Everything posted by Z train
Efficiency potential of the L28 (MegaSquirt)
Good reference.ANother neat thing about MS,is that you can get the box with all the whisltes & bells and add features as you can afford or want to.Other (some)systems DO NOT have this feature.
Efficiency potential of the L28 (MegaSquirt)
Fastchick-there are two Megasquirt conversions on my horizon-the wifes stroker and my L-24E.Just a matter of $$$$.And making a manifold for the stroker.
Modifying 280z fuel pump for carb use?
Tinker with the pump and you might as well toss it in the garbage.Just reg it at the carb(s).That pump will keep the fuel supply on the cool side.
Efficiency potential of the L28 (MegaSquirt)
Tony,you do know that your EXERIENCE flies directly in the face of Dan B's theories-don't you?
Series One with turbo diesel
VW already does it.Detroit is too bleeping stupid.Here's a Mitz & a Toyota that are TDI 4-bangers.Of course they're not available in the U.S.
Anyone familiar with X1/9s?
If the automotive world is on Earth,then assembly line made Italian cars are from Mars.
Anyone familiar with X1/9s?
Mike-you musta had my acronyms running thru your head when you slept the other night.
Anyone familiar with X1/9s?
Just giving you a hard time Benny Hill. I realize its pretty much the exact same car, just different badging. Oh,i know that.That's why i responded with the Steve Martin line from the same era.IF you get the car,please let us know when you think you are ready for the nut-house.
Anyone familiar with X1/9s?
You might have a point.After all,magazine editors(30 years later)should know more than someone who was there when these cars were new-right? Well,Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse meeeeeeeeee.
Anyone familiar with X1/9s?
F ix I t A gain T ony F ound I n A T oilet F riggin' I talians A ttempting T ransportation In the 70's & early 80's there was a mall near me(West Farms Mall)that was the local stolen car capitol.A friend had a X1/9 and he detailed it to the hilt.Parked it at the mall WITH the keys on the floor.2 weeks later Mall security called him and told him to come take his car home. Nobody has ever really wanted a Fiat.Mike-run.Run away fast.Screaming is optional.Walter's story is standard fare.
Nobody makes replacement proportioning valves?
No matter how many times you flush,crap stays in the P-valve,tee's and other fittings.A manual cleaning is the only way.
Pertronix vs Points
Sorry,Arne,but EI provides better starting,idling,emissions plus all the stuff previously mentioned.Yes,it is what people are comfortable with.EI can be simpler than points-just depends how you look at it.A major part of keeping classics on the road is bringing them into the 21st Century in certain areas.Brakes & electronics can go a long way.THere was some bad info posted in this topic and it needed to be countered.
Is my door bent? Do I need new hinges? Door alignment problems within...
Strip the door completely.Make sure IT isn't tweaked.Take the door to a body guy that knows his sh!t and ask him if the door is tweaked.After that,the body is the only thing.
Pertronix vs Points
Sigh..... Points bounce.Bouncing points cause the dwell to shift.This is NOT good.This is NOT what you want in a ignition system.This is not a"opinion",this isn't even debatable-this is FACT. Tony's post about the GM HEI is dead nuts on.If i didn't have a 6AL box laying around,i would have used a HEI module in the glove box on my wifes LZ-23.The Datsun electronic distributor can be driven with almost any CD box on the market or the proven GM HEI module.As with points installation & maintenance is critical.In 40 + years,i've had ONE HEI failure,one MSD failure and ZERO Datsun module failures.Point(s),set,match(book).
Pertronix vs Points
1)What YOU or I like is irrelevant.What is a superior system is the point. 2)Wrong-statements like come from 40 years of wrenching.Owning two Z cars doesn't qualify you as a ingintion expert. 3)People really shouldn't follow your advice if they want to improve their cars.
Pertronix vs Points
I'd agree with you,but then we'd both be wrong.
Pertronix vs Points
Points belong in museums-not street driven cars.
- Headers
K&N filter
Being in a dusty enviroment,go with the stock paper one.
Help I.D. these seats
Help I.D. these seats
I picked-up these seats at a swap meet and i love them.So does a buddy who is building a sled out of a 53 Jag.He wants these seats.Anyone recognize who's seats these are? Thanks
penny for your thoughts
Aircraft stripper works well.And water washes it off.Blow dry and sand and get it in primer.
Randomly losing power and strong gas smell
Replace all your fuel lines.
looking to buy big mouth exhaust system
Forget 3 inch.
3.7 ratio R180 Differential
Lotsa luck.There is a 810 coupe fro sale in Phoenix.If you run acroos any 77-79 810 wagons,give me a shout,please. Bill