Everything posted by alordzot
What level of expertise are they looking for? I have experience working on and rebuilding but my daughter is a novice and wants to learn how. Second will we be working on our own car or what?
East Coast Z Car Center
Thanks, I think I will make a trip down there from the DC area one saturday, I need to get the linkage for a set of round tops that did not come with the carbs when I got them from EBAY. If that fails I will need to order it from the carb rebuilder kings ZTherapy. You sure that I can't get that part from the white 260. Na wrong year and type. Thanks again for the input
East Coast Z Car Center
I saw the following on one of the posts here and was wondering if anyone out there has delt this them and what they are like. EAST COAST Z CAR CENTER 4320 BAINBRIDGE BLVD CHESAPEAKE,VA. 23324. TOLL FREE # 1866-543-6608.
500 Megs Z car stuff is now over 800 megs
I just tried the link and now it says can not find server. I would like to look at it. Did some one down load the info and can send it?
Removing old brake hoses
I used a 10m flared brake line wrench that I purchased at my local auto parts store. I did need to use some heat on one of the lines. The rest came off with out a problem. Remember to flush and bleed the system after replacing the hoses and any lines.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Mine comes from the news paper comics B.C. The anteater always has ZOT when eating the ants. I always used that to put in these initials when playing video games (LONG TIME AGO so don’t ask it will show my age.) I maintained top billing on one machine for about 2 years and spent tooo much money playing it. Because of this I was forever being challenged to play it and I became known as the lord of that machine. Hence Lord Zot. Next came that bs of you can not sign up for a hotmail address using the word LORD so it became ALORDZOT. Boring but true….
Electronic Distributor Install Instructions
alordzot@hotmail.com thanks I was looking for som guideance.
"the real deal"
If this is truely Laguna Beach then your correct. It is an enclave where the Gay and Others hang and live. You dident think that San Fran was the only place they own in Ca. Did you.
Tired of being called names?
My 16 year old daughter calls my 73 240Z the POO Car. She infromed me that since it is brown it looks like a big turd. However she keeps asking me to teach her how to drive it. Stick and New Drivers... can't do it I love my clutch and car as that are. :bandit:
Installation Of Round Tops In A 73 240
Carbs were purchased on ebay. so No access to them.
Installation Of Round Tops In A 73 240
Ok if the stock linkage is not going to fit where can I get one that will. Does Ztherapy sell them?
Installation Of Round Tops In A 73 240
Thanks all, I still could use all your comments, keep them comming.
Installation Of Round Tops In A 73 240
Installation Of Round Tops In A 73 240
HELP PLEASE. I purchased a set of round tops and the intake manifold to replace the flat tops on a 1973 240. Disassembly and removal is not an issue. However replacement is where I am getting stumped. All of the pluming that was on the old carbs, along with the smog stuff is getting me confused. Is there a source that has a step by step or at least some hints as to what I should so with all the connections that I no longer will have when I install the new manifold and carbs. Is this really more complicated then I first thought. I have the knowledge to tare the motor down and rebuild it but I have never dealt with carbs and carb systems. Zippy
"rare Treasure"
Remember what the old saying is. A Fool and his money are soon parted. You could also say a fool is born every min. But if you need the parts you do as you must.
Anyone want to buy a set of Flat-tops
Yes Both are in working order
Anyone want to buy a set of Flat-tops
Make an offer you might be surprised. One of the carbs needs to be taped, the old fuel lines was rusted in place and broke off while I was trying to remove it. I started to tap it out but never finished. I did not drill into the carb houseing it self just the broken fitting. So there is no damage to the existing threads. Other than that they have both been cleaned and partly rebuilt. Both are fully assembled and have no parts missing. Again Just make me an offer and please be advised you will need to pay shipping costs also. However I will ship them however you would like.
Anyone want to buy a set of Flat-tops
Yes I know, That is why I am putting on Round tops from a 72. Do you know if a E46 manifold is worth putting on with the new carbs? I have them also.
Anyone want to buy a set of Flat-tops
Have a set of flat tops from a 73Z Make best offer and they are yours I will even throw in the rebuild kits. No needles in the rebuild kit. Intersted? email me at alordzot@hotmail.com
Replacing sidedrafts with a Carter or Holly
I have been looking at replacing the existing SU's on my 73 240 with a Four Barrell Aluminum Intake Manifold from ARIZONA Z CAR and using a Carter AFB #9605 or a Holly 390 600 CFM carb. Has anyone done this and can give me some advice.
2 fuel pumps, 1 big problem
The 1973 has an electric pump ( have one on mine). I was informed by an old dealer mech that it was added to the system because of a Vaper lock problem that is created by the cooling system connections that go through the carbs. When the car ran for a long time the fule would vaperize in the lines and the car would either stop running or would not start after turning it off.
Flat top carbs and I need help
Ok I will try it... Should I get a rebuild kit and use it while I have them off the car. An 2manyzs you know that I am in va and if I understand correctly I can desmog the car since it is 30 yrs old.. I guess I need to check with DMV. DESMOGING it. What does that take?
Flat top carbs and I need help
Thanks for the info I have already done the things you suggested. My problem is that the carbs are or seem to be empty of the oil needed in them. The book calls for SAE20 oil to be used. But does not state how much to use. Current issue is that the fuel does not seem to be getting to the cylinders through the carbs. I have good fuel flow through the electrical and mech pumps. So I am not sure if it is just a problem with the oil being missing from the carbs or if the carbs need to be completely rebuilt. So now what do I do.
CARBS - Flat top type and starting a long dead Z
Thanks for the info I have already done the things you suggested. My problem is that the carbs are or seem to be empty of the oil needed in them. The book calls for SAE20 oil to be used. But does not state how much to use. Current issue is that the fuel does not seem to be getting to the cylinders through the carbs. I have good fuel flow through the electrical and mech pumps. So I am not sure if it is just a problem with the oil being missing from the carbs or if the carbs need to be completely rebuilt.
Flat top carbs and I need help
That what I was looking for thanks alot.. Has any of the Club done this and Can anyone give me an idea if it is worth the time and cash to do it?