- my Z
- my Z
- my Z
- my Z
- my Z
- green_z_030
- green_z_029
- green_z_015
- green_z_003
- green_z_001
Ready for the show!
hope to see your car there and lots of other 73s,might bring mine out there just to boost the number of cars shown,not really show quality
- 73 Z
Let's see some wheels!
Need help with rear suspension
I used this web page in removing my rear and front struts,but in the rear after disconnecting driveshaft I disconnected the parking brake bracket instead of the spindle,and it dropped down so I could work on my struts without removing the spindle http;//www.biopatent.com/struts.html
Need help with rear suspension
dicconnect parking brake bracket from control arm and it will drop down