Everything posted by barth4567
The speedometer has 160, we have took it to 155mph.
I would not want to be in my 240 or any 240 at 155mph. I have had my stock 72 up to about 100Mph and it was a little frightning to say the least. It got real greasy in the front end and felt like it wanted to drift all over the road. Until I install a good front spoiler and a rear wing I think I will keep her down a bit. I have real good suspension and tires and it was a cheap thrill that I will not seek again. I am also too old and so is my car.We prefer to live and fight again another day. Bovine Excrement? Sounds like it to me.Or if it "sounds to good to be true",it probably is.
My little weekend project, fixing up and painting a valve cover
That does look real good. What a difference. Not to hijack the thread ,you can get the dupli color at Napa.
Songs of the day
Lets see. My car was built in March of 1972. My parts car was built in November 1971. I had just got home from Vietnam in early 1972. I remember we used to listen Steppenwolf, Led Zepplin, Cream, Iron Butterfly, Neil Diamond , The Who, Beatles, Stones,My personal Favorite The Doors, Hendrix, and the list goes on. Just can't remember them all. That part of my life is a little hazy at times, although I know it was one hell of a ride if you know what I mean. Sex,Drugs.and Rock and Roll. :laugh: Right on Brother.
just got a 72 o what fun
Welcome aboard. The sickness has befallen you. As Gary said there are numerous people on here that "Do know what it Is" about these Z Cars. They have helped me several times. And since I have an Orange 1972 with a white interior,maybe I can help you sometime. Could not have a better car, but that's only my opinion.
The oddest Z car conversion I've ever seen- the Spartan.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Waste of a good Z Car. ROFLI will pass too.
New with 71 240z
Very,very nice. That was one heck of alot of work to say the least. I am impressed . Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you wanted to come to the USA and do body work like that you would have a job as long as you wanted to. Amazing
73 240z with potential (ebay)
Wisconsin is pretty wet. There is alot of work that needs to be done on that car. Some of the guys have done more, but that is way more work than I would like to do. Just my opinion.
Engine running extremely rough
Just changed mine over to electronic a couple of weeks ago.Beandip and Jetjoc240 helped me. Running around 10 to 11 degrees advance and idles at 1000 RPM. To me it runs perfect. And it has not done anything but help the car run better. It runs very well up high. Trust me on that one. I did run one tank of regular just to see what would happen and it did try to diesel on me several times when shutting off. Went back to Premium and problem is solved. Just my 2 cents worth. John
Bad eBay Experience w/ Door Panels
Exactly right. I have bought off of E-bay with good success. It does not take long to find the good e-bayers. There are some sellers on there that just should not be there. Period. The engine guy (Ur-Gellis) for one. I don't even look unless there rating is 99% or better. Read the feedback. $300.00 for used door panels? Wow!!! I have learned over time to accumulate my extra parts off of local wrecked cars or from or thru a "very small" group of Z car people that I know. I would have looked at some aftermarket panels from MSA or something. However, just my opinion. Or post a question on this website concerning the buyer. The guys and gals are pretty savvy about knowing who and who not to buy from. Buyer Beware. I have been there.
Series 1 on Ebay
Very Well said Arne. And I have seen your car.After looking at the pictures again, to be fair there are positives about this car, but in my opinion there is alot more negatives. There is some real obvious issues here, even a "Non Expert" such as myself can see. Too bad really.
Series 1 on Ebay
Right. Nice paint. I bought my 72 about 4 years ago,it had been sitting in a garage for several years. Paid $2500. Since then I have put quite alot of time and money into it. It is at the point where I hope to get it painted this summer. A person can spend alot of money on in a hurry on these cars.I am sure you all know that. I do not have that kind of money so I try and do as much of the work as possible with the help of some very good friends. It will be a real nice car when it's done. Not show quality by any means, but I will be happy with her. Still won't be into my car nearly as much as this one.This car is overpriced in " my opinion". I believe Geezer is right. So is Carl Beck. It is sad. You an put all the lipstck on a pig you want. In the end it is still a pig.
'72 240Z Going Cheap!
This car looks someone threw a "good" paint job on it. The outside doesn't look to bad, but it looks a little "rough" underneath and inside. Looks like a lot of corrosion to me. Salt? I am on the west coast so what do I know. It is what I do not see that bothers me. Believe me my car still has some big issues, IE some metal damage issues but at least I can see them. Merely my opinion though.:classic:
JC Whitney door seals
I wanted to add what I found out with my car. I got the door seals about a year ago from nissan. OEM one piece. Also got new OEM inner welting as well, one piece. I put the drivers side seal and welting and it would not close at all. I took the new inner welting out and it closed. Later on I took some old inner welting out of another wrecked car and installed it. It appeared to be smaller and a bit thinner to me. Anyway the door closed but still left a very slight gap. Still have the new inner welting. I finally got around to putting the passenger side in. OEM Part # 76801-E4100. I really took my time on this side and the only problem I had was that in the upper rear angled area where piece was ( glued together ) corner it just would not fit quite right. I took my razor knife and cut the seal where it was glued together.( two pieces) put it in and and down along the back side toward the front. Took the second half and slightly trimmed the end/angle just a little. It fit very well.Glued it in and it fit perfect,door closed easily.Replaced the inner welting with the old one( it was in good shape) and put the trim piece back in along the bottom. The door closes easily and the only difference I notice is it pops open a little harder. To be expected until the seal relaxes a little. Door aligns well also. I am going to have to recheck the drivers side again as it still does not fit quite right. However one difference that I do know is that there was some body work done by the previous owner in the door area and maybe it is not aligned just right. Long story short. This thread and the excellent advice and opinions given on it helped me greatly and just wanted to say thanks,and perhaps contribute something back in a small way. John:classic:
Gonna part it out....sad but true.
