There are a few reasons you just can't beat a Z! WAYYY up there on the list of effort/result mods! steve77

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