Everything posted by billcapp
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
I thought I did use my name....isn't that it without a space:stupid:
Side moulding
"I need to take off the decorative side moulding strips to paint the 240. How are they attached and are there preferred removal and reattachment techniques? Same question for the emblems." The side molding is attached with double sided tape. Heat it a little with a heat gun and pull it off. Just buy new strips to replace with; it is available at parts stores and is cheap. Some of the emblems are attached thru holes in the metal work with clips holding them on the backside. Just access them where you can and carefully squeeze the clips to remove them. (especially if you plan to reuse them...the pins are plastic and can break easily)
Location Poll
I guess then it was you in the "other" catagory!
Location Poll
Where is the one "other" from?
Location Poll
Right you are Laddie! Just in a hurry as you must have been with Americca.:stupid:
Right Side From Rear
Location Poll
How about a poll about which state/ country you live in to see where the spread is....
Distributor position?
I would think the timing needs to be set to the 280 specs with the FI and elec. Ign. Just a guess...
240, 260, or 280? Help
There are excellent articles written about the early Zs on this site...do a search on history. The 70-72 are the best of the early Zs. The 260 was a poor attempt at smog requirements. They are underpowered and had a "bad carb". The 280s were much heavier to meet newer regulations and were kind of ugly with the larger bumpers. That's just a little info from my book of knowledge (which is little as far as history). They can all be relatively easy to mod for more HP and better handling depending on the type of use you have in mind. Paul Newman used to race them, so that is some indication of someone with money thinking they were a pretty good car. I love mine...that's for sure. Mine has been relatively trouble free for the past 22 years I've owned it.:classic:
rear tail light assembly
Heads or tails and you lose....I'll bet it's the front and rear; both of which have lights normally.
rear tail light assembly
Leave Enrique alone.... can't you see it was late for him!
Sure hope you aren't planning on cutting any original (good looking) metal. That would be a real shame...something to really think hard about!
space shuttle
Western Wheels
E88 rebuilt head
Electronic ignition
Enrique, Are you starting some new slang? What is a dizzy?
Splash pan
This is the only one I've seen.
Do you like the latest gallery images on the main page?
Even though I'm on a modem now (56K) my connections are only at 26K but this Z site is one of the fastest loading sites that I frequent. I'd say I like it the way it is.
selling my parts car..
Where are you located just in case someone doesn't want to take the time to go to EBay?
No More Snow!!!
New Clutch will not engage!
I believe there is more than one type of slave for the early Zs. If they are the same then the fork may be different. I bought one with an adjustable rod and another with no adjusting rod. Unfortunately I don't know which is right. Check the forum for pix and more info with the search function on this site.
part needed
Burt; MSA has them for $15.52. Do you need their address or website?
Ok, here's the newest Z...
Congrats....but maybe you'll have to move out of Oregon so it won't rust. Sometimes cars moved to a different climate will see new rust where it wasn't apparent before.
25 Z cars and shop full of parts
how to add the air/dam to the Z
Well Znut73, it's like this. They are all pretty much straight forward. Usually, you will remove the front valance (under the bumper) by removing the screws holding them on at the joint below the turn signals and then possibly removing the lower side pieces. Next would usually be to bolt on the air dam where you removed the 3 other pieces. BUT...there is always a but, it would help to know what year your car is and what kind or type of dam you have....maybe you can post photos and we can provide more help.