- burnout tips
burnout tips
I dont think I would ever burn out in my z. even though its not drivable! what a horrible thing to do to such a beautiful car!!!
Nice project, low entry price
i like the starting price. $1.75 haha id buy that right now for 5 bucks HAHAh then i saw the buy it now price ..and I was like oh. :disappoin
Need help buying a used engine..
I stumbled across a car shop near my area that is selling a 280zx turbo engine with auto tranny? I already have a 5spd from a 78 z. The owner said it is running and is ready to go inside my z. He is selling it for 300 dollars... Could i take off my stock su's and place them onto that engine? or will I have to go triple mikunis? Since its an automatic. The owner will give me a plate from a 280zx tranny to fit my z. I was wondering on your inputs and suggestions? Thanks Andy:knockedou
Need help on Corvette L-98 engine.
:sleepy: nope sorry
which lip spoiler do you think looks the best?
thats a clean lip. i wouldnt mind getting one of those
Datsun 240Z 260Z Digital Guages?
Whats the History on these Gauges? I never heard or seen them on actual z cars? http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pts/594939292.html
Show me your red interior!
the red interior actually looks pretty cool.
Anyone using Datsun Competition Sparkplug Wires?
I have ngk's on mines.
Craigslist got these rims if you want?!?!?
those are pretty cool haha
My new 240K
you are one lucky guy.
New member from Fontana CA
welcome...everyone here is friendly or somewhat of it.
Austin : stolen car cover
hahah yeah i happened to pass by this one for some odd reason.
Austin : stolen car cover
man.. if I was you, Id be in primal rage and start going crazy.. Then id probably call the police. ..
Snoop Dogg's Album Cover...
snoop doggy dog ! hahah