Adrian - The search engine will be your best bet for research - all of us started there and all of us use it for a first go to when we are working on our cars. There are some very knowledgeable people on this site and as stated above, most of your questions have already been addressed, and resolved on previous dig in and let the fun begin! Dealing with your richness - your first step will be to make sure you carbs are set for the correct air/fuel ratio and are balance with the same air intake..........there is a tool you will need to purchase to assist with that balance. The air/fuel ratio can be done by several methods - again discussed in detail on 100's of past threads.............plug reading, exhaust popping, backfiring, just to name a few. The best way to adjust your carbs is to either have it dyno'd for A/F with an exhaust sniffer or to put a A/F meter in the car. Other than that it is really a little guessing using the tell tale signs mentioned above. Honestly you need to make sure your car is properly tuned first before working, setting, and balancing the carbs........... Keep us posted on your progress and enjoy the ride!