7m-gtte started following Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883 , Restoration of HLS30-12070 , Parts Wanted: Early 240z Dash/Engine Wiring Harness 24013-E4601 and 7 others
Parts Wanted: Early 240z Dash/Engine Wiring Harness 24013-E4601
If anyone has a potential parts source for these harnesses please let me know.
Parts Wanted: Early 240z Dash/Engine Wiring Harness 24013-E4601
View Advert Early 240z Dash/Engine Wiring Harness 24013-E4601 I am looking for a early 240z Dash and engine bay harness. Engine Harness 24012-E4601 Dash Harness 24013-E4601 or E4602 Dash Sub- Harness 24013-E4650 & E4651 Advertiser 7m-gtte Date 10/22/2020 Price -$0.01 Category Parts Wanted Year 1970 Model 240z
Pointy Antenna on Ebay "NOS"
Looks like a nice antenna. Say it is NOS. Not sure what i would pay for a NOS one. Buy it now for $2500. Better "deal" than the guy asking $4000 buy it now for a refurbished one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/DATSUN-240Z-POWER-ANTENNA-ASSEMBLY-WITH-BULLET-TIP/274540883377?hash=item3febe96db1:g:fIQAAOSwQjdfjfbE
Early 1971 240z Resurrection HLS30-07119
I found where to get new ones but, I don't know the "correct" month/year to put on the build date. I think eventually i will just make a best guess. Haven't made much head way recently. Just buying parts and getting ready to build a frame jig. Any thoughts on sunshine yellow? I think i will end up painting it Lime Green since that's my favorite Datsun color.
240z body parts for sale - Atlanta area
Do you still have the fender?
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
Love the attention to detail. Thanks for the videos it helps. Any tips you've learned that would be helpful? Brand of Sanding block? Paper?
Early 1971 240z Resurrection HLS30-07119
Well the car is missing the door tag lost from previous owner. I am trying to track it down though.
Early 1971 240z Resurrection HLS30-07119
Well i have bought myself quite the project. Should be fun though. I have picked up an early sunshine yellow 1971 240z HLS30-07119. It has seen better days. Someone partially started some rust repair and failed miserably. I will get some better pictures once i move it to the shop. The Red 73 came with it. I have the supposed number matching engine/tyranny plus two l28 engines and transmission. Current goal to to build a frame jig for the car. This way i can go about cutting up most of the car and i don't have to worry. Long term I would like to build my stylized version of a 432r but, that can always change. Also, what do you think about the car being registered as a 71 with such a low vin number? Maybe it was delayed? It even has the "cruise control".