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Everything posted by clindayag1

  1. i live in california, 626 area close to the 60 fwy. im looking for a mechanic that knows his 240zs. i just cant seem to get my car running right. i would prefer to have it running with my original l24 but if its in bad condition and needs a rebuild, i have a l28 to swap in. whatever costs less because im just a college student.
  2. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    yeah its a 240z. i redlined the motor when i was racing. the plugs were black, i guess its burnt up oil. #3 plug was oily and #1 was the only normal one. havent checked the carbs or fuel pressure yet. coolant looks good. oil looks dirty and i just changed the oil last month (possible suspect?). vac lines are good. hmmm its kinda hard to explain in words...i guess you can say it miss fires. like at idle, when i rev, it sounds like a sport bike. but when i drive it, it sounds like a cheap dirt bike with no power.
  3. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    yeah the timing was waaaaay off. i got the timing down now. the vacuum advance plate is good. but it still struggles when i drive it. could it be carb or fuel related?
  4. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i took the plate off to check out the small bearings and i found that the weights on the shaft were rusted and wouldn't move. so i went to the junkyard and got a distributor that was in a better condition than mine. swapped out the rusted one and put in the newer one. i also put in new points and condenser. when i started the car, it idled really rough and when i tried to give it some gas it would stall. :disappoin
  5. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    post deleted
  6. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    the plugs were fouled so i replaced them. there is a slight improvement but still low on power. its starts to stumble and lose power at anything over 3k rpm.
  7. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i really think it could have something to do with the ignition although i just changed my points and condenser and spark plugs like 2 months ago. maybe something happened to the timing? also, what do you mean by sparking a plug wire to ground?
  8. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It still runs smooth and revs fine at idle but when trying to drive it down the street, it starts to struggle and sounds really rough.
  9. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i usually drive around the neighborhood and my max speed is usually 40mph. one day one on my friends pulled up on the side of me at the stop light and started revving. i never pushed my z hard before so i was curious how it would do. so we just raced to the next light. my max speed was like 55mph. after that i noticed the car started to pull weak and the exhaust sounded like a low pitched rattle. i was goin like 25 all the way home because i couldn't get it to go any higher. when i got home i checked everything and it looked ok. but i noticed the plugs were a black, some of them were a little oily and only the #1 plug was normal. any advice?
  10. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i went to adjust the mixture of the front carb. then when i was about to turn the nut, black oil was all over my fingertips. i check the rear carb for leakage and there was none. where did this oil come from? and how can i fix it?
  11. so far i've cleaned the float bowls, and the screens that go to the bowls, replaced the fuel filter, and blew air through the fuel lines. unfortunately there has been no improvement. but after sitting in the garage for a couple of weeks and i decided to take it for a spin and see how it does. when i drove it it ran good and the problems went away. how could that be?
  12. so far i've checked everything you guys told me to check. i changed the plugs which were sooty. everything else looks good. but when i checked the floats i noticed that the rear float had a significant amount of rust and sediment settled at the bottom. so i cleaned out the float bowls and readjusted the floats. then i took it for a test drive. when driving its starts to struggle after 3k rpm and if i keep it there, the rpms start to decrease even though i try to give it more gas. i also noticed that you can really hear the carbs suck in a lot of air. i think its sucking in too much air because when i try to floor the accelerator it would stall if i didn't let go. so i guess i'm not getting enough fuel. i think the rust has something to do with it. i'm going to get a new fuel filter and see what that does. besides the fuel tank, is there anything else that i can clean out that might have rust in it?
  13. i haven't set the floats. i don't know how to do that. i assume they are good because the car ran good a month ago. i changed the cap, rotor, wires, points and condenser. that gave it a little bit of improvement. the vacuum advance is good. all thats left is the choke issue and fuel hose issue. so how do i check if the choke is running properly? i'm going to check the fuel hoses and let you guys know results. thanks for the help, i really appereciate it;)
  14. yeah they are all black and sooty except #3 which was kind of oily. i figured they were too rich when turning them 3 full turns down. also i noticed that my oil is pretty dirty and i just changed it a few days ago. could that have something to do with it?
  15. yeah i figured they were a bit lean. now im 3 turns down and it runs better now. but now, when i drive i cant go past 3k rpm. if i try, i starts to rumble like its goin to stall, especially when i try to floor it.
  16. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i just got a new hood for my car. my last one was in bad shape. so, i put on the new one and couldn't get it to close. after a few adjustments i finally got it to close, but now i cant get it open. i think it has something to do with the cable. is there any way i can remove my hood and start all over?
  17. i'm still waiting on the new points and condenser. the pistons are rising and falling freely. i richened the mixture a little bit, checked float levels and reballanced the carbs. all of those things didnt really need adjustment. so i tried to drive the car out today and it didnt even make it around the block. whenever i give it some gas it would almost stall. even revving on neutral, it would stall. and the only way i could make it up the driveway and into the garage, i would have to pull the choke all the way and get it up to 1000+ rpm.
  18. oops, i meant pistons, not cylinders:stupid:. i pretty much cleaned everything under the bowls. actually, i put ATF instead of oil in the dashpot. could that be the problem? i heard of people using atf in the dashpont as an alternative.
  19. after cleaning the carbs, i didnt adjust the float or the mixture. i thought it was running lean so i richened it a little bit and the symptoms actually got worse. it could be the distributor i didn't think of that :stupid: i'll buy some new points and condenser and let you guys know the results. thanks you guys for all of your suggestions
  20. after sitting for a couple of months, i decided to give the car a little tune up and then start it up. i cleaned the carb bowls and cylinders, then put new ATF in. also replaced the plugs, wires, cap, and coil. after doing all of that, it started up just fine but i noticed that it was idling a little bit rough. usually it smooths out once it warms up a bit, so i revved it a little bit to warm up and it started to buckle and almost stall. the only way to get it to rev well and drive was to pull to choke so that it idled at like 850-900 rpm and the problems go away. so what could be the problem? i'm guessing it has something to do with the carbs? any help would be greatly appreciated;)
  21. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    yeah i guess i asked the question kinda weird. but yeah i want to use the L28ET with the turbo. so from what arne and sblake01 said, i need the following things: ECU, fuel pump, wiring harness, fuel lines, and an EFI fuel tank. is that correct?
  22. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    thanks for the reply 240zx but i still want to keep this engine turbocharged. sorry, i should have said this in the previous post. well at least its good to know that i can still use my 5 spd tranny and the starter.
  23. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    i got my hands on an l28et for really cheap. the catch is that it didn't come with the ecu, distributor, starter, alternator, fuel pump, and tranny. is there anything i can use from my l24 to get the l28 up and running?
  24. clindayag1 posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    man, i wish this http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1717671 is the next Z since everybody's doing the 'retro' style look to the new cars(mustang, charger, mini cooper,etc). so what do u guys think? i really like it but there's a little too much going on with the front bumper, other than that i think its awesome.
  25. all those changes i have done, including changing the fuel filter, was done last month. i started up the car today but didnt drive it around. after letting it run for a bit i noticed a whistling sound coming from the engine. i think its coming from around the carb area.

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