Everything posted by cayox
how can I tell how much mpg im getting in my 280z?
MSA photo of my car
I really wanted to go to that...
280z(automatic) PEEL OUT
Whenever im with a friend they always want me to burn out or floor it..... And when I tried to burn out.... It would not do it. And that was the last time a tried cuz i knew that was wrecking the car... My dumb friends like "Your car only looks fast, but it's slow as hell." I just looked over at him and said, "Its worth more then your geo... stfu." :sleepy:
VEI Digital Instruments
Hey guys, Look at these cool instruments. They are digital and I think they would work on Datsun Z cars. So if your old ones ever break and you want to upgrade here you go! I might be considering blue ones for mine.... Tell me what you guys think. http://www.veisystems.com/instruments.html -Dylan -78' 280Z
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Fuel injection chip?
Wow, thanks for all this information, it seems like you know my repairer. His shop is close to my town, hes got about 50 Z cars there... It seems. But yeah, I am reading up on this fuel injection book, I never really knew anything about the engine of the car, but with this, I can learn almost everything. Thanks!!! Im going to print out all the info u guys gave me and look it over. Because I cant do it myself. :stupid: Again, thanks for the info and replies, you guys rule. Oh, and thanks for the offer for the $30 one, but my mom already paid for a new one..... Owell, ill just cross my fingers on the ECM. -Dylan
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Fuel injection chip?
Yeah man I would love to see it! Tomohawk, thanks for the reply, and thats what he said, "It needs a new computer ship." maybe he said new "computer" I don't really remember, but im going to go by his word since he has been working on Z's for a long time... If it fix's it then I will be happy, and if it doesn't work.... Then Ill do it myself. heres his site... http://www.zspecialties.com/ Thanks guys
Fuel injection chip?
Hey guys i'm new to this website and I have a 1978 280Z (Automatic). Anyways, I have a question. My Z is running very 'rich' the injectors are pushing to much fuel in, and the air to fuel mix is off so the black cloud its producing out of the exhaust is burnt gas. So when I press on the gas I get alot of smoke and not much acceleration. And sometimes it even stalls at stop signs and stop lights, its very embarrassing. So I go to this classic Z repairer and he says it needs a $500 chip that will fix the problem.... Do any of you guys know if it will?? I didnt even know a '78 Z had a chip since its 29 years old Have any of you guys ever had the same problem? And will this computer chip to my fuel injectors fix the problem. Thanks, oh and I may be getting a black rubber air dam for under my bumper, are those cool? Thanks -Dylan <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v706/Vietnam3000/DSCN0585.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v706/Vietnam3000/DylansZ.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
- Datsun 1978 280Z
Datsun 1978 280Z 2
Datsun 1978 280Z 2