Thank you all for your input, I am leaning to the 905 again, I have removed about everthing but the dash and the motor and part of me thinks now the time to make the decision but I still have rust issues to resolve so it will be a while, anyway I guess I will check my budget closer to the when the car is actually ready for paint. I have budgeted about $3000 for the paint and body sounds like I am a little low. I am doing all the work now, but I have no illusion of trying to paint it myself. I am replacing both front fenders and one headlight bucket if any of you have a good lead on those parts. I will not skimp on the paint when I do get to it. I am just taking my time killing rust now. I have two grills to 260 or 280 that I mistakingly got thinking they would fit a 71 if anyone is interested. I already got a new carpet kit, weatherstripping kit, new windshield, valance, turnsignals, hood. My dad rolled it into a bird feeder 15 years ago, doing slight but irritating damage. any way thatnk you for all of your input.