Everything posted by Diseazd
New Tire Recommendations--16 inch
I like your choice of 205-55-16.
Front cover swaps
The great BEFORE and AFTER thread
"Kinda gets your heart pumpin"!
Northern Virginia Car Show
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=536&day=2012-6-3&c=1 Reminder........The Northern Virginia Car Show is Sunday June 3rd. See you there!
Updated pictures of my ride.
David's selling all his cars eh? Nice looking car.......
Power force damper @##$$%%
.......at this point I tossed both of mine in the dump. I didn't want to screw anything up.
Don't buy hood from Black Dragon!!!
You could still get them from Nissan 2 years ago. Fairly cheap if I remember.
Which block, head, pistons?
http://datsunzgarage.com/ Does this look familiar? Guy
Took some photos of the lime 72
Jeff.....You've got to get to Richmond sometime to see my cars. I've got to get to Yankee town to see you do your 24 hour thing. Regards......Guy
Took some photos of the lime 72
Correction.....just bought number 5......1972 in 918 orange......just too purdy to pass up! Will post pics when it arrives in Richmond.
Paint 112
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/thread27221.html Thanks Lee......coming from a real pro, I appreciate the comment. We just did a color match for the new deck lid and spoiler. It came out nice. Can't wait to see your finished product. Regards......Guy
Paint 112
Lemon green........
What is best way to install motor and transmission with just 1 person.
I've got 5 of their engine stands and an engine hoist.....no problems.
N47 head
The liners aren't that restrictive, if at all. I wouldn't mess with them. I run P79 heads with liners.....I don't notice any difference whatsoever.
Power force damper @##$$%%
Ditto that.....right down the flusher with two new dampers and two worthless bolts. I feel better that I'm not alone....."Another please bartender"!
What is best way to install motor and transmission with just 1 person.
Dealers choice. I've done it both ways and it really is a 2 man job either way. If you put the engine in first, make sure you support the engine so it doesn't "hang" on the rubber motor mounts. If you put the tranny in first, support the tranny, so it doesn't hang on it's mount. There are difficulties with each method....either will work.
Power force damper @##$$%%
Problem with that, is if the woodruff key isn't perfectly aligned, you'll drive that right through your oil slinger! :stupid:
Power force damper @##$$%%
Yes, I bought 2 premium dampers from MSA.....I ended up throwing them away.....wasn't about to sell my problem to someone else. Don't use those expensive bolts on your stock damper unless you machine that drop down off the washer.
Power force damper @##$$%%
Phillip.....I finally gave up. I bought two performance dampers and they were so tight I was afraid to torque 'em on. I had them machined and still felt uncomfortable. If you use the Nismo performance bolt, don't use it on a stock damper. The drop down on the washer bottoms out on the end of the crank, preventing everything from pulling up tight up front. Been there....done that! Regards. Guy
What is best way to install motor and transmission with just 1 person.
Tranny first....engine second. Remember to support front of tranny. Either way, two people are really much better. When aligning the motor to tranny, you may need to turn flywheel slightly to align transmission spline.
An original 240Z exhaust for $120
24 Ounces........Just bought number 5.....a 72 with 36,000 original miles. I think the exhaust is sold. Guy
Rear main seal orientation
Don't forget to oil the lips of the seal.....and yes it should be flush with the block unless you have a previous groove in the crank journal, then it should be say .030 inches from flush to contact a clean surface.
An original 240Z exhaust for $120
I have one in like new condition in Richmond, Virginia if anyone needs one.....pm me if interested. Guy
Reliable Shipper needed
Thanks Carl....I used him when I bought Jeff's 73. You're right he was excellent!
Reliable Shipper needed
You bet....trying to catch Jimbo! It's soon to be a manual car though.