That really is too bad. I have worked on mine for what seem's like forever. But I love my car and it will get where I want it to someday. Long way to go yet. More money than time I guess.I have a parts car that is going away pretty soon as well. But as I have said before, some must die so that others may live on. Sad but true.:sick:
K & N filter
Running K&N in both my vehicles for a very long time. Never had a problem. In my opinion they are the best filters out there. :classic:
240z ignition points problem
EScanlon: All I can say is you are exactly right on here, and I feel just like you do about my car. I know how my car ran with the points type dizzy and I also know that it runs alot better with the E1280 Module. It makes me happy and thats all that really matters is it not ? I"m with you all the way on this one. Disclaimer: This is merely my own personal opinion. I too am a non expert. I usually get it right sooner or later. John
240z ignition points problem
I will put my two cents in here. I fought the points thing on my 1972 for about three years. I wanted to stay completely "stock" as well. I mean my car pinged badly, and just never did run as I thought it should or as other stock Z"s that I was around did. New points (Japanese) wires (Beck Arnley) new vacum advance (OEM Nissan) advance the timing, retard the timing and on and on. Ran premium gas all the time. Finally went out and got a 80-81 280 distributor with E-1280 Module and a new blaster 2 Coil. Beandip and jetjoc240 helped me put it in awhile back( Took a whole hour) and oh my god, what a difference it made. The performance is much better,revs better, absolutely no pinging either. I watch my gas mileage very closely and it went from 21.5MPG to 24.5MPg as well. I am amazed what a difference it has made. Now I am wondering why I waited so long. Possibly the best non-stock upgrade I could have made. Except maybe the next one. Now my only problem is locating an extra module, and that won,t be too hard. I am no expert and this is only my opinion for whats it's worth. It didn't take too much to put a smile on my face. Thanks Guys
Window Stuck down
Update on the window. I took it apart this morning and it had came out of the channel at the back of the door.It was bound up pretty tight.I took the front sash loose and wiggled it toward the back and all the tension came off of it. Then moved the door glass around and got it back in the rear channel, retightened the front sash and it rolled back up. It was ok until I tried to roll it back down. Same thing as before. So I repeated the same steps as before except on the front sash there is some adjustment so I moved the door glass and channel toward the back of the the door some. It goes up and down allright, but I am not sure I have completely cured the problem. Maybe it was out of adjustment all along? I am thinking that , however as I said before it worked fine until last night. Strange. Luckily I have a couple complete door and glass mechanism's that are in real good shape so In time will replace these. Thanks to all who gave me some possible causes and solutions. Some of these issues can be a little intimidating at first. But after you pull them apart ( a few times) it seems to get easier:nervous:Thanks again guys. Happy New Year to all.
Western Wheels
I am sure that someone would want them. I still run 14" Westerns on my car but am going to change to 15" or 16" tires and wheels soon. Lots of guys I know have done the same. Just so many more options in the bigger sizes. Both in tires and wheels. Just my opinion though.
Window Stuck down
:mad: My wife rolled the passenger side window down tonite and it just basically bound up and would not roll up for the life of me. It would come up a little with great effort and back down very easily. Kinda wierd actually. Have never had an issue with that window at all. Always down and up very easily. So I had to drive home with the window down. Here is the best part. It was 30 degrees and snowing. My wife was not real happy. So I guess it is pull the door apart in the morning and see what it is binding up on. Has this happened to any of you? Ideas? My wife is sitting by the fireplace still not speaking. Thanks
Honda Wiper Motor Upgrade for the 240Z
- New to the forum. Bought a 1970 240z. Told you guys would like it.
She or he may be a little rough. A diamond in the rough. What a deal. Welcome to the club.- This one is sure going to need some body work-Ebay
There is not a whole lot there. Few good parts, the rest is junk. What a shame.:sick:- Howdy from Colorado
Welcome. You have come to the right place as there is some very knowledgable people on this site.:classic: And they are always willing to help. I speak from experience. Again, welcome. John- Floor Boards - Please give me your opinions!
Brooks: Excellent advice from everyone. My passenger side is worse than that. I am going to replace with two completes from Charlie Osborne/ Zedd Findings. A whole lot better,faster. and easier solution in my opinion. Just curious. Did you happen to purchase that car in Hillsboro? It looks indentical to one I saw on Craigs List. John - New to the forum. Bought a 1970 240z. Told you guys would like it.
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