Everything posted by 3RD STRIKE
Here I go again.
Yes i can go back i supose,it just defeats the purpose of tryin to go faster. It ran 9.5,s now it does 10.10. My work truck runs faster than that!
Here I go again.
at bama dragway.Its actually test&tune session,Ive bee trying to get the thing to act right. Ever since i rebuilt the engine it has been a crap shoot. Nothin wrong w/engine, its mainly clutch issues. Last year it was great. This year its a piece.I changed some things and its not working. Should have left well enough alone.
Here I go again.
Im off to the track again. Lets see what breaks this time, preferably my neck.
help! with my stock 280z
Hey, Ive got a question. I have the n 47 head. My question is if you do port work on this head, can you take the heat shields out? Also does it make any difference? This head is an 80 man. date as far as i know. If i can take these out, is there any damage risk?
help! with my stock 280z
Well maybe i jumped the gun at your staement, but I did not make any false statements about the stuff that i have mentioned in my previous posts. I have tried it and proved it to be true. I spent whole summer making adjustments each week then going to the track to see what made me faster & lighter. Everthing that i have changed on my Z has made an imporvement as far lightning the car and/or adding horsepower. Your right everything on here is available for research (which everyone SHOULD do). Adding horsepower isn't the ONLY thing that is going to make your car quick. Making the car lighter, knowing how to drive the car, and knowing what the car is capable of are all very important. You can add all the bolt on's you want but if you don't know how to drive the car, they are really not going to make a difference. In short, I guess everyone has to figure out what's right for them and their car, this is what was right for mine. oh yeah by the way, dont use a turbo clutch, on a non-turbo car, it really sucks.
Dash Lights and Parking Lights?
ramses,The 74 is even different? Its amazing that 2 cars can have the exact same symtoms and not even have the same parts. I guess you learn some thing new every day.
help! with my stock 280z
I thought i metioned the act. not adding power in last nights post. I did not. my bad..
help! with my stock 280z
ooIm not trying to make any one look like school girls. IST i did not say the act made power, I said it helps get you out in front! AS far as the fan goes it takes a little bit of drag off of the motor. Every thing i metioned i did one thing at a time, so i would know what worked and what did not. AS far as the fuel cell goes you are right, it does not add power. But it takes weight out of the car, which every body knows, the lighter the car is the quicker it will be. And yes you are right it is 1/8 et. Any body w/common sense would know thats not 1/4 et,s!! With these mods i AM almost untouchable. Im not goin to lie to make my self look good in here. Its STUPID. Yes I get my arse handed to me on a plate every once in a while. But thats all part of it. The bottom line is you have to figure out what works 4 you no matter if you are racing it or driving it every day. Besides I have video to prove that you CAN bolt on significant power! Maybe you would like to see it! Im not trying to start any thing, I just gave my opinion. I dont want you to think im mad or any thing cause im not. Some times when I cant figure something out this is where i come to for help. So enuff said. I am looking forward to your reply. Im out. peace.
help! with my stock 280z
Any one that says you cant bolt on noticeable horse power has not played with the idea to much.Ihave a stock 280zx. stock it runs 10.44. I bolted on an cold air int., a 60,000 volt super coil, alum. fly wheel,stage3 act clutch, cut the shifter down, and made my own fuel cell, added electric fans,taylor spiral pro-race wires, and now it runs 9.58 consistant. 10.44-9.58 not significant? YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHERE TO PUT THE MONEY!!!!!
Dash Lights and Parking Lights?
Hey Albert, i went to the junk yard to day. I found a 74 260 z. I think it might be close to yours. It had a fuseable link box close to the battery. Are you sure that yours didnt have one and maybe the previous owner took it out and just by passed it?
New here, former ZX owner
i have a 2 year old i understand finacial. I dally in junkyards and parts cars a lot. Z's and Supras are my favorites, so i normally always have something..Im going to go check, thanks for the link.
New here, former ZX owner
if you are looking to fix your supra soon, let me know i may have some parts your iterested in. http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00493je8.jpg here is a link to my supra (my baby) My z is my race car, and is real rough.
New here, former ZX owner
hey goddess just wanted to say high & welcome. I also have an 84 supra. Fun cars huh.
