Everything posted by BBYE V8
St. Louis Z Club Car Show!
The Gateway Z Club's annual Z Car Show will be Sunday July 11 at Bommarito Nissan. This event is free and open to all Nissan owners, you do not have to be a member of the club, or even have a Z, any Nissan is welcome. We will have 7 trophies: 350Z, 300ZX (Z32), 300ZX (Z31), 280ZX, Z (240Z, 260Z, 280Z), Modified Z, and Nissan Non-Z. The Non-Z class is for those with classic Datsun 510s, Roadsters, newer 240SXs or even Maximas, just so long as it's a Nissan. We will not have official "judging", rather the entrants to the car show will vote for their favorite car in each class. Registration is from 9 AM to 11 AM, the show officially starts at 11 AM with trophies awarded at 3 PM. Food and drinks will be available, with all proceeds benefiting Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, so please come hungry. Dash plaques will be given to the first 25 cars to register. The show is sponsored and hosted by Bommarito Nissan, 661 Dunn Road in Hazelwood, Missouri. If rained out, the show will be rescheduled but we do not have a backup date yet. If you have questions simply post them here or feel free to write me, Brian at BBYEV8@Yahoo.com or visit our website at www.gatewayZclub.com I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of you and checking out your car. If you attend the show please find me, just ask for BBYE V8.
St. Louis Z Club Car Show
Sorry, but the May 4 show has been postponed until June 8. All other details will remain the same. Hopefully the rain will stay away this time. Hope to see you there.
St. Louis Z Club Car Show
The Gateway Z Club's annual Z Car Show will be Sunday June 8 at Bommarito Nissan. This event is free and open to all Nissan owners, you do not have to be a member of the club, or even have a Z, any Nissan will do. We will have 5 classes: Best 350Z, Best Z32, Best Z31, Best 280ZX, Best Z, and Best Nissan. Registration from 9 AM to 11 AM, the show officially starts at 10 AM with trophies awarded at 3 PM. Food and drinks will be available, with all proceeds benefiting Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (so please come hungry). Dash plaques will be given to the first 25 cars to show up. The show is sponsored by Bommarito Nissan, 661 Dunn Road in Hazelwood, Missouri. If rained out, the show will be rescheduled for another date; if there is a chance of rain call Ken Jamin at 314-504-8991, he will make the decision on the morning of the show. If you have questions feel free to write me, Brian at BrianLZX@Netscape.net
Gateway Z Club Car Show Aug 18, St. Louis MO
August 18 was rained out so we'll try again Aug 25 10 AM till around 2 PM. The show is free and open to the public, you do not have to be a member of the club. We'll have food, drinks and door prizes available. The show will be held at Suntrup Nissan, 6000 South Lindbergh. If it rains on the 25th, the show will be postponed until sometime in September, same time same place. We'll have a people's choice award for each of the 4 generations of Z cars plus one for "Other Nissan" for those with classic Datsun 510s, Roadsters, newer 240SXs or even Maximas, just so long as it's a Nissan. You should go to the club's web site for the most current information: www.gatewayzclub.com Feel free to email me with any questions. Brian Lange BrianLZX@Netscape.net
St. Louis area Z car show!
The Gateway Z Club's annual Z Car Show will be Sunday July 11 at Bommarito Nissan. This event is free and open to all Nissan owners, you do not have to be a member of the club, or even have a Z, any Nissan is welcome. We will have 7 trophies: 350Z, 300ZX (Z32), 300ZX (Z31), 280ZX, Z (240Z, 260Z, 280Z), Modified Z, and Nissan Non-Z. The Non-Z class is for those with classic Datsun 510s, Roadsters, newer 240SXs or even Maximas, just so long as it's a Nissan. We will not have official "judging", rather the entrants to the car show will vote for their favorite car in each class. Registration is from 9 AM to 11 AM, the show officially starts at 11 AM with trophies awarded at 3 PM. Food and drinks will be available, with all proceeds benefiting Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, so please come hungry. Dash plaques will be given to the first 25 cars to register. The show is sponsored and hosted by Bommarito Nissan, 661 Dunn Road in Hazelwood, Missouri. If rained out, the show will be rescheduled but we do not have a backup date yet. If you have questions simply post them here or feel free to write me, Brian at BBYEV8@Yahoo.com or visit our website at www.gatewayZclub.com I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of you and checking out your car. If you attend the show please find me, just ask for BBYE V8. -
Gateway Z Club Car Show
SEE THE NEW 350Z! It will be there! August 18, 10 AM till around 2 PM. The show is free and open to the public, you do not have to be a member of the club. We'll have food, drinks and door prizes available. The show will be held at Suntrup Nissan, 6000 South Lindbergh. If it rains on the 18th, the show will be postponed until August 25, same time same place. We'll have a people's choice award for each of the 4 generations of Z cars plus one for "Other Nissan" for those with classic Datsun 510s, Roadsters, newer 240SXs or even Maximas, just so long as it's a Nissan. You should go to the club's web site for the most current information: www.gatewayzclub.com Feel free to emial me with any questions. Brian Lange BrianLZX@Netscape.net