Everything posted by Z train
This baffles me to no end
At least that rules out anything we did during the timing chain swap.Right now,Don's idea is the only thing i can come up with.
This baffles me to no end
- This baffles me to no end
O/K.But we did cure some of the noise with the chain kit install correct?- This baffles me to no end
No-but he was running only 10/40 then.- This baffles me to no end
Ya don't run 10/30 in a 250,000 mile motor that lives in temps exceeding 100 degrees for months at a stretch. The balancer is tight as Jan stated. Sitting in the pool last night talking with my machinist,we were discussing this little "issue"he trggiering a long lost fact filed away somewhere.If i remember right,the tensioner is fed off of the number one main(or somewhere in the vicinity.It is POSSIBLE that a piece of gasket or some other debris(not sludge) has entered the passage feeding the tensioner.This MIGHT explain the problem.- This baffles me to no end
We've been +100 for the past three months.Yesterday it was 112 at Gila Bend.A few weeks back it hit 120.Tucson is always about 10 degrees cooler.And for Ca,you're 90 weight selection would be correct. But in any event,the oil weight isn't the issue here.Everyone here is scratching their heads over this noise.- This baffles me to no end
Sorry,Steve-YOU look again.I am looking at both FSMs(as i type this),one for the 810 and one for the 78 620 and they both call for 20/50 for temperatures encountered here in Tucson. And as a side note they also call for 140 weight gear lube.- This baffles me to no end
Because the FSM calls for 20/50.- Erratic volt gauge
Thought so.I highly suggest "Luna starters & alternators" over on Grant Rd.You can also get a pulley from them that increases alternator output at idle.I'll be back early Tues.You can try that reg if you want.- Erratic volt gauge
Jan-is that an IR alernator?Or is the reg external?If it's external,you can try the one off the blue wagon to verify.- Erratic volt gauge
There might be a loose connection between the seat & steering wheel.have you checked lately? ;0- new Z owner from JERZZZZZZZZZZZZY
I thought it was pronounced"Joisey".- Battery ground wire question
The - cable should ground on the block.Usually up front near the fuel pump.But i relocat them to as close to the starter as i can.And having the cable also grounde to the chassis is a good idea.- Overheat again!
No i won't leave it alone.You are advocating a "magic potion in a bottle" over a properly maintained cooling system.And assuming your temp guage is accurate-you are running TOO COLDand are losing HP,efficiency & mpg's. And i didn't say i didn't like WW-i said it's not needed for your average car.Track cars are another story and then WW has it's advantages.On the street all things being equal,it has none. Enjoy: http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/redline-waterwetter%C2%AE-review/- shredded tire
Had a tire on my Ram blowout sitting in my yard(65 psi at over 130 degrees).Only a couple years old.Then last week one on the 810 started seperating.Got it replaced before any issues.I've only had tire issues here in Az. with big time heat as a factor.- Overheat again!
Exactly what part of Water Wetter is a band-aid that can mask REAL cooling problems and that proper cooling system maintenance will prevent ANY issues(thus making WW point-less) did you not understand? I live in Tucson.And for the past 60 days it has been in triple digits.The car is an automatic with A/C and runs at 190 all day long and 200-205 at 80MPH.Why haven't I over-heated the engine since i do not use WW.- Overheat again!
Houston isn't warm.Tucson is warm(er).Three core brass,50/50 mixed(distilled) and no issues.If if it(WW) gives you POM,then great.But my point is,that if water wetter effects engine temp,there is a problem lurking in the cooling system(or engine) and the WW is a band-aid of sorts.- Overheat again!
"Compatible"-all that means is there is no adverse reaction.Doesn't mean it was DESIGNED to enhance a water/glycol mix.Proper cooling system care trumps all.Bottom line the stuff is not needed.- Overheat again!
Water-wetter is NOT designed to be used with glycol.- Overheat again!
That method is actually in a FSM of another make.- Transmission Help--4th not working
That's what my 810 wagon tachs at.It confirms you have 3.54 gears.ANd my temps at 75MPH are around 200-205 with ambient air temp of 105 degrees.- Where should I get my first job?
Just havin' a little fun. Actually it's part of a joke: Don't tell my mother i'm a railroader-she thinks i'm a piano player in a whore house.- Nissan Truck Ring and Pinion???
4X4 gearsets are all going to be 4.11 & higher(numerically).Even here is Az.,ealry 4x4's are far & few in-between.- Where should I get my first job?
Piano player in a whorehouse.- When is it time?
You'll be fixing that Fiat a lot more than the Z. - This baffles me to no end
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