Everything posted by Diseazd
71' Fuel Filter Level
How much timing are you running? BTW, you can’t be a tooth off unless you drop the oil pump. Timing is important in these cars. What are you running at idle?
Where oh Where has Zedyone been?
Oh wow……Glad to know you’re still out there Zedy. Why not just strap a set of SU’s on her and “ Enjoy the Ride”. Last time I think you were on here, your wife had just brought Zedytwo into the world! 😆 Also, somewhere on this forum there is a link to a site that sells brand new Z gas tanks for $600.00. Some of the older tanks cause ongoing problems. Sometimes I think old gas is blamed for problems caused by other issues…..Just MHO. Good hearing your voice! Guy
Nissalco garage tools
Great purchase. Now you see what octave your wife hits when she hears you spent $9,000.00 on that Stroker motor! 😱
240z - fabbing new front rails
Yeah I’m a Sicko….Just like all the Sickoes on this site 😂 Your work is incredible….you must love puzzles too since it’s so much easier to buy a fairly rust free Z still these days. I would love to be closer to learn your techniques and borrow your tools. 😂 So much fun to watch your progress…..glad you are letting us tag along for the journey! I’m sure @Patcon would love to be closer too…..you guys have all the patience I’m lacking. Can’t wait to see the final product. Good Luck Guy
- 240z - fabbing new front rails
920 Safari Gold
Hahaha ……yep we were just browsing that last week. Happy New Year Site. The color is easy to mix. We use PPG.
920 Safari Gold
……..or take your favorite IPA down to the paint shop. Brandon just painted his Z31 Safari Gold. I’ll see if he can help.
The car is back from the body shop with new paint!
Pure art……I love silver.
Front tires rubbing after new suspension install
It is most likely it is rubbing on your lower valence. There is a way you can adjust that valence. I can’t remember exactly how I did it, but it wasn’t rocket science and it was a quick fix. It only requires a minor adjustment to gain clearance and prevent the rub.
Stroker or turbo?
Eiji and I try to hit Dinwiddie quarter mile track once a year. He almost always has more motor than me, but I did beat his 280ZX with triples in my stroker 240Z. Eiji generally runs in the low 14’s and I in the low 15’s.
No vacuum on front carb
Seems to me if you have an average 120 lbs per cylinder in the first 3 cylinders, they are getting air from somewhere other than through the butterfly. Is it possible you have worn shaft bushings or a bad manifold or carb gasket. At first, burned valves came to mind, but with 125 lbs pressure its getting air in there from somehow.
Lack of Site Support
Lack of Site Support
I hope Mike is ok…….anybody heard from him lately?
Lack of Site Support
Same problem for me……..
[2023] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Cleaning up an old 4 speed…..gonna clean more and hit with an aluminum header paint to bring her back like new 😎
RIP to George Maharis of Route 66
Open road in a Corvette with no job and no worries. Gas was thirty five cents a gallon and no smog tests. What wasn’t to like about Route 66.
Wheel Hub Differences
Very interesting……never seen this before. I think I would just buy a used hub….can’t be a hard part to find.
Engine swap complete
The secret to getting the engine and tranny matched up while in the car I’ve found is to get two old long head bolts threaded through the top two bolt holes in the bell housing then started into the block. Then, get someone to help square up the tranny to the block and slide her right in. No problem! Don’t forget to grease up the pilot bushing.
Bob Sharp GT KIt
Engine rebuild smoking
Engine rebuild smoking
Hi Charles ……. totalseal.com I can’t remember where I bought them, but I think I bought them direct from Total Seal. Seems to me they can make any set you need if you give em the specs. If not, you can call them and ask who stocks them. The oil ring retainers are really easy to match up and the rings are top quality. I hope the builder installed the other rings right side up (letters on top).
Engine rebuild smoking
Oil control rings are tricky to install with that quirky little separator, but if I had to guess with all the oil in each exhaust port ……that’s your problem. I always install top of the line piston rings when I do a build. Hastings are the worst and Total Seal are the best! IMO rings and bearings should be the absolute best items in a new build. Good luck with your next build….Charles is a champ for helping you.
P90 barn find
Eiji will have everything you need to build the perfect head. If you need any help, feel free to PM me. We had him over this weekend for number 50.
P90 barn find
Congrats Site ….. Good luck with the shave and shim!
Upsize tire options for Z32 with stock wheels
Yes, they removed the old powder coat….acid dipped is what they said they were going to do. Then they powder coated, painted and heat baked. Not cheap, $179.00 per wheel, but it included everything…..fixing road rash (if any) and straightening if needed. Wheels and tires make a car IMO. If I have a dirty car and wheels and had to choose between just washing the car or washing and dressing the wheels and tires, I’d choose the wheels and tires every time!