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Everything posted by mgood

  1. I don't know if this will help, it's mine from a stock never changed non Cali 1976 - 280Z car.
  2. Here is the spread sheet. http://www.editgrid.com/user/mlwilliams/Z_Car_Registry
  3. Here is mine it's a 280Z and how they look with two different tire sets. Goodyear - 205-60-14 front and 215-60-14 back http://photographictrends.com/zcar/outside/06.30.07%20-%20004%20-%20working.htm Goodrich - 205-70-14 on front and back. http://photographictrends.com/zcar/Special/finished%28ii%29.htm I did the 70 series in 205 because they are 1/2 inch taller than stock and fill the wheel well better and I also wanted front and back the same size because the backs will wear faster and I can now rotate them front to back. I also like the raised white letters, they seem to fit with the era of the car. The wheels are appliance and I purchased them when I got them when I purchased the car new in 1976. I drive mine only on the weekends for fun and don't do any type of racing. I do show the car at a couple of shows each year.
  4. From Answer.com. How thick is 20 mil? In: Length and Distance [Edit categories] Dakota Ultrasonics Ultrasonic Thickness gauges, Flaw Detectors, and Bolting equipment www.dakotaultrasonics.com According to Answers.com, a mil is: "A unit of length equal to one thousandth (10-3) of an inch (0.0254 millimeter), used, for example, to specify the diameter of wire or the thickness of materials sold in sheets." So; 20 mil = 20 thousandths of an inch = 0.020 inches Or; 20 x 0.0254 millimeters = 0.508 millimeters = 0.05 cm But... According to another source there is more to the story: "All papers are measured in two ways. One is referred to as the paper weight, the other is the actual thickness of the paper. Paper weight is generally measured in 'grams per square meter' (gsm). Paper thickness is measured in 'mils' which is short for thousandths of an inch. Paper weight and paper thickness often go hand in hand, BUT because some papers are denser than others they may be heavier than a similar thickness paper. For example, two manufacturers may list a weight of 300gsm, but the papers may have a different thickness because they have different densities. Paper thickness is generally listed as 10mil or 15.5mil and this is equivalent to .010 inches or .0155 inches respectively. To give this some perspective, a human hair is only 2 mils. This is measured with a digital micrometer." I would say that the letters are very thin. Hope this helps?
  5. Mezzz, it looks to be about 21 degrees for the slope of the window. I uses a side view of a car in Photoshop and places a slanted line in the back and it came to 21.3 degrees. Not real accurate but close. The one you are looking at goes from 20 to 36 degrees.
  6. I googled your Break line nuts and got this http://store.fedhillusa.com/?gclid=CK3qienmsJ8CFQJinAodOln_0Q The size you listed is in the page.
  7. You should (or can) be able to remove it without dropping the trany. I say this because the 2 nuts sticking out of the back of the trany on the mustache bar are studs. When I took those nuts off of mine, one nut came off and one nut removed the stud with it. You might have to lower the trany, that means disconnecting the front mount member. Look for threads in the search area for replacing the bushings.
  8. In the 4th picture on #30 post it looks like you have a Amp Constant Current Rectifier. Here did you get this, could the 3 amp Amp Constant Current Rectifier from Carswell work? thanks for info.
  9. Arne, I am in, I ordered 2 with Datsun, I would like one in Datsun and one with 280 - Z if possible. I think they will look great and be very close to the one I have on my car now. I included a picture of my original taken from the inside of the car, you can see that there is a gap space around the letters. I think that was caused from exposure and shrinkage. It's also not as reflective as it was when it was new, you can see that from the photo. I am sure that the new one will be better looking because my original one was so dirty on the glue side when I got it that you can see the dust in between the glass and the mylar. You can see in the picture. Thanks again for all your work.
  10. motorman if you don't mind what were all different items you purchased from Caswell? I am now in the process of cleaning all the bolts and nuts for the rear suspension. Everything looks great by the way.
  11. The carpet under the floor mats look original to me and the arm rest in the center is an after market item. The rear carpet had a foam backing that would dry out and crumble so it was probably replaced. All the rest of the car looks very good. Welcome to the group, looks like a keeper. What's your cars vin number?
  12. ZWOLF your link is bad in post #9 Use this - http://blog.cardomain.com/2009/12/22/peoples-choice-2009/ the other had missing letters for "people"
  13. Someone on here mentioned that they were using very thin magnetic paper material to put their emblems on with. They also said that it was because the car was being entered in cars shows, this probably would not work if you were driving the car.
  14. Here is DATSUN one more time. The red background is the BRE car. The gray and off white is from the enlarging the image too much. Black that you can just see peeking out around in areas is the last one I did. The green are the letters from the one in post #114 that every one likes best.
  15. Here is the retweeked 240-Z. I thickened the top and bottom of the "2". I thickened all the "4" and made it a little narrower. I made the "Z" thicker on the top and bottom. I think this is closer.
  16. Here is the retweek on the Datsun, I over layed it over the Datsun on the back of the BRE car I copied it from, so you can see how close it is. I hope this is closer, you can see that it does distort some when I enlarged it. The "S" is the problem, it looks mor distorted that the other letters. I am now working on the 240-Z so I can see if I can improve on the numbers.
  17. Here are the new ones. I took as measurements as close as I could on my 280-Z. Again the black letters and numbers did shrink a little. I tweeked mine to fit the new measurements and added the subtle radius to the "0" and to the top of the "2". The spacing on each number is not the same and the width of each is also different by 1/8 inch. I also over lay my Datsun over the Datsun on the back of the BRE and this is what I got. The one I did was very close, I just had to adjust the width of some of the letters. The height of the 240-Z should be 2 15/16 inch on a background of 4 3/4 inches. I would make the Datsun the same and then it would be about 19 inches across the window. The 140-Z and the 280-Z will be 20 3/8 inches across the window. Arnie I will send them to you at 300 ppi or full size via email when they are completely approved and you are ready to go.
  18. Arnie and Cam guy, I actually took my 280-Z picture and made it fit to the 3 7/8 inch height and held the ratio of height to length. I then used those to create the 280-Z on top of it in Photoshop. So the 280-Z is as close as I can get to a copy of mine. I then used that to create the 240-Z, the only number I had to recreate from scratch was the 4. I kind of guessed on it because if you make it the same width as the 8 it looked to wide, so I narrowed it down about 1/4 inch. For the Datsun I just guessed, I kept the length of the Datsun the same as the 280-Z. Cam Guy do you mean that the outside radius is to large, I agree that is could be a little closer to the top radius of the 2. It also looks like the 2 needs a small radius inside the bottom straight. I can look at this on monday when I get to my studio. I know we can get this so close that you won't be able to tell the difference. What makes mine hard to use is that the numbers have shrunk a little and there is a ragged edge around the numbers about 1/16 inch.
  19. Arnie here is my take on the Datsun one, hope it helps.
  20. Here is what I did from my original shade. Hope this helps. I will work on the Datsun as soon as I can.
  21. Here is a photo comparison of my original with the new ones. Hope this helps.
  22. I'm with Z Car 77 that there should be sub listing. I have had mine for 33 years 10 months.
  23. Here are some photos of the Mylar logo'd windshield sunshades that I put on my car in 1976. The letters have shrunk a little but they seem to be just under 3 inches and the over all is 4 3/4 inches.
  24. I fell in to the #3 category and all by accident. I am the original owner of my car and I did not have any plans to keep it as long as I have. Just by chance I did keep the car and now it is a unique classic here in Pittsburgh, most have rusted away and are gone. I started adding thing like the louvers within a couple of years. The front air dam and rear spoiler came when I had to replace the front finders after they rusted out after only 4 years of ownership. This is when I didn't need the car as my daily driver and could just cruse the car on the weekends. After many years of storage I started the process of getting the car back to what it is now. I was lucky in the fact that I just didn't want to part with the car after owning it so long. I am now working on the suspension, changing the bushings and removing the rust on the suspension parts and painting and plating the bolts and nuts. I don't plan on any more mods than I have, just to clean and keep it from rusting. And hopefully give the car to my granddaughter, she is 2 1/2 so I have about 20 more years before that happens.
  25. here is a before (top) and after (bottom) of mine 11/75 for a 76. It is not Cali car and nothing has been removed or added. All I did was clean up things and paint the fuel rails gold.
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