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Everything posted by rahail240

  1. I have still to decide on gearbox options. I still have a nice late s14a box fully converted with necessary custom prop and x member. I need to drive one first to make sure it doesn't take too much away from the classic factor of the car. Everyone who have gone this route have just loved it.
  2. Yes i agree the engine is a little over kill and over powered for my period look. This is simply because it started out as being more mean and moody rather than stock. Anyway i'm sure my 15 x 8.5 magnesium race watanabes and chunky historic michelin TB5'S (road legal!!) will lend a hand when needed.
  3. Hi Mike, We decided on just picking the sections we needed from the cowl. I 'think' I have a couple of pictures on cd somewhere. Bear with me on those. I'm sure its deemed more credible to cut out and use the whole cowl, but I couldn't get hold of a really nice one Which just shows the lack of decent cars/shells/bits available over here and why I went for importing in the first place. And vin no is still as original. Not hiding anything on that front. It is what it is. A u.s car converted to rhd. Thanks.
  4. Hi buddy, no need to apologise. Its a sensible question. Look at it as more of a project that evolved rather than a master plan from the beginning. Many factors such as starting of with a virgin shell at a super exchange rate and bargain price, and then remember, it was year and a half later that I formed the relationship with my japanese buyer. So it was more a series of events that led me to the point I'm at now more than anything. Plus its more personal this way, starting from scratch. And remember whether it be japan or u.k, these are far from dry states and to find a clean shell is a lot harder than you think. Thanks.
  5. rahail240 posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  6. A crack free rhd dash. nos heater panel and vent. i will need to order correct rhd decal stickers for panel. vinyl kit. actually came boxed up in boot of car when shipped over. a nice unexpected bonus. And a full interior plastic trim kit from Troy shipped from your side of the pond.
  7. full set of original metal emblems. notice the difference with the correct hood emblem compared to the more commonly fitted later 280 version. naps badge not to be fitted (anti pollution). full set of fairlady gauges with the correct 240kmh speedo.
  8. A fully refurbed rally clock and oscillator. Looking like brand new courtesy of Ron @ Zclocks. A true gent and a master of his trade. Highly reccomended. I just wish i took photo's before. In a real state.
  9. not the later 10th anniversary model but a lovely condition early wheel.
  10. I do have a nice pair of o.e fender mirrors but im leaning more towards the lightweight raydyot racing mirrors that were fitted on the works rally and the z432 suzuka and fuji 1000km race cars. (car pictured not a genuine works car but more a tribute). I managed to source mine with original stamp embossed in mirror.
  11. the magnesium maglloy z432 style kobe wheels will have historic avon cr6zz 185 70 14 tyres for the road as pictured on the orange 240. and my central 20 wheels with dunlops same as kats superb z432
  12. off to bed now. but i'll keep the info/pics coming.
  13. Just to give you an idea of non standard stuff i'm fitting. Vintage Japanese racing seats. Look fantastic in the flesh. Central z 20 wheels 14 x 7" (centre caps still need refurbing). Off road use (fitting historic dunlop tyres no DOT stamp so track use only) Kobe Seiko Maglloy 14 x 6" (will post refurbed pics when back next week) tokico 5 way shocks/springs (which i'll paint from red to black) with upgraded brakes. with hindsight i'd have preferred more period MK63 brakes with vented discs.
  14. Ok, so with all my zg bits sold (to a good home, so not all bad) what do i do now? I still had the block and the rest of the car. So back to the drawing board and with my heart still set on a period home land project i decided to keep it simple and have the final look of a standard fairlady. Well standard'ish.
  15. What came next was a big surprise. It would have to be something really special for me to consider quitting my zed ownership and this project. And special it was, i mean really special. Anyway to cut the story in to two sentences, here you go. I needed to sell all my bits to fund it, which i did. Then it all fell through. great......
  16. For a full year i decided i wanted a 'proper' zg look. all o.e and rare as hens teeth!! I managed to source it all. What a mission that was.
  17. In the beginning i was in the mind set for a sort of modern take of the classic s30 shape. Then came the double edge sword. I got hooked on the Japanese mag 'nostalgic hero' and really started appreciating the Japanese s30 scene and just as important the history of the cars and what they meant to their owners. I then built up a good relationship with one of the magazine sellers from Japan and started purchasing items direct from the homeland. It was then i decided i wanted a real period looking car with a few hidden improvements.
  18. Short block engine spec 3000cc N42 block. Acid dipped then pressure cleaned. Bores ultrasonic tested for suitability for over-boring Bored to 88mm and honed to suit pistons. Main oil gallery drilled and plugged both ends (shorter plug at the front to avoid blocking the oil feed to number 1 main) Block, relief ground to ensure that the forged rods clear the casting left and right. All threaded holes re tapped (cleaner tap) and lightly countersunk Block painted dark gunmetal (its nice and should also help heat transfer) All new freeze plugs fitted Forged Rods Farndon “GAF” 133mm forged rods; weight balanced and fitted with new ACL bearings, Caps secured with ARP 2000 series rod bolts. Forged Pistons Ross custom deck height pistons to suit 88mm, placing the deck height at zero to allow full use of the gasket and to further reduce potential valve to piston contact Pistons were specified with enough crown material to accept 2mm valve pockets should they be required. All pistons weight check to within 0.5 grams. Piston rings Ross competition ring set, fully gapped by cylinder on both top and 2nd ring Ring wipe pattern checked on each cylinder. Piston pins All weight checked and inspected, secured with snap rings Main studs Genuine ARP 190,000 psi main studs fitted Mains caps Acid dipped and checked ACL new mains bearing fitted with 0.25 over bearing to suit reground LD V07 crank StrokerCrank V07 LD “stroker” crank fitted, balanced and checked for throw out, mains re ground 0.25 under to ensure best alignment possible. Oil pick up Reconditioned unit acid dipped cleaned and checked with new gasket Sump Acid dipped and powder coated Assorted screws and fastners all acid and refrubed.
  19. no front valance as i was going to fit a spoiler/airdam. but it's now decided to be fitted back with o.e factory front end.

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