Everything posted by 1978280z
a clicking in rear end
i blocked each wheel,..and both did it,...so i took the case off the back and drained the oil and there was no peices or shavings of metal,..soo i turned the wheel with the case off and it sounded like a crunching sound,..soo i dont know what it is,...im thinking about putting the car on a trailer adn sending it to my friends transmission shop?? idk
a clicking in rear end
i was just cruising about 50 or so and all of a sudden a clickng started in the back end soo i turned around and went home jacked it up and spun the tires and the clicking contiued so i thought maybe it might be a bearing and i checked the oil in it ,..and it was fine....soo i was wondering what you guys may think,..oh and when im in neutral and slow down the clicking slows down soo i thought a pinion bearing, but when im in a gear and i let off the gas it sounds like a grinding sound ..soo i dont know if it was gears grinding ,...soo....what do you guys think????
Z cars need a home
hahaha i saw that too,...mazda's this guy must not know anything,...probably dont have titles but may be able to pull some parts ,they look really rusted to me
Rough Running
mine did the same thing and i didnt know what it was cause i checked everything and it ended up being that the return line to the gas tank was stopped up and the pressure was makeing run rough over 2500 rpms,..just an idea to check, maybe put a air hose up to one end and just make sure
RS Wantanabes
i really like the Wantanabe wheels and i want them wide but i aint got the wallet for the real wanatanabes soo do you guys know oh any of the the 8 spoke watanabe look-a-likes,....i allready know about the konig rewinds and the panasports,..and MSA's wheels i was just wondering if you guys knew about any other wheels,.thanks
L28 turbo
i have a 1978 280z with a L28,fuel injected,4 speed,...do you guys know of anyone that makes a turbo kit for a L28,....and i would rather not do a engine swap,..but if i have to i will cause i want the 5th gear,...and i may get a custon gear with the ratio real low soo i can ,...fly... if need be,,..oh and has anyone heard of someone supercharging their l28? i was thinking about trying a eletronic supercharger,but i like the sound of a pulley,..haha
will these wheels fit? 17X9s 17X10.5s
i found some mustang 17X9s in front and 17X10s in back and i was wondering if there would be any problem putting them on my 1978 280z and the suspension is completely stock and if i did have to do some adjustments what would they be?
when i shift the rpm's go up?
like when i start it up it runs fine for about a minute or soo...then when i shift and i press the clutch the rpm's may go up about 1500 rpms ,..but i had a idle isue a while back where it would idle high soo i attached a sping on to the hood lock thing and the other end to the accelerator bar thing,...well it is better ,...but the only way to make it not do that is before i shift i let off the gas,for a while then i shift and the rpms fall like allways like normal ,... oh and its a 78 280z 4 speed fuel injected,..i was thinkin it way be the clutch or some thing with a vacum hose,...and i was wondering what would be the best clutch for an L28 for raceing,..and if theres any low prices for cowl induction hoods,..i found one on motorsportauto but its 599.00,.... hell naw!!! and some differential ,..or driveshaft upgardes,.well thank you guys
charcoal/carbon canister
i recently took off my charcoal canister thinking it would be fine, well it wasnt,..... well first off i cranked up the car to leave, drove fine for about a min. or so then when i hit about 2500 rpms it started jerking so i turned it around and came back to the shop,.. i then thought it was the differiential or the tranny but i cranked it up again and put it in neutral,...reved it up a little and every time it hit the 2500 range to 5000 it would be really bad like it is out of time or something,and it was smokeing really bad... soo... i then realised that one of the vacum lines running from the charcoal canister was to keep the engine in the right timeing,...soo i proceed to put the charcoal canister back on,...so i do and i crank her up and she dies, try again and the same thing,,... i have to hold the gas a little to keep her at a steady rpm soo she wount die but any ways,... it still is doing the same thing,... and it is blowing smoke like a smokestack,..so know im trying to find out what i should do,..if not i can inch her to my friend who is a local mechanic, god i hope its nothing serious i cant live with out her any longer