Everything posted by Diseazd
- Need Help With Timing!
Need Help With Timing!
You can change the wires on the distributor or drop the oil pump and fix it right. You are 180 degrees out. Remember......firing order is counterclockwise. Make sure you are TDC COMPRESSION stroke.
Hagerty Finally Recognizes Japanese Sports Car Via Mr K!
Nothing more beautiful than the shape of the Datsun 240z! Well played Mr. K! I can hardly get enough of your Japanese cars! Thanks for the memories.
Newest addition to the garage.
Chuck sent me a picture. The 72 is ready.......this is a cell phone pic......I'll send better pics when I get her home!
Rocker Geometry Woes
It's always better to center wipe patterns with the actual lash pads you're going to use. Just order 5 or 6 lash pads .150, .160, .170, .180 etc. With a stock cam, it should be .120, .130, .140 etc. No telling with the company that built your head though. Valve retainers have different hat seat depths. Stock valve retainers are only deep enough for lash pads that are less than .170 inches.
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Just clean the float valve......if it's dirty, gas will discharge through your air cleaner and onto the floor, hopefully without disastrous results!
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Really cool car....both of them! What is it? A Jenson, Fiat? I give up.
Hose Hook-Up 1971 240
I used one of those snap on rubber wine bottle cork (sealer). they come in all kinds of colors.
Grant Piston Ring Quality Control (Gap Variation)
I agree with Westpak.....Total Seal are the best I've used.....I didn't use the gapless rings though.....just went with their regular rings. Nissan rings are my second choice......the oil rings and spacers are so nice on either set of rings. Hastings oil rings suck, as do ITM rings. I use Nissan rings with ITM Pistons and throw the rings away.
Datsunparts Llc - The Gall! (As My Grandma Used To Say)
I love it......It says "Not Actual Engine Shown". Of that you can be sure........you'll get an engine that resembles Frankenstein's brother!
Rocker Geometry Woes
.........use plenty of that zinc cam lube, and any other slick lube you can apply (). It'll protect both cam surfaces and rocker surfaces until that VR 1 arrives to do it's job! They look beautiful!
'72 240Z Rebuild
Thanks Steve......Z Doc builds a really nice head.....those stainless steel swirl valves look great don't they. Engines are a piece of art if done correctly.
'72 240Z Rebuild
Cliff.....I use a Nissan P79 head gasket. We drill out the orafice for the stock fuel pump and use the stock mechanical fuel pump. I always use the MSA turbo head bolts and the stock oil pump.
Rocker Geometry Woes
Stock lash pad thickness is just under .120 inches.......they are concave and sit down on the valve stem. New lash pads are usually flat across the bottom. If you were that far back on the wipe pattern, you'll need to start with a thicker lash pad (assuming the builder used a stock lash pad). I'd start by measuring the thickness of what he used ( you have to get inside the concave bottom to the flat top of the lash pad). Then I'd order one of each .130, .140, .150. ......then check the wipe pattern on each valve to make sure they all require the same lash pad. Put rocker and lash pad in an egg carton to keep in order.
L24 Vs L28, Both With N42 Head
Oh yes.....sorry to get off subject......Mike said his L28 block N42 head works without detonation. Why wouldn't you go for biggest displacement? The SU's are so simple and efficient.....you'll love em! If money isn't a problem, send em off to Ztherapy.....they'll come back like new. BTW, you said the L24 was bored over by .050 inches. I've never heard of a .050 over bore......010, .020, .030 , .040 and .060, but never .050 over. Is that right?
'72 240Z Rebuild
'72 240Z Rebuild
Getting my Dad's cherry picker tomorrow to pull the block out. I can't believe I wouldn't wait and get them both together. Stupid mistake I'll never repeat. No problem Cliff.......just put a section of chain on your hoist.......put a head bolt and washer through the chain on number 1 driver side and number 6 passenger side. The chain will rise up to the washers and stop......lift her out.
L24 Vs L28, Both With N42 Head
Good description Blue.......Just like driving a 911......engine in the back allows for a deeper sloping hood. Very neat!
Rocker Geometry Woes
Nice eh? Look at those jewels and tell me why you wouldn't use em. I wanted to make Brenda a necklace out of them.....too heavy!
Rocker Geometry Woes
Post pics of your rockers siteunseen.......I agree......they look like new, and break in like new.
L24 Vs L28, Both With N42 Head
Beautiful.........They are so fun to drive.....9000 rpm redline really is intoxicating. Mine sleeps with 5 Z's......Z's are pretty cool too...eh?
Zcon Roll Call
Steve....Thanks....I tried that 6 times......no luck. The only thing I can think of is that my user name is not my password. I tried everything....I suck at electricity and IT. I depend on you for that stuff.....don't ever leave the forum Steve. I just want to mail em the check and be done with it!
Zcon Roll Call
I haven't been able to register for ZCON......it won't let me log in.......says my email address is the same as a previously used email (probably from Savanah). I registered for 4 nights at the Hilton, and have emailed about the difficulty logging in to register for ZCON.......I hope I can just mail them a check if they can't get me signed on. Anyone else having trouble? I want to make sure I can get my share of the ZCON Tennessee Whiskey?
Rocker Geometry Woes
Couldn't prove it by me.....I sent 36 old rockers to them for back up, not counting the engines running them now. Every one looks like a brand new rocker......perfect. When I geometried the rockers, the marker lines wipe out perfectly straight on each end of the rockers.......they wouldn't do that if they weren't symetrical. Also, if you grind duration and lift on a camshaft, I would think the grind on a rocker would be a piece of cake.......of course it's important to send undamaged rockers. Finally, I've checked cam wear on all five of my engines......absolutely no wear whatsoever on the cam lobes or rockers. I'm a fan of Delta rockers.....at $3.00 each they are a real bargain! Of course this is IMO.......
Rocker Geometry Woes
Just wanted to post pics of my rockers from Delta Cams......I think they look awesome and have worked perfectly on all the engines I've installed them in.