Needing More Help Clutch Issues this time
I am hoping the wise and esteemed masters can help me...we finally got the carbs sorted out and the car is now running fine (even better when I remember to put gas in it)...anyway...I have been having a hard time shifting into Reverse and other gears...we have diagnosed the problem to be the slave cylinder and I have a call into NAPA to see how much it will cost to get a new slave and master... The reason I need help is I would like to go ahead and change the clutch assembly at the same time. My car is a '71 240z (Build date of 12/70) but the previous owner installed 5 speed out of an 83 280zx. My question is which clutch do I buy? Which pressure plate? Which throw-out bearing? Which clutch fork...also do I want to look at replacing the flywheel as well? the car is fairly stock (only headers and muffler) so it is not like a need a lightened flywheel but...do I want to look at an aftermarket clutch...eventually I would not mind trying to coax some more HP out the old girl...but don't plan to ever make it a HP monster (well not yet at least) Any advice or info would be appreciated. This is my daily driver so kind of have to get it fixed right the first time... Thanks Tony
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
the use of the prepositions in or on is dependent on the perspective...if we are looking at Guam as only an Island...then it would be "on" if we are looking at Guam as a country and territory of the US then it would be "in" not sure which way I was looking when I wrote the message... either way ...right now...it is "in" my car port in the process of getting a sound system installed...kenwood deck is in place, now running the lines for the amps...hopefully by the end of the day it will have at least a set of 6x9's and possibly two 10 inch subwoofers in a band pass box. Thanks Tony PS Carbs are running awesome...
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
I just thought I would close the loop and let everyone know there are now three running classic Zs in Guam (and mine is one of them)...:classic: thanks to all for the advice and help.
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Mike, Thanks...I had looked up that particular car when we got orders to move to Guam...I was excited to see one of the restored vehicles...I am hoping to be able to use it as the benchmark to bring my car up to...from what I have been able to find out they only drive it a couple of times during the year (parades etc...). I guess we have a Z club but it is mainly newer Z's...I think from what I have been told there is only three of the classics (3 with mine here now) on island that are still in working /driving order (OK mine isn't really working but...) Talk to you all later...have to go do the Honey Do list.... Thanks Tony
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Bruce, Great...look forward to hear from them. Also buy the way...we stopped into the Nissan Dealership here in Guam to look at HLS30 62850 is beautiful...but it is sad as the folks I spoke to don't understand what they have there...they think the car has a '69 build date and is one of the first cars made...when I mentioned that the VIN reflected a slight later build date, they assured me it had to do with the car being shipped to Guam so it has different numbers...I am hoping when they realize mine is slightly older they will want to help restore...probably not going to happen... Thanks Tony
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Bruce, How do we go about making this a reality...I am assuming this is the Service SS Reman Carb as listed on the Ztherapy site...(item ZT100)... What are we looking for shipping to Guam (96929)... Definitely want to get the car back on the road... Please let me know... Thanks Tony P.S. Thanks to all for your help...
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Ok some more questions for you...on my car the float body comes off the left side on both the front and rear carbs...I looked at the spotter images on ztherapy and they show the float body on the left side of the front carb and on the right side for the rear carb...I will try to post photos but they are rather large so ... Thanks Tony
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Was finally able to get to the shop and take a look, they had four screws holding the domes...On the questions about the VIN and manufacture date, the VIN is HLS3018078 the manufacture date is 12/70...I spoke to the guy that is working to repair the carbs he explained that the gaskets, and the replacement valve (?) did not fit...while he is not a Z guru, he is recognized by many as knowing what he is doing with carbs... Also , please keep in mind that I purchased the car from a guy about 1 1/2 yrs ago and have found many instances were short cuts were taken to making repairs...i.e. the horn was wired with speaker wire and was ran through a door bell switch on the center console (yes the almost ir-replaceable center console) via a 2" x 2" hole he cut in the plastic in front of the ashtray...and may other hacks...I am glad I got the car but have been finding many little issues since then... Any help is appreciated... Thanks Tony Broken Orange '71 240 in Guam.....
Another Dumb Question...are they 71's or 72's
Ok...I spent some time looking through the archives...unable to find a definitive answer. My 71 240 appears to not have the 71 SUs...they are round-tops but the rebuild kits from Black Dragon Auto Parts for the 71 didn't fit...I now live in Guam so everything has to be ordered through the internet...if the SUs are not 71s and they are indeed round-tops...does that automatically mean they are 72s...I need to order more parts but wanted to ping the experts...the car is in the shop so don't have any photos to show if they are 4 screws or 3 screws but will look tomorrow when I get a chance to swing by shop... your advice is appreciated... Thanks Tony
71 240ZHawaii
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