Everything posted by Diseazd
Jack components red/orange paint match
PlastiKote Engine Enamel in #200 Chevrolet Orange is a perfect match. About $7.00 a can.
Question about KA24 pistons in L28
Does this help? http://www.geocities.com/inlinestroker/index.htm
ZCON Roll Call
Beth.....Good seeing you too! Don't think my shutter speed is fast enough to get a good picture. You would have been a blur! Eiji and I got to do a couple laps after the show on Saturday....It was a blast!
ZCON Roll Call
Same here Jeff......Hope to see you guys again soon. Maybe at ZMecca in February. Guyl
What On Earth, is THIS?
A smart move for anyone unsure of the contents of your cooling system.......use distilled water with your anti freeze. Not only do the minerals in tap or well water cake up your cooling system, but the metals and minerals in the water can promote electrolysis and therefore erosion of the water ports in your expensive aluminum head!
ZCON Roll Call
Jeff and his beautiful green car are in post number 51........Sorry you couldn't make it. It really was a blast!
Method of removing rear main seal?
That will work or you can buy a seal removal tool........they're cheap!
ZCON Roll Call
Marty.....Mine's the first picture in post number 55. I came in 2nd place Street Modified......The urine,vomit and fingerprints on the car were later DNA tested and matched the DNA for JT Mader who finished first!
Bob Sharp
We spent some time talking with Carol Sharp too. She had some real insight into Bob's racing career and especially Scott's. Great couple.......he's always been one of my heroes!
Flywheel/Clutch/Pressure Plate - tips, hints & suggestions.
I use blue loctite on the flywheel and pressure plate bolts. I grease the spline on the input shaft, put a dab of grease on the ball where the spring attaches the clutch arm and don't forget to take your pinky finger and grease the inside of the bushing in the rear of the crank (important). Make sure you get the torques right........you don't want your flywheel coming off. Don't over-tighten the pressure plate.....torque numbers are low and those bolts will break off. Guy
ZCON 2011 Photos
Russ....Sorry your head gasket let go. I was the gold 240 next to Eiji working on his carbs in the parking lot. Finally got to run a couple laps Saturday a.m. It was good meeting you......a great week. Guy
ZCON Roll Call
Cozye......Sorry we didn't meet too......the people were the best part of the show. Steve and Wendy were great. Also, enjoyed talking with Carl and Jim, Mad Mike, Bill Coffey and Rich, Pizzaman, Todd, ezzzzzz (Mark), Jeff Mader and his wife Sue........Carol Sharp actually had better inside stories than Bob. Vinny and Vince and Carl240.....I could go on and on. I finally got to get on the track the last day....did 2 laps. It's the damnedest thing you ever saw. You just leave the hotel....go two blocks through the Golf Club entrance and drive onto the track anytime you want. Wow.....what a great convention.....You did a great job Will!
ZCON Roll Call
ZCON Roll Call
ZCON Roll Call
ZCON Roll Call
ZCON Roll Call
ZCON Roll Call
ZCON Roll Call
I've got 82 great shots.......if someone can tell me how to download to the site from my IPad......I just don't have a clue how to do it. Guy
ZCON Roll Call
Blame it on Wendy.......get to work ......show em some of these beautiful Z's.
Total Restoration Project. 71
Zedy.......16x7 rims.....205-55-16 tires.....the perfect tire IMO. Goodrich KDW rubber. We just checked into the Westin in Savannah.
Total Restoration Project. 71
Thanks everyone for your kind words.......3 1/2 years is a long time........ put 50 miles on her today....first miles in 33 years! She's going to Savannah.....hope the front spoiler fits.
Harmonic balancer help. Please?
Jeff.......I have 2 brand new comp single groove dampers. They were so tight I was afraid to "drive" them on. I had my machine shop hone them out to make an easier fit. I'll be happy to mail you one free of charge (half the prize money for winning your race) if you pm me your address. It'll have to be mailed when I get back from ZCON though. Let me know if you want one. Guy
Harmonic balancer help. Please?
Jeff....I would assume you could compare the TDC mark on a damper to a good one to see if the damper has failed. Don't know how else you could test it.
Harmonic balancer help. Please?
You can still buy a 79 (early 280) damper new from Nissan......it is about the same weight as the early Z's. Seems to me they were about $150.00. The single groove performance dampers from MSA are cheaper, but they fit so damned tight that if you're not lined up just right, they can drive out the woodruff key. I would go with the 79 280 damper (the timing mark can be filed into the damper). All IMO. Guy