Everything posted by Z train
A/C 240 72 rebuilt and cooling performance...
Steve-my measurement was at the center vent.I was shocked when i hit the switch and it got that cool.It tells me the system is tight.I'm gonna have it topped off with R-12 in the near future.
Some people were meant to drive cars, not work on them
A saying in the used car business:"There is an a$$ for every seat." Maybe not.
A/C 240 72 rebuilt and cooling performance...
I just picked up a 810 Wagon.Once it was running to my liking,i turned the A/C on.ANd to my surprise,it was blowing at 52 degrees,which is only about 5 degrees+/- 2 from on the money.ANd this is just a 3 core radiator,factory fan & 180 stat.And this is on a 102 degree day in Tucson.I'm not where i want to be,but i'm damn close for not touching the system.
Finding & Fixing Exhaust Leaks into the Interior
Indeed,a good write-up.I noticed,no-where was the length of the tail pipe mentioned.Go figure.
Dashboard Preservation?
Don't use anything that has silicone in it.ANd don't use Armour all on anything but tires....if you must.
Exhaust smell in the car info -
You still have al eak somewhere in the cabin.
Heater Control Valve 76-78 280z
Well, what a revoltin' developement....I get the valve off and it is fine.I mean really free moving .Put it back in and let's go-right?Oh,no-this can't be that easy. The shaft that exits the heater box horizontally that attaches to the arm off the heater valve has a travel limit of less than a 1/4 inch.Something is jamming the door.So now the whole friggin box has to come out.(*^(&^%%*&!!!!!
Heater Control Valve 76-78 280z
This topic popped up on a search.So i thought i'd update it.My 810 valve is frozen......
Heater Control Valve 76-78 280z
27190-N3100 no longer available.
Got a bet here
30 pounds in three months is do-able.But some major"lifestyle changes" will be required.The major thing is aerobic "activity".Walking will not do it.You need to get in a gym.And possibly get a trainer for these three months.
- exhaust manifold to headers
New Owner from Mass. 56K Beware
Don't rip that AC too quick.Most were dealer ad-ons.It could be"correct".
Exhaust Header Wrapping
Wrapping voids any header makers warrantee.Wrapping also promotes cracking(metal fatigue)and in some enviroments accelerates rusting.
I want an original key blank
I have two 00-00055 blanks.And they do NOT fit a 72 240.:disappoin
Paul Newman
I met him & Bob Sharp at the same time back in the day. This sucks.
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
- Message to the GUYS of CZCC
[quote=sblake01; I'm not skinny and the rest speaks for itself. A formerly petite sax player?- Brits vs. Z's
The Lucas motto: "Get home before dark." Lucas denies having invented darkness. But they still claim "sudden, unexpected darkness" Lucas--inventor of the first intermittent wiper. Lucas--inventor of the self-dimming headlamp. The three-position Lucas switch--DIM, FLICKER and OFF. The other three switch settings--SMOKE, SMOLDER and IGNITE. Lucas dip-switch positions: LOW and BLOW (Bruce Miller, www.hermit.cc) The original anti-theft devices--Lucas Electric products. "I've had a Lucas pacemaker for years and have never experienced any prob... If Lucas made guns, wars would not start either. Did you hear about the Lucas powered torpedo? It sank. It's not true that Lucas, in 1947, tried to get Parliament to repeal Ohm's Law. They withdrew their efforts when they met too much resistance. Did you hear the one about the guy that peeked into a Land Rover and asked the owner "How can you tell one switch from another at night, since they all look the same?" "He replied, it doesn't matter which one you use, nothing happens!" Back in the '70s Lucas decided to diversify its product line and began manufacturing vacuum cleaners. It was the only product they offered which didn't suck. Quality Assurance phoned and advised the Lucas engineering guy that they had trouble with his design shorting out. So he made the wires longer. Why do the English drink warm beer? Lucas made the refrigerators, too. Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone. Thomas Edison invented the Light Bulb. Joseph Lucas invented the Short Circuit. Recommended procedure before taking on a repair of Lucas equipment: check the position of the stars, kill a chicken and walk three times sunwise around your car chanting: "Oh mighty Prince of Darkness protect your unworthy servant." Lucas systems actually uses AC current; it just has a random frequency. How to make AIDS disappear? Give it a Lucas parts number. Recently, Lucas won out over Bosch to supply the electrical for the new Volkswagens. So, now the cars from the Black Forest will come with electrics supplied by the Lord of Darkness -- how appropriate! Lucas is an acronym for Loose Unsoldered Connections and Splices. The Prince's last words to his son: "don't go riding after dark" Lucas jokes: black humor.- Ball park figure on Rebuild
Around 3K for a LZ-23.No install labor.- Proper dash care??
Silicone dries out plastic.Period.- Proper dash care??
Do not use anything that has silicone in it.It dries out plastic.And i wouldn't us Armor-all on my neighbors weiner dog.- George Carlin Dies at 71
This really,REALLY blows.- Por-15 or Rustbullet...?
Berrymans Carb cleaner also cuts POR-15 really well.- Sad day in the world of comedy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-AC9bzxLhI This isn't Harvey but it's a pisser.- California Tornado
:stupid:They are right-we don't. - Message to the GUYS of CZCC
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