Need Parts - Help
I have a set of straps that came off of my 1980 280zx. I dont know if they are right for your car . but I dont need them. I took my tank out. Im using a fuel cell. pm me if interested.
bad machinest
Thanks for the input. The head woudn't even hold a vaccum test. I know the valves aren't seating. ITs not a big deal, i was trying to raise the compression i had told the machinest to take off what he could safely. It just ticks me off that i paid someone to do a job and they didn't do it. If you know anyone that has a boat, i have a great boat anchor CHEAP!! Thanks
bad machinest
I had a L28E head reworked and the machinest cut the head to much,he said he did not. I took it to another shop, they said it was cut .30 it seems to be to much. They said i could use it if i could find a spacer. Does any one know where i can find one of these? THE FIRST MACHINEST SAID I DID SOMETHING WRONG. But i know i didnt ,Itried everthing i knew and nothing worked, I checked compression it was way off, I checked the timing it was right on,so ipulled it off put the old head on and it works fine.The second shop said they would not go any more than .15 on the spacer. And also does any one know how much you can mill off of a stock head?
Timing Cover Quick Question
just remember the only stupid question is the one you dont ask.
I need a new head
I Think I Know Where To Get You One. What Is Your Engine? There Is A Junk Yard Here That Keeps A Few Of Them On Hand. Pm Me If Interested.
Need more wheel choices
if you cant find the wheels you like 4 your z you might try toyota rims. you have to buy new lug nuts, any ways thats what i did.
i need bumpers
Ihave one front bumper off of 80, 280zx. Will it work?
280ZX distributor mount needed!
hey I THINK I HAVE WHAT YOU NEED. I have almost every thing uner the hood you can think of. I had 2 parts cars,got what i needed,scrapped the rest. If thats not it, I'm pretty sure I can get it. 280,S ARE EVERY WHERE HERE!!! Clicl on the link below, i had added a picture of wha ti think you are looking for.
Clutch Keeps Breakin, Is My Foot To Heavy?
Is there something wrong w/the fly wheel in general? Or do ya think mine is just bad? Ihate to lose it, cause thats were all the power comes from.
my rear supension is to soft
i break strutts to easily or weaken them. whats the cure?
Just got a 280Z! New to cars.
Ihave several cars. I have a 83 toyota supra,84 supra,a bad a-s silvarado,and last a 80 280zx. the 83 i am doin a full resto with.Ilove to drive my 84 its a lot of fun. I have put my soul in this car. Ihave allways wanted a supra. this is a nice car. BUT, I got the 280 first,when i bought my house the z was on the property, it was a wore out piece of junk. pieces of it every where. it was wrecked on the driver side from bumper to bumper. It had not run in 2 years. I put a battery in it , hot wired it, gas it up. an had the most fantastic car i have ever had. it ran like a new one, i did not even change the plugs. Ilove the z more than any thing in my yard. and its the quickest car i own. it ran 10.44,s right out of the weeds.with a few bolt ons it runs 9,58,s its my fav. ride by far and it still is trashed out ride,but its fast and where i am from that is all that counts When i go racing no one will line up with me, except the v8,s.but even thier efforts are useless. Even though the v8,s have more power they dont have the torque. In short the 280 will GITT-R-DONE!!!!!
Clutch Keeps Breakin, Is My Foot To Heavy?
The ride; 1980 28ozx.fresh L 28e, THE STUFF;SUPER COIL,fuel cell,electric fans,short shifter,cold air,taylor 8 m.m wires,and last afidanza alum. flywheel. THE PROB. ever since i went to the flywheel i cant keep the dowel pins in the flywheel. the style clutch does not seem to matter.before i built the motor i used this flywheel with the other parts listed and the car ran 9.58,s but the clutch was a act stage 3 6puck solid hub clutch. I thought the crank might have been out of ballance. so i built the motor. So w/the new motor i put a stock 9.5 turbo clutch in for the break in period.the same thing happend.1 pin came out and 3 pressure plate bolts backed out. oh yea the act was a 8 7/8' disc. The factory says to torque all the bolts at the factory datsun specs. the specs are only 14 lbs. I think that number is to low. What do you think? if i cant figure this out soon i might have a motor 4 sale soon. PLEASE HELP.