Everything posted by Diseazd
73 240z shuts off while driving
I had the same problem once.....It was a loose connection on the coil. Take a pair of needle nose pliers and squeeze all the female connectors on the coil so they slide on snugly. See if that helps.
A Few Recent Pics of My Baby
Beautiful car Julio.....nice work!
Over Revved and no compression
You probably did bend a valve if you've got stock valve springs. Just run a compression check......if you bent a valve, you'll read "0" in that cylinder. If you put your finger over the plug hole and it didn't push compressed air against your finger, my guess is you're running "0" compression in that cylinder.
New engine smoking- What?
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37053 Read this......but once again, it's probably not the problem if you drove it for two years with no problem. PCV valve is a much easier fix. Also, when there is a lot of humidity in the air, your engine can have the appearance of smoking, when it's just condensation burning out of your exhaust system (clears up in 5 or so minutes). Check your plugs for oil if not PCV. Guy
New engine smoking- What?
Did you use a higher lift cam? If so did you check retainer to seal clearance? If not, your retainer could be pounding on your valve seals......any cam over .475 lift could cause a problem. The above Felpro seal that Zforce mentions would solve the problem (the seal is shorter than stock for increased clearance). Jon Mortenson has a good thread on that exact problem. Probably isn't your problem, but something to think about. Guy
compression Baaad. now what?
Double post
compression Baaad. now what?
I know this is an old post, but not only should you check for slack in the choke cable (off position), buy also put your hand under the carb and push up on the choke nozzle to make sure it doesn't have a little bind that prevents it from closing.
My steering wheel restore detailed.
Don't assume anything on this forum....that's why it's such a great source of info.....thanks for that tip.
My steering wheel restore detailed.
I found that thin layers of spar varnish (brushed on from a can), steel wooled with 000 between coats gave you a harder less tacky feeling than the spray-on MinWax polyurethane. Don't forget to mark your steering wheel before removing it so the pick-ups for the turn signals are returned correctly. All IMO.......Guy
Gauging interest in engine bolts
Absolutely motorman7........the quality is OEM and Eiji labels everything for you. He ships fast and is easy to deal with. He's builds a Heck of a motor too....really loves the L series motor. He's still working on his new website, but you can contact him @ eiji@datsunspirit.com Guy
Reproduction S30 fresh air intakes
Just received mine,,,,,WOW! They're perfect.......I hope he runs another 50 sets(maybe 100).....they're that good!!!
Gauging interest in engine bolts
I talked with Eiji today (Datsun Spirit) at the Richmond Car Show........he's still selling the original Nissan bolt kits. They're beautiful and everything is marked as illustrated above (Five and Dime). I've used them in my last 4 engine builds. I'm going to post his e mail info on Monday (I've got it at work). Guy
Gauging interest in engine bolts
Gary.......Yes....I'll see him tomorrow at the Richmond Car Show. I'll PM you his e mail address Monday. Guy
8TH Annual Ztoberfest Car Show
It's a really good show.....Eiji's bringing his new 73.....it's awesome!
cylinder heads
The early E88 is obviously no problem.....if using the later head with the larger exhaust valve, you should probably eyebrow the block for added clearance and flow if the block isn't overbored. The late 73's have the same bore size as the early Z's ......... not sure if they are eyebrowed from the factory for the larger exhaust valve.
cylinder heads
Yes to question #1. Question #2 E-31 has 42.5 cc combustion chambers....E88 has 44.7cc combustion chambers. E88 up to 7-73 has the same size valves, then the exhaust valve size was increased to 1.38 inches vs 1.30 inches on E88's before 7-73. The intake valves on both the E31 and E88 were 1.65 inches.
Paint Formulation for 920 Gold
My painter had the area under the windshield rubber to compare.....the match was amazing. You're right .....lighting makes a big difference.....from picture to picture can vary, but in person the match is exceptional.
White interior in 72
My brother used to live in Moscow, Idaho.......engineer with Monsanto. Good elk hunting!!!
White interior in 72
I once owned a 72 persimmon Z. The interior was white not off white!
8TH Annual Ztoberfest Car Show
Richmond ZCar Club is holding their 8th annual Z Car Show this Sunday at Victory Nissan in Richmond, Virginia.......address is: 11401 W.Broad St,; Richmond, Virginia.......time 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It's always a great show! For further info log on to www.richmondzcar.com
Paint Formulation for 920 Gold
Thanks.....I should be able to show some full outside paint soon....looking forward to seeing yours!
Paint Formulation for 920 Gold
My bodyman is painting my car as we speak......he said the single stage PPG wasn't a good match. He is using PPG Deltron 2 stage. If you need further info, I'll be glad to contact him for you. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25643&page=6 The color match is incredible!
Powdercoat or Paint it Black?
Rich.....We blasted to metal, acid etch primer, then my son Brandon sprayed my suspension with urethene. I wouldn't hesitate to acid etch prime then spray with multi light layers of Krylon, Dupli-color or some other high quality spray can paint. That stuff is real quality.....my air cleaner came out beautiful and super durable too! Guy
Reproduction S30 fresh air intakes
Floor plugs, firewall plugs etc.
73 auto-transmission pedal box
How about the wires to the auto tranny.......what do you do (which wires do you splice) to complete the starting circuit? Thanks Guy