Everything posted by Z train
Powdercoat or Paint it Black?
Powdercoating is superior to paint in every measurable way.Except price.
What next?!
THe copper permatex is in a tube.And "Anti-sieze" is magical stuff.A drop the size of a pin-head will do every nut and bolt on your entire car.Every car on the property,your neighbors car.Your neighbors dog AND cat. You'll understand this comment after you've used the stuff.
Bad Voltage Regulator?
Voltage while running should be 13 to 14 volts.
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Fastchick: Intake gasket just clean will do.If you want,you can use copper Permatex arouind the exhaust ports.- Anti-seize-is a good idea. The boots are still a dealer item as of July. No loctite on the manifold bolts.
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1)True 2)I want to agree,but something is sticking in the back of my mind and i can't put my finger on it.Maybe something to do with vacuum. ANd i tend to agree with Nazgul about the reg.Too good to be true.Hit up your local speed shop.
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Fastchick-i think you're getting way ahead of yourself.Fix the stock system in the stock configuration.There is nothing wrong with it all things being equal.Then move on from there. First thing i would do is install an inline fuel pressure guage between the filter & the fuel rail.The readings will tell you volumes.
Goodbye sunroof!
That musta been a pain in the arse.
Eureka! Hard restarts and Bosch's "trumpet" injector rail
I have a similiar issue and i've narrowed it down to the check valve.
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My point about the ECM is that it is the beginning of the system.On a vehicle this old(or just basic trouble-shooting)you need to establish a good baseline.So if appropriate verify the ECM and move on.My ECM drove me nuckin futs before i found the issue.
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A spare is always a good idea.But you're forgetting that the location of the ECM has more to do with solder joint issues than bad equiptment.The kick panel where it is located is not only prone to "road shock& vibrations" but is also really close to the drivers door which gets opened & closed the most. Be really interesting to see how many ECMs & fuel pump relays were replaced because of solder joint issues. My 85 720 had a FP relay go bad and a 2 minute solder job fixed it.
What next?!
Start at the beginning.Meaning the ECM.Make sure the connections are soldered correctly.Then "run out" all the connections to their end. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36903&highlight=ecm
Painting the intake manifold
For the manifold-fine.But the heat shield & exhaust manifold needs a "better" coating.
Painting the intake manifold
I'm not familiar with THAT product.I was referring to Jet-Hot or similiar product.
76 280Z shuting off while driving
Do a search here for ECM issues.Could be a simple 10 minute solder job.I did a write-up last year on the same issue you're having. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36903&highlight=ecm
Painting the intake manifold
If you thermal coat the heat shield silver(or better yet-white)that will be your best "bang for the buck".Exhaust gas temperature is over 1300 degrees when it exits the head. If you are still having a "heat soak" issue after that then something else is"out of sorts".
Painting the intake manifold
The factory makes a heat shield,but i'm not sure what models it came on.Having that thermal coated would be a decent alternative.
Painting the intake manifold
Fastchick-expoxy will not survive the oven.
Painting the intake manifold
Port matching and smoothing out "runner boogers" is never a waste of time.
Painting the intake manifold
Eastwood makes a good coating for the manifold.As far as podercoating goes,the normal stuff melts at 400 degrees. There is stuff called "Toon bright" that will clean up the intake good.
New Guy Here
So,Will-Are you a danger to your Z and /or other Z's?
Numbers..aren't matching?
Pandora's box...about to be opened.Arne-you are correct.HOWEVER,a lot of states place responsiblity for the cars"sales worthiness"on the current seller.regardless of past "POs"transgressions.Still,this needs to be dealt with now.
This baffles me to no end
yeah...welll.....ahhh......$^!#. Well it is Tucson and it was 105 that night.And the cord from the portable valve guide machine did reach the pool.
Erratic volt gauge
The back one loosened up again?I was gonna mention the tightening the front bolt thing. Oddly enough the belt started squealing on start up on Mo's Truck.The back lower bolt had come loose.Sound familiar? Keep an eye on the bolts,you might need loc-tite them for somre odd reason. Some.Repeat SOME regulators are adjustable.I'm not sure about these.
This baffles me to no end
- This baffles me to no end
1)Non-sequitur 2)Compared to you,i do know it all,as i've forgotten more than you'll ever know. And seeing as how Jans car has been in my garage and i have first hand knowledge of the issue(noise),if i can't get a handle on it,safe to say you won't.Take a look at all the members on this board.I'm the last one you want to start a pissing contest with. Now,back to our regularly scheduled programming. - This baffles me to no end
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