Everything posted by Z train
3.7 ratio R180 Differential
Hmmmmm,sounds like a perfect match.Nudge wink.
- Hood Vents
Need help with removal of emmissions crap.
No-you wouldn't.
Swap to Manual: What about radiator?
I have in a aftermarket aruminum radiator.
MSD 6a install pics??
As far away from heat as possible and use the rubber legs.
My tail light panels are new again
I thought the panel had a grey-ish"mat" finish to it.
Grant Piston Ring Quality Control (Gap Variation)
I've been wrenching for 40+ years.I've never heard of "Grant".Spend the money on known names.
4.6L ford conversion?
I'm betting that 4.6 is too wide.
Update on EFI mod -- potentiometer on coolant temp sensor circuit
Sorry,but playing with the spring is the right way to do it.There are a lot of things not in the FSM.Playing with the spring was SOP back in the day to make them faster,or in some cases-lean them out.As long as you mark the original settings,moving the spring is NOT a big deal.
License Plate screws?
Help section of ANY parts store.
Best way to take on a restoration?
Rules for restoration: 1)It will take twice as long as you think. 2)You will exceed your budget by a factor of 3. 3)You are NEVER done.
Solution for my brake problems: Am I on the right track?
70-78 MC's were the same configuration.
BAP import parts for Z?
No.I'm on call 24/7/365,so i can never say:"yeah-i'll be at XXXXXX".I know a bunch of the guys,though.
1977 280z in a horse barn
BAP import parts for Z?
1977 280z in a horse barn
THat's the way it goes back there.What was the old guys reaction?
BAP import parts for Z?
John at the Prince Rd. store knows his sh*t.
any way to clean windshield wiper squirters
Pickle juice.
mikuni converted to efi
Converting to TBI is a waste of time & money.
Re-bushing the entire car: Energy Suspension
There is a guy named Jan who posts as "Pomorza",just did this kit a month or two ago.
documents for V8 conversion
You are out of luck.Unless there are SMOG regulations to deal with,we can put any motor in any car and don't need anybodies approval.
Smog exep
Am i glad i left that God for-saken state.
1977 280z in a horse barn
$4000.00?He's smoking his lunch.
1977 280z in a horse barn
One thing i forgot-Horsebarns have no floors.Dirt hangs on to moisture.Get underneath the car before you say a single word about price.And also remember,every single hose is going to have to be replaced wether or not it's dry rotted.Seals will be dry.
1977 280z in a horse barn
All things being equal(no other issues) after the body & non-running issues,$2000.00 tops.And if you're going to buy it,it would be a really,REALLY good idea if he DIDN'T try to start it.He thinks it will be like starting some old GM product with a carb.BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!