where to begin
i'll try and get some pics up for you guys.
where to begin
alright so i picked up this 73 240z for free from a buddy who pretty much just found it himself it had just been sitting in the back of the car lot since 85. the motor is an l28 from and 83 280zx with the 5speed. the powertrain is perfect and has just over 6,000 original miles on it. i'm a senior in high school and took the engine out of the car to give it a full rebuild because its been sitting for so long. so while the powertrain isn't an issue the body definately is. i'm working on the engine for an hour and a half each day while the the car just sits at my house. the body on a scale of 1 to 10 is probably around a 4 or 5. the bottom of the car is fairly rusted out, repairable i'd feel much safer with new floor boards and such. theres a few other places where rust can be found, but for the most part its all under the car. and it needs a new drivers side door and quarter panel from being hit. it has a full interior, dash is cracked but everything else is perfect. my question is. where the hell should i start with this body. should i rip out all the carpet and find all the rust? should i leave it as is stick the motor in it paint it and rock the rust? or should i just find a completely different body for what is a perfect L28? i'm low on cash and have friends that can help with body work and such but it could probably use some professional metal work under it.
new to the z world and got some ?'s
i have to rebuild an engine for autotech for a final grade so i'm definately not tryin to start it anytime soon. i disconected all lines and drained all remaining fluid left. if all is good on the inside when i pull it out i'll prob just clean everything and replace all gaskets, et.
new to the z world and got some ?'s
got awesome news the motor is almost a brand new L28 with the 5 speed. i found a little paper in the car that had all the swap info on it. L28/5speed out of an 83 280zx with less than 6,000 miles on it.
new to the z world and got some ?'s
op is overland park,ks and i'll try and get some pics. but yeah whats an easy way to tell if i have an L28 or not
Anyone in Kansas City?
i just got a 73 240z but no nothing about the car yet and i live in overland park
new to the z world and got some ?'s
yeah i just want it drivable before summer time it defiantely won't look pretty at all. is there a quick way to tell if theres an L28 or L24 in there? is it labeled anywhere?
new to the z world and got some ?'s
yeah the last time this car was registered was 1985.
240z Audio System
my 73 has two speakers on either side of the center console.
new to the z world and got some ?'s
i also have a beat up 302 in my garage that i thought about puting in there but really just want a fun car with a little power to play with so i figured i just give the stock L24 a rebuild.
new to the z world and got some ?'s
hey i just got a 73 240z for free. no title no keys no door handles . tad bit of rust interior is in decent shape needs a new door and possibly new a quarter panel. axle is pretty stiff and looks like it might be done for good. apparently car has just been sittin in the back of this rental place for 20 years. so i took it seeing as i needed a project for my advanced auto tech class. its my senior year in high school and want to have a fun cruiser this summer. engine actually looks to be in damn good shape but we'll see once i pull it and tear it apart. also appears to have had a 5speed swap already done to it but had the 4 speed knob on it. i wanna make some decent power out of it. and just wanna know what route i should take as far as modding it. pretty sure it has just the stock L24 in it which is what they come with correct?
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