Everything posted by Ekustom
Centerline 17" wheels
If the the car is lowered 1 1/2 " Wil the 205/50-17 tires still work?
Offset help
Do have to do any cutting to add flares?
What do you think,can I fix this?
That's what i was looking for! Thanks!
What do you think,can I fix this?
Yeah, I was planing on cutting out all the rust. Then mig welding in a patch.The rail looks fine on the inside, no rust. It seems that it came with a renforcement patch from the factory?Thanks guys.
What do you think,can I fix this?
Can someone tell me if cleaning then welding a double patch over this rust hole (in picture) is OK? If so ,any pictures of same repair job anywhere?:stupid:
R200 swap
The R180 has the 5 bolts where the shaft goes into it.
R200 swap
It looks like the R 200 to me.
R200 swap
After reading ( Just a heads up: http://www.betamotorsports.com/benchracing/index.html ) I'm not so sure either.
R200 swap
The driver’s side halfshaft is 3/8†to 7/16" shorter than the passenger side.
R200 swap
Is there a way to tell R200 half shafts from R180 halfshafts just by looking at them(with out splined section)?
71 Z dash lights
Hello, Does anybody know the lamp # for the instrument panel lights?The bulbs only say 12V 3.4W on then.
R200 mustache Bar?
Good stuff. Had to add it to my favorites.
R200 swap
Ok, this is the last dumb question I ask ( I hope). Every article I've read on the R200 swap into a 71 Z say's to get the r200 HALF SHAFTS also.Motorsport Auto tells me that the R180 halfshafts will work fine. Has anybody used the R180 halfshafts on the r200 swap?Will it work?
electric fan
Oh, I do not have the original relay that the fan came with.But yeah that one would be rated for that fan.
electric fan
I believe a starter pulls from 150-250 amps.That's why batteries are rated in cranking amps,usually 500 - 650 cold cranking amps?The battery puts out this current not your alternator.What I was concerned with is the instantaneus current rating on the relays I have. I know they are rated for 30-40 full load amps ,but wasn't sure what instantaneus amp rating the contacts had . Rather than taking a chance of melting the conatacts I was just going to use the low speed windings of the two speed motor until I got a cut sheet on the relays I'm using.
electric fan
So far the only thing I'm concerned with is Starting amps on my Tarus fan .I haven't measured it yet myself,but was told it pulls 130 amps on start up and 40 amps running amps in high speed mode. I have an upgraded alternator with a 90 Amp out put.Maybe I'll just run it in low speed .This is another thing to keep in mind ,can your alternator handle the load?Don't forget you might be running your lights ,stereo also.The clearence is perfect ,I have about an inch to spare.
electric fan
I just got one at the junkyard from a 93 V6 3.8 Ford Tarus. It's two speed and has a shroud that fits the radiator close to perfect.It pulls way more air than even the Flexlite fan I have on on truck.It was $20.I just need to buy a temp control.I recomend not getting the flexalite contoller with cap. tube.(kind of flimsy).
Which one is it ? I have one called Midnight from Taito R/C.The one I really want is just the body .I believe 1/10th scale.Let me know what you find. Thanks
Fuel vapor tank
Did anybody come up with the mod diagram for the 240?Is it basically plugging all vent lines except for one to the filler neck?
Coil for ZX Dist conversion
Thanks.I measured about 1.7 Ohms on the primary side of the coil.Is this a disadvantage?I would think it would limit my secondary voltage.It's a Crane PS20,should I upgrade or stick with this one?
Coil for ZX Dist conversion
How many ohms would you consider low?
Coil for ZX Dist conversion
I just asked Motorsport Autop the same question they said yes.I'm gonna investigate some more though.
R200 mustache Bar?
How much of an offset does the R200 MUSTACHE BAR have?
240Z Electronic Ignition upgrade
Can I use the Crane PS 20 I was using on my Crane ignition with the E12-80?Or should I be using the 280 coil?
Update on the Toyota brake upgrade!
Are you still selling the 4x4 calipers for stock rotors?