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About GreenZZZ

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  • Member ID: 13221

  • Title: Furthur

  • Content Count: 725

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  • Joined: 03/16/2007

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  • Age: 60



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    Austin, TX
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  • About me and my cars
    Avacado Green Z
    Current in frame off restore mode.
    My IZCC number is 78. Odd that it's lower than Carl's... go figure.

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  1. Put in a wall switch that shoots a motorized antennae up and down!!
  2. Got to see a 302 leaf green at ZCon this week. It is really close to 113 green, I'd guess a bit lighter. I need to get my car built and next to a 302 for a side-to-side comparison some day.
  3. What we're your thoughts on ZCon? Think my experience was heavily soured by not getting my Z done on time. Took out my frustrations at the track event with my Mercedes CL55 until the left front wheel went off into the brush. The track event was fantastic as was my instructor and his amazing Robello powered 240Z. I got a ride along in his Z which was a extremely generous. Did my first autocross event as well and learned a lot even though I sucked. After that, we were left in the Circuit of America's parking lot to bake in the sun for 2 1/2 hours only to get turn 1 to turn 19 on the track and another 30 minutes in the paddock area (at least that had shade). After that, I was literally kicked off the track since I didn't have a Z. The group photo was only for Z's I was told. Driving a Benz this was somewhat understandable but they also threw the Nissan GTR's and Infiniti Skylines out which was BS... Guess we aren't part of the "group"??? Looking forward to the banquet tonight and getting the opportunity to meet fellow ClassicZCars members was a real high point.
  4. Unbelievably little carnage to the car considering what happened. Drove it home!
  5. The Merc was a 2007 E63 AMG. That guy was real real fast. I was in my 2006 CL55 AMG. Too bad you didn't get video of when I shot the left front tire off!
  6. Three guys were in and out in an hour. I handed them the gasket and trim. They brought the glass and installed for $325. I probably have the trim you need as I used new sets and still have my old set.
  7. Absolute Auto Glass in Austin for the win! The precision gasket of that vintage was about perfect, no need to tape like @240260280 had to do.
  8. Thank you thank you! My head looks similar. Probably got some life left in it.
  9. I've got an E31 head on a stock L24 block. The head probably has 15K miles since a valve job done by Motorsport Auto in the early 90's. I sent it the head to Motorsport because I wanted a "Z guy" to do the work properly. Reason I'm posting is I'm putting a new chain and like the last time, the chain is really loose. I remember with my E88 head it was always a serious effort to get to cam chain on mark "1". With this head, I go straight to "3" and move the passenger side chain guide to the inner more tight position. Is this an E31 thing or a sign of an improperly shimmed cam tower?? The towers have one shim on them. Stock valves which don't hit the pistons. I bought the E31 off the old ZHome/IZCC forum way way back in the day so no telling how often it has been shaved. Back when the internet was only good for getting Datsun parts and Grateful Dead tickets! The head/chain ran great until I spun a connecting rod at Harris Hill race track... What do you think?
  10. I ordered a new metal trim set front and back from MSA two weeks ago, Nissan parts... Weird to be able to get trim but not a gasket from Nissan. I have the original set still. Think both front and back are missing a corner. I remember when the Mustangs and Camaros shot up in price 90's and the Z's sat at 3-4K. That was pretty frustrating.
  11. @Hardway - caught your post on FB for CZOT. I paniced as I have a glass guy showing up Thursday and I'm handing him the trim and gasket. I bought my Motorsport gasket set in 2009 and it didn't get to me until mid 2011 as it was badly back ordered. Finally going to install it... ZCON, we'll maybe. No motor yet. I dry fit the old Precision gasket to the windsheild frame and it looked a little small similar to @240260280 describes. This is what the bag looked like. Looks like it was manufactured in July 2009. Also test fit the rear hatch glass. Real real tight... BTW - I remember when you sold your first Z project way back in the day. That must have been rough.
  12. I'll be there. Maybe the Z too. It's gonna be a stretch to get it fired up.
  13. When you got a 70's car... you can get away with 70's colors. For example Guy's lime green Z! Wow!
  14. Great thread! My take on it with a vintage Adult Swim koozie and some liquid nails on a 113 green background...
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