my aussie zed project
Yeh it's a little rb2Odet, but it is puting out 195 rwhp. I might upgrade to a rb25 later
my aussie zed project
hey guys/. I thought i would share with you a couple of photos of the fruits of my labour I started building this one around 7 years ago. When i bought it, it had a tired l28 and was painted black. It looked ok but i decided i would rather take it back to its origonal colour. Any way here are a couple of photos for you. How it was how it is now
Why aren't YOU going to ZCON 2008?
i live in australia so i am out
what head?
i am about to build the l28 for my 240z and am looking for around 200hp N/A. Which head would be the best to use i currently have a p90. also should i keep the hitachi su's or use 28zx fuel injection?
my aussie zed project
hi all i havnt posted for a while so i thought i should let you know wat i have been up to. about a month and a half ago i started pulling my zed apart for restoration. So far i have sriped it and have built a rotisery to put it on since then i have replaced the drivers side flooor pan and chassis rail and fixed the dog leg i have had the dash re done and had a wilwood brake package imported over from america
i got injection
i just got myself a free injection manifold for my z do you think this would be better than the hitachi round tops if i run aan after market ecu and get rid of all the crap i dont need like air flow meater and polution crap only problem is it will be to tempting to go turbo with injection
british su carbs?
i have been given a set of english su carbs for my zed. I was wondering if some one can tell me if thease are better than the hitachi round tops they came from a 260z that was running fine before it was writen off
what kind of rims are these?
cool is wat they are:smoke:
race prepped 240z-collecting dust...
i was wondering if the twin down draft webbers produce any more power than the su's ?
ZG Flares for sale in Aus
sorry for draging up an old poast but i will take a set also pm sent
rear end noise and control arm issue??
mine was doing the clickity thing and it turned out to be loose wheel nuts
cluncky bumb ???
i picked up my spare diff today and cleand it and gave it a fresh coat of paint ready for the swap next weekend i will check out the mounts when i do the swap
cluncky bumb ???
yes i did i have a 240z the shorter gears might be good as i have taller wheels so it may even things out for me. well it looks like i will be changing diffs next week end then thanx man:laugh:
cluncky bumb ???
i have some back lash (clunking) in the rear of my 240z i found that the right hand flange yoke or out put shaft what ever you call it has a lot of side, up and down play. Would this be the bearing if so would i have to remove the diff center to replace. My other option is i have a r180 from a 1976 260z 2+2 automatic in good condition would it just be easyer to put this whole diff in insted ?
newby with an su problem
i got it back from the mechanic today he droped the needles a bit so it would not run so rich at idle but it now runs lean at higher revs. I was wondering if the 240z su' are to small for the l28 motor? if so would a neadle change fix that?