L28 pic request
From the pics, the oil/water ports look semi-similar between L28 and 5M, but havent a clue if anything else is reasonably doable Thanks for the great reads! I'll be definitely looking those over
L28 pic request
, no, not top secret, but I dont feel like getting blasted for it as it may be a silly/impossible idea. a few years back I remember reading something about soomeone slapping a DOHC head on an L28, but I can't remember what head it was, and I can't seem to find info on it online (may just not be looking hard enough) I understand it would take a lot of work and money, but is just something I'm looking into, nothing I've got my heart set on. It's always agitated me that people are pulling more n/a hp from L28s than they are with the Toyota 5MGE. People want 350hp instantly, and I don't want to go that route, so I'll be looking into building a nice n/a engine. I'll either be building the 5M, boring it out to 3.31" (from 3.27) and stroking to 3.58" (from 3.35) or I'll be looking into doing a 5M head/L28 block if thats even close to possible. Kind of hard to say without staring at the 2 blocks side by side right now,
L28 pic request
Thanks guys! I really need to get ahold of one of these blocks and take some measurements for myself.
L28 pic request
Sorry if this is in the wrong section I am looking for a picture of the block, view of the cylinders, water jackets and bolt holes from above. Thanks
New here, former ZX owner
ahh celicasupra.coms forums are having database errors right now.
New here, former ZX owner
Very nice! Are you over at celicasupra.com? Only reason my car has been down for 3 months is because we're in a huge financial rut, otherwise I'd be all over any parts you have. Soon as things start going good for us again, I will take you up on your offer
New here, former ZX owner
Totally Supras and Zs, big rivals but both such great cars to own
New here, former ZX owner
Right now I cant afford another car if I really wanted to. My 260,000 mile old Supra engine quit on me in November, #6 con rod snapped and went through the block, so she's down right now and I need to fix her first. I dont even want to look in the classifieds, as I will be drooling over every car I see and wanting to sell a kidney or something to get one
New here, former ZX owner
Hey all I'm mostly a Supra fanatic, but I fell in love with ZXs ever since my friend got this white '79 280. I actually saw the car first, and a couple of days later I went to tell her about the car while she was working, to already find out her boyfriend had bought it. Not too spectacular of a car... to put it more blunty, it was a rustbucket. But a very fun and durable rust bucket. My friend beat the daylights out of the car, flogging it daily, and it handled the beating better than what I would have expected. In Nov. 2005 she had to move, and couldnt take the car with her so she gave it to me. Unfortunately, the car was pretty beat up and I couldn't do much with it. The front brake lines had rusted out, and only the rear brakes were working. The clutch was SO toasted, it took about 5 minutes to get up to 45mph. Then WE had to move out of state, and could only take 2 cars with us, and the 280zx was in the worst shape so she got left behind Enough of the story, here's some pix car was originally beige/goldish, apparently passengers floorboard was rotted through bad pix of her w/ my supra I definitely hope to own another 280zx again, as they are my favorite body style.