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Travel'n Man

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Everything posted by Travel'n Man

  1. I'm thinking of pulling my dash next winter and doing the same thing plus total HVAC restoration as well (just put in the Honda blower - big difference in fan volume) - keep us updated as I'm sure this thread will get eyed a lot...... Watch the video - pretty damn good and a lot of great info on how they restore dashes http://www.justdashes.com/
  2. I'm a rocker forever! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Derek- Hope this one helps - let me know if you are looking for something closer in.........
  4. Fired up my Z for the first time since November and took that bad boy for a spirited drive!! Running like a champ though all gears and RPM's! Winter projects included fuel tank electrical connections cleaned - rear fuel filter cleaned - Honda upgrade fan blower - Honda upgrade wiper motor - A/F Ratio gauge - Fresh Oil/Filter/Plugs - disassembled headlights, new adjusting screws - restored splash pan installation..........I love the driving season but I also enjoy the off-season to get some of my to-do list completed. Looking forward to ZDayZ at Tail of the Dragon http://zdayz.com/
  5. .......at this point it is too difficult to review all 15 pages to see if this has been tested but have you put in all new spark plugs to see if that could have the fix you are looking for. I got my Z out today - had a little stumble going on - changed the plugs and running and gunning great now.................just a thought.
  6. I have actually had cars ride side by side with me at 60MPH and the drivers pull our their cell phones and start clicking pictures! You gotta love it!
  7. Very interesting! Thanks for posting.......see, a person never has enough gadgets!
  8. I just upgraded to a Honda blower motor in my Z, check out the link below. Flat Black paint - a little simple wiring and your good to go............Welcome to the club! http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?20863-Honda-Civic-Heater-Blower-Motor-upgrade-for-240z-s-My-personal-take&highlight=honda+blower
  9. The Retro Sound One unit has an IPOD and USB port - best of both worlds. Check it out - I just added an Air Fuel Gauge next to my remote install in the glove box - looks pretty sharp and all hidden. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?37020-Retro-Sound-Install&highlight=retro+one
  10. Not wanting to go back through 14 pages of info to review, but my '72 does have two differnet SU's setting for fuel height........FYI
  11. Randy - Beautiful - hope you get every penny you're after on the sale!
  12. I have purchased a few items that were priced fairly and shipped quickly.
  13. 5.25" Shallow will work http://www.kenwoodusa.com/Car_Entertainment/eXcelon/Speakers/
  14. .................come on now - you gotta post a picture!!
  15. Rick - High school in the '70's was a blast (or at least the parts I remember were great!!)...............welcome to the site!
  16. If you currently own the N42 block why not just re-bore and put in flat tops........put then N42 head on and off you go! While you are in there you can add some other tweeks but since $ is low that would be the easiest and odds are the least expensive...........that way you will know you engine is good to go.
  17. Adrian - The search engine will be your best bet for research - all of us started there and all of us use it for a first go to when we are working on our cars. There are some very knowledgeable people on this site and as stated above, most of your questions have already been addressed, and resolved on previous threads.............so dig in and let the fun begin! Dealing with your richness - your first step will be to make sure you carbs are set for the correct air/fuel ratio and are balance with the same air intake..........there is a tool you will need to purchase to assist with that balance. The air/fuel ratio can be done by several methods - again discussed in detail on 100's of past threads.............plug reading, exhaust popping, backfiring, just to name a few. The best way to adjust your carbs is to either have it dyno'd for A/F with an exhaust sniffer or to put a A/F meter in the car. Other than that it is really a little guessing using the tell tale signs mentioned above. Honestly you need to make sure your car is properly tuned first before working, setting, and balancing the carbs........... Keep us posted on your progress and enjoy the ride!
  18. Great find and great save..........gotta agree...........get the wheels off. Keep us posted on your work and enjoy the ride!
  19. Call Dave Rebello - he is into these engines more than anybody else.......his knowledge is excellent and the end results are even better;) Let us know your findings. http://www.rebelloracing.com/
  20. One more thing - you may want to think about pulling your header and having it JETHOT coated. As sharp as your engine bay looks it would really put it over the top done in silver or black - just a thought. http://www.jet-hot.com/
  21. Noe - We will need to know more about your Mikuni set up please........... What size of Mikuni's do you have? Is your L24 modified? What Venturi? Are you dead heading your fuel return or is it returning to the tank? What Fuel Pump do your have and where are they placed? Do you have a Fuel Regulator and what is your pressure set to? Are you running a Fuel Filter(s)? How long have you owned the car with the Mikuni's? Is the air flow balanced? Do you know what your A/F ratio is? The more info you share the better any and all of us can try to assist..............
  22. Welcome - be sure to use the search engine - tons of past conversations that can assist with most or many of any issues you could possibly come up with.